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What are the skills that MySQL must master? - Getting Started Guide

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2023-09-08 16:54:33 813browse

MySQL必须掌握的技能有哪些?- 入门指南

What are the skills that MySQL must master? - Getting Started Guide

Introduction: MySQL is a commonly used relational database management system that is widely used in the development of Web applications. Whether you are advancing your career or supporting your company's business, mastering MySQL skills is crucial. This article will introduce some basic concepts and common operations of MySQL to help readers get started and establish a solid database foundation.

1. Introduction and installation
MySQL is an open source database management system developed by the Swedish MySQL AB company and later acquired by Oracle. It supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc. To learn MySQL, you first need to install the MySQL software.

  1. Download the installation package suitable for your operating system from the MySQL official website (https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/).
  2. Execute the installation package and follow the prompts to install.
  3. After the installation is complete, you can enter the MySQL command line interface through the command line inputmysql -u root -p.

2. Basic operations

  1. Create database
    In MySQL, we can use theCREATE DATABASEstatement to create a database. For example, to create a database named "mydatabase", you can execute the following command:

    CREATE DATABASE mydatabase;
  2. Create table
    Create table is the basic unit of storing data in the database. We can use theCREATE TABLEstatement to create a table. The following is an example of creating a table named "students":

    CREATE TABLE students ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), age INT, gender VARCHAR(10) );
  3. Insert data
    Use theINSERT INTOstatement to insert data into the table. The following is an example of inserting a record into the "students" table:

    INSERT INTO students (id, name, age, gender) VALUES (1, 'Tom', 20, 'Male');
  4. Querying data
    Use theSELECTstatement to retrieve data from the table. The following is an example of querying all records in the "students" table:

    SELECT * FROM students;
  5. Update data
    Use theUPDATEstatement to update the data in the table. The following is an example of changing the name of the record with id 1 in the "students" table to "John":

    UPDATE students SET name='John' WHERE id=1;
  6. Delete data
    UseDELETE FROMstatement can delete data from the table. The following is an example of deleting records with gender "Female" in the "students" table:

    DELETE FROM students WHERE gender='Female';

3. Advanced operations

  1. Using indexes
    Index is an important means to improve database query efficiency. We can create an index in a table using theCREATE INDEXstatement. The following is an example of creating an index on the "age" column in the "students" table:

    CREATE INDEX idx_age ON students (age);
  2. Union query
    Union query is retrieved by joining two or more tables An operation on data. The following is an example of querying related data in the "students" table and "courses" table:

    SELECT students.name, courses.course_name FROM students JOIN courses ON students.id = courses.student_id;
  3. Using transactions
    A transaction is a set of SQL operations that either all execute successfully or All failed and rolled back. Using transactions ensures the consistency and reliability of data in the database. The following is an example of using transactions:

    START TRANSACTION; UPDATE account SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE id = 1; UPDATE account SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE id = 2; COMMIT;

Conclusion: MySQL is a powerful database management system. Through the study and practice of this article, I hope readers can master the basic operations and operations of MySQL. Some advanced usage. Continuing to learn MySQL in depth and applying these skills in actual projects will help you achieve better results in the field of database development.

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