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Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

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Introduction to Nginx

1.1 What is Nginx

Nginxis a high-performancehttpand reverse proxy server, which is characterized by small memory usage and strong concurrency capabilities.Nginxis specially developed for performance optimization. Performance is its most important consideration. It can withstand the test of high load. Reports indicate that it can support up to 50,000 concurrent connections.

1.2 Reverse proxy

Forward proxy: Configure the proxy server in the browser and access the Internet through the proxy server.

Reverse proxy: Send the request to the reverse proxy server, and the reverse proxy server selects the target server to obtain the data, and then returns it to the client. At this time, the reverse proxy server and the target server are one and the same to the outside world. server, what is exposed is the proxy server address.

1.3 Load Balancing

If the number of requests is too large and cannot be handled by a single server, we increase the number of servers and then distribute the requests to each On the server, the original request is concentrated on a single server and the request is distributed to multiple servers, which is load balancing.

1.4 Separation of dynamic and static pages

In order to speed up the parsing speed of the server, dynamic pages and static pages can be handed over to different servers for parsing to speed up the parsing speed. Reduce the pressure on a single server.

Second Nginx installation

Nginxrequires several dependency packages, namelypcre,openssl,zlib, you need to install these dependencies before installingnginx.

2.1 Install pcre dependencies

  1. ##Use command to download

    pcreCompressed package

  2. 1wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pcre/pcre/8.37/pcre-8.37.tar.gz
  1. Extract the compressed file

  2. 1tar -xvf pcre-8.37.tar.gz
  1. Enter the decompressed file Directory, execute the following command

  2. 1./configure
  1. Use the following command to compile and install

  2. 1make && make install
  1. Check the installed

    pcreversion number

1pcre-config --version

2.2 安装openssl,zlib等依赖

1yum -y install make zlib zlib-devel gcc-c++ libtool openssl openssl-devel

2.3 安装nginx

  1. nginx官网下载nginx,官网地址:https://nginx.org/download/;

  2. 将压缩包拖到服务器上;

  3. 使用命令tar -xvf nginx-1.12.2.tar.gz解压压缩包;

  4. 使用命令./configure检查;

  5. 使用命令make && make isntall编译安装;


2.4 启动nginx




Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

2.5 Nginx常用的命令


  • 查看nginx的版本号

1./nginx -v
  • 启动nginx

  • 关闭nginx

1./nginx -s stop
  • 重新加载nginx

1./nginx -s reload

2.6 Nginx的配置文件


1#user nobody; 2worker_processes 1; 3 4#pid logs/nginx.pid; 5 6events { 7 worker_connections 1024; 8} 9 10http { 11 include mime.types; 12 default_type application/octet-stream; 13 14 sendfile on; 15 #tcp_nopush on; 16 17 #keepalive_timeout 0; 18 keepalive_timeout 65; 19 20 #gzip on; 21 22 server { 23 listen 80; 24 server_name localhost; 25 26 location / { 27 root html; 28 index index.html index.htm; 29 } 30 } 31}




1worker_processes 1;




1worker_connections 1024;



nginxThe most frequent part of server configuration.httpGlobal block containshttp blockandserver block.

Three Nginx configuration reverse proxy

3.1 ngix proxy process

Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

Local browser accessesnginxserver,nginxserver reverse proxytomcatserver, when we requestnginxDirect access totomcat. The installation oftomcatwill not be discussed here. I installedtomcatandnginxon the same server.

3.2 配置ip和域名的绑定关系


147.104.xxx.xxx www.javatrip.com


Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

3.3 在nginx配置请求转发

1 server { 2 listen 80; 3 server_name localhost; 4 5 location / { 6 root html; 7 index index.html index.htm; 8 } 9 }


1server { 2 listen 80; 3 server_name 47.104.xxx.xxx; 4 5 location / { 6 root html; 7 proxy_pass; 8 index index.html index.htm; 9 } 10}



3.4 根据请求后缀分发



1server { 2 listen 7001; 3 server_name 47.104.xxx.xxx; 4 5 location ~ /dev/ { 6 proxy_pass; 7 } 8 9 location ~ /prod/ { 10 proxy_pass; 11 } 12}


Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started


  • = 严格匹配。如果这个查询匹配,那么将停止搜索并立即处理此请求。

  • ~ is a case-sensitive match (regular expressions available)

  • !~ is a case-sensitive non-match

  • ~* is case-insensitive matching (regular expressions available)

  • ## !~* is a case-insensitive mismatch

  • ^~ If this prefix is used with a regular string, then tells

    nginxif the path matches Then regular expressions are not tested.

Four Nginx configuration load balancing

4.1 What is load balancing

Load Balance means balancing and allocating loads (work tasks, access requests) to multiple operating units (servers, components) for execution. It is the ultimate solution to solve high performance, single point of failure (high availability), and scalability (horizontal scaling).

Now what we want to achieve is to distribute the requests to two tomcats respectively by accessing www.javatrip.com:7001/prod/a.html. First, we will

tomcat8080 Create a new folderprodonand put a filea.htmlin it. In this way, bothtomcat8081andtomcat8080will have aprodfile plus aa.htmlfile inside.

4.2 配置nginx.conf


1upstream myserver{ 2 server; 3 server; 4}


1server { 2 listen 80; 3 server_name 47.104.xxx.xxx; 4 5 location / { 6 root html; 7 proxy_pass http://myserver; 8 index index.html index.htm; 9 } 10}

4.3 测试效果


Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started

4.4 nginx支持的几种负载策略

  • 轮询(默认):每个请求按时间顺序逐一分配到不同的服务器,如果服务器down了,会自动剔除。

1upstream myserver{ 2 server; 3 server; 4}
  • weight(权重):默认为1,权重越高,分配的请求越多。

1upstream myserver{ 2 server weight=1; 3 server weight=2; 4}
  • ip hash:每个请求按访问ip的hash结果分配,这样每个访客固定访问一个后台服务器,可以解决session的问题。

1upstream myserver{ 2 ip_hash; 3 server; 4 server; 5}
  • fair(第三方):按后端响应时间进行分配,响应时间越短分配的请求越多。

1upstream myserver{ 2 server; 3 server; 4 fair; 5}


The above is the detailed content of Nginx super simple tutorial, just read this article to get started. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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