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Detailed explanation of examples based on java TCP network communication

高洛峰 Original
2017-01-05 14:31:11 1688browse

There are two main network programming modes designed in JAVA: TCP and UDP. TCP belongs to instant communication, and UDP communicates through data packets. UDP involves the analysis and transmission of data. In terms of security performance, TCP is slightly better. Data loss is not easy to occur during the communication process. If one party is interrupted, the communication between the two parties will end. During the transmission of UDP data packets, if one party is interrupted, the data packet will have a large loss. It may be lost, and the order of the transmitted data packets may be out of order; in terms of efficiency, UDP is not just a little bit faster than TCP. If the terminal has a function to parse the data, the data packets will continue to flow. Send it over and feed it back.
The above is my own understanding. The following are two classes about TCP protocol communication;
Server class:

package TCP; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Server { //服务器端的输入流 static BufferedReader br; //服务器端的输出流 static PrintStream ps; //服务器相关的界面组件 static JTextArea text; JFrame frame; public Server(){ //服务器端的界面的实例化 JFrame frame=new JFrame("服务器端"); text=new JTextArea(); JScrollPane scroll =new JScrollPane(text); frame.add(scroll); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setSize(300,400); //这里设置服务器端的文本框是不可编辑的 text.setEditable(false); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ new Server(); //生成服务器界面 //通过服务器端构造函数 ServerSocket(port) 实例化一个服务器端口 ServerSocket server=new ServerSocket(2000); text.append("监听2000端口"+"\n"); //实例化一个接受服务器数据的对象 Socket client=server.accept(); br =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream())); ps =new PrintStream(client.getOutputStream()); String msg; //如果输入流不为空,将接受到的信息打印到相应的文本框中并反馈回收到的信息 while ((msg =br.readLine())!=null) { text.append("服务器端收到:"+msg+"\n"); ps.println(msg); if(msg.equals("quit")) { text.append("客户端“2000”已退出!"+"\n"); text.append("服务器程序将退出!"); break; } } ps.close(); br.close(); client.close(); } }

Client class:

package TCP; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.net.*; public class Client implements ActionListener{ //这里有两个图形界面,一个是连接的frame,另一个和服务器通信的界面frame1 private JFrame frame; private JLabel adress; private JLabel port; JTextField adresstext; JTextField porttext; JButton connect; private JFrame frame1; private JLabel shuru; private JPanel panel1; private JPanel panel2; private JLabel jieshou; JButton send; static JTextArea shurukuang; static TextArea jieshoukuang; //从服务端接受的数据流 static BufferedReader br1; //从客户端输出的数据流 static PrintStream ps; //从通信界面中的输入框接受的数据流 static BufferedReader br2; static Socket client; //将输入框字符串转换为字符串流所需的字符串的输入流 static ByteArrayInputStream stringInputStream ; public Client() { //连接界面的实例化 frame=new JFrame(); adress=new JLabel("IP 地址"); port =new JLabel("端口号"); adresstext=new JTextField("",10); porttext=new JTextField("2000",10); connect=new JButton("连接"); //连接界面的布局 frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(adress); frame.add(adresstext); frame.add(port); frame.add(porttext); frame.add(connect); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setSize(200,150); connect.addActionListener(this); //通信界面的实例化 frame1=new JFrame(); shuru=new JLabel("请输入"); shurukuang=new JTextArea("请输入····",5,40); panel1=new JPanel(); panel1.add(shuru); panel1.add(shurukuang); panel1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); send=new JButton("发送"); panel2=new JPanel(); jieshou=new JLabel("已接受"); jieshoukuang=new TextArea(8,60); jieshoukuang.setEditable(false); panel2.add(jieshou); panel2.add(jieshoukuang); panel2.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //通信界面都的布局 frame1.add(BorderLayout.NORTH,panel1); frame1.add(send); frame1.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH,panel2); //连接时通信界面是处于看不到的 frame1.setVisible(false); frame1.setSize(500,350); send.addActionListener(this); } //两个界面当中都有相应的按钮时间,为相应的时间添加动作 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==connect){ try { //当触发连接按钮时,实例化一个客户端 client=new Socket("",2000); //隐藏连接界面,显示通信界面 frame.setVisible(false); frame1.setVisible(true); jieshoukuang.append("已经连接上服务器!"+"\n"); } catch (IOException e1){ System.out.println("链接失败!"); e1.printStackTrace(); } } //通信界面中的发送按钮相应的时间处理 if(e.getSource()==send){ //将输入框中的字符串转换为字符串流 stringInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream((shurukuang.getText()).getBytes()); br2 =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stringInputStream)); String msg; try{ while((msg=br2.readLine())!=null){ ps.println(msg); //将输入框中的内容发送给服务器端 jieshoukuang.append("向服务器发送:"+msg+"\n"); jieshoukuang.append("客户端接受相应:"+br1.readLine()+"\n"); if(msg.equals("quit")) { jieshoukuang.append("客户端将退出!"); br1.close(); ps.close(); client.close(); frame1.setVisible(false); break; } } }catch(IOException e2){ System.out.println("读输入框数据出错!"); } shurukuang.setText(""); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ new Client(); //实例化连接界面 client=new Socket("",2000); //从服务端接受的数据 br1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream())); //从客户端输出的数据 ps =new PrintStream(client.getOutputStream()); } }

Finished There are still several questions for these two classes in the future:
1) Why does the main function have to be modified with static?
2) Why can’t the buffer object BufferedReader be used directly for judgment? The read data must be assigned to a string for operation?
3) In the Connect button event in the connection interface, I instantiated a client object, but when I commented out the sentence client=new Socket("",2000); in the main function, You will find that a NULLPOINTEXCEPTION exception is thrown. I don’t understand it?
I hope that some experts who read this article can give me some advice. I am also constantly flipping through "Think in java" hoping to find my answer in some inconspicuous corner.

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