HTML color values
The color is composed of red (R), green (G), and blue (B).
Color values are expressed in hexadecimal as red, green, and blue (RGB).
The lowest value of each color is 0 (00 in hex) and the highest value is 255 (FF in hex).
The hexadecimal value is written as a # followed by three or six hexadecimal characters.
Three digits represent
颜色 3位十六进制颜色值 6位十六进制颜色值
RGB #000 #000000 rgb(0,0,0) #F00 #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0) #0F0 #00FF00 rgb(0,255,0) #00F #0000FF rgb(0,0,255) #FF0 #FFFF00 rgb(255,255,0) #0FF #00FFFF rgb(0,255,255) #F0F #FF00FF rgb(255,0,255) #888 #888888 rgb(136,136,136) #FFF #FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255)
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method is: #RGB, converted to 6 digits: #RRGGBB.
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