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java inner class, anonymous inner class

2016-12-15 12:51:581495browse

Java internal classes are divided into 4 types:

1) Static internal classes: Classes modified by static are called static classes. Putting static classes inside a class is called static internal classes

Features: Can access the outside world: static methods /Static properties, cannot access instance resources


import inner.Foo.Koo;//Be sure to import the Koo static inner class

public class Demo9 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Koo koo = new Koo();




class Foo{

int a = 12;//Instance variable

static int aa=16;

public static void show(){ System.out.println("static method");}

//static inner class

static class Koo{

public void add(){

// System.out .println(a); Static inner classes cannot access instance resources (variables)


show();//Static inner classes can access static properties and methods of the outside world




2) Member inner class: Inside a class, a class without static modification is directly defined. When creating a member inner class object, the outer class must be created first.

Features: member inner class, can access external properties and methods


import inner.Foo1.Koo1;

public class Demo10 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

/ /Koo1 koo1 = new Koo1(); To create a member inner class, you must first create an external class object

Foo1 foo1 = new Foo1();

//Remember (written examination)

Koo1 koo1 = foo1. new Koo1();




class Foo1{

int a =12;

static int aa = 16;

class Koo1{

void show() {

System.out.println(a+" , "+aa);




3) Local internal classes: very rarely used, characterized by defining a class within a method (enterprise development Medium and rarely used)

Features: local inner class, when referencing external variables, the variable must be modified with final


public class Demo11 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

final int a = 12;

final int b = 13;

class Foo2{

int c = 16;

public int add(){

//In the local inner class, refer to external variables , then the variable must be modified with final

return a+b+c;



Foo2 foo2 = new Foo2();




4) Anonymous inner class: an inheritance of the original class

Features: used in combination with interfaces/abstract classes

eg new class name/interface name {

overridden method



public class Demo1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Koo koo = new Koo(){

// You can override the method

public String toString() {

Return "A Koo object is generated";


// New methods cannot be created in anonymous inner classes

// public void show(){

// System.out.println( "liu");

// }



// koo.show();



class Koo{


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