HTML cheat list
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HTML Basic Document
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>文档标题</title> </head> <body> 可见文本... </body> </html>Click the "Run Example" button to view the online example
Basic Tags
<h1>The largest title</h1>
<h2> . . . </h2>
< h3> . . . </h3>
<h4> . . . </h4>
<h5> . . . </h5>
<h6>The smallest title </h6>
<p>This is a paragraph. </p>
<br> (Line break)
<hr> (Horizontal line)
<!-- This is a comment -->
<h2> . . . </h2>
< h3> . . . </h3>
<h4> . . . </h4>
<h5> . . . </h5>
<h6>The smallest title </h6>
<p>This is a paragraph. </p>
<br> (Line break)
<hr> (Horizontal line)
<!-- This is a comment -->
Text Formatting
<b>Bold text</b>
<code>Computer code</code>
<em>Emphasis text< ;/em>
<i>italic text</i>
<kbd>Keyboard input</kbd>
<pre>Preformatted text</pre>
<small>Smaller text</small>
<strong>Important text</strong>
<abbr> (Abbreviation)
<address> ( Contact information)
<bdo> (text direction)
<blockquote> (section quoted from another source)
<cite> (title of work)
<del> ( Deleted text)
<ins> (Inserted text)
<sub> (Subscript text)
<sup> (Superscript text)
<code>Computer code</code>
<em>Emphasis text< ;/em>
<i>italic text</i>
<kbd>Keyboard input</kbd>
<pre>Preformatted text</pre>
<small>Smaller text</small>
<strong>Important text</strong>
<abbr> (Abbreviation)
<address> ( Contact information)
<bdo> (text direction)
<blockquote> (section quoted from another source)
<cite> (title of work)
<del> ( Deleted text)
<ins> (Inserted text)
<sub> (Subscript text)
<sup> (Superscript text)
Link (Links)
Normal links: <a href="">Link text</a>
Image links: < a href=""><img src="//" alt="Replacement text"></a>
Email link: <a href="">Send e-mail</a>
<a id="tips">Tips section</a>
< ;a href="//">Skip to tips</a>
Image links: < a href=""><img src="//" alt="Replacement text"></a>
Email link: <a href="">Send e-mail</a>
<a id="tips">Tips section</a>
< ;a href="//">Skip to tips</a>
<img src="//" alt ="replacement text" height="42" width="42">
Unordered list<style type="text/css"> h1 {color:red;} p {color:blue;} </style><div>Block-level elements in the document</div>
<span>Inline elements in the document< ;/span>
<ul> <li>项目</li> <li>项目</li> </ul>
<ol> <li>第一项</li> <li>第二项</li> </ol>
<dl> <dt>项目 1</dt> <dd>描述项目 1</dd> <dt>项目 2</dt> <dd>描述项目 2</dd> </dl>
<table border="1"> <tr> <th>表格标题</th> <th>表格标题</th> </tr> <tr> <td>表格数据</td> <td>表格数据</td> </tr> </table>
<iframe src="demo_iframe.htm"></iframe>
<form action="demo_form.php" method="post/get"> <input type="text" name="email" size="40" maxlength="50"> <input type="password"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked"> <input type="radio" checked="checked"> <input type="submit" value="Send"> <input type="reset"> <input type="hidden"> <select> <option>苹果</option> <option selected="selected">香蕉</option> <option>樱桃</option> </select> <textarea name="comment" rows="60" cols="20"></textarea> </form>
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> is equivalent to >
© is equivalent to ©
© is equivalent to ©