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HTML5 actual combat and analysis of media elements (3. Events and methods of media elements)

2017-02-13 13:27:101804browse

In addition to having many attributes, media elements in HTML5, video tags and audio tags can also trigger many events and methods. These methods monitor changes in different attributes, which may be the result of media playback or the result of user manipulation of the media. Let’s start with introducing events related to media elements.

abort: The triggering time is download interruption.

Canplay: Triggered when readyState value is 2 when playback is possible.

Canplaythrough: Triggered when the value of readyState is 3. Playback can continue and should not be interrupted when triggered.

Canshowcurrentframe: Triggered when the value of readyState is 1. Triggered when the current frame has been downloaded.

Dataunavailable: When playback cannot be performed because there is no data, the value of readyState is 0.

Durationchange: Event triggered by the change of the duration attribute value.

 emptied: The network connection is closed.

empty: An error occurred that prevented the media from being downloaded.

Ended: The media plays to the end and the playback stops (read-only)

error: A network error occurred during downloading.

Load: All media have been loaded at the trigger time. This event may be deprecated and it is recommended to use canplaythrough.

Loadeddata: The first frame of the trigger time media has been loaded.

Loadedmetadata: The element data of the trigger timing media has been loaded.

Loadstart: The download has started.

pause: The method is that the media starts to pause.

 play: The method is that the media starts playing.

 playing: The media has actually started playing.

Progress: Downloading.

ratechange: The speed of playing media changes.

Seeked:The search is over.

Seeking: Moving to a new location.

Stalled: The browser tried to download but did not receive the data.

Volumechange: The trigger time is when the volume attribute or muted attribute value has changed.

Waiting: The trigger time is to pause playback and wait for more data to be downloaded.

HTML5 actual combat and analysis of media elements (3. Events and methods of media elements) have been introduced to you. There are so many events to allow developers to smoothly create very user-friendly media playback and replace flash media without any pressure. For more relevant knowledge and content about HTML5, please pay attention to the relevant updates of Menglong Station.

The above is the content of HTML5 actual combat and analysis of media elements (3. Events and methods of media elements). For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (m.sbmmt.com)!


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