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How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

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fastdfs service establishment

First you need to install the gcc compiler:

yum -y install gcc-c++

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

Install the lib dependency package

tar -zxvf V1.0.43.tar.gz cd libfastcommon-1.0.43 ./make.sh ./make.sh install

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

ln -s /usr/lib64/libfastcommon.so /usr/local/lib/libfastcommon.so ln -s /usr/lib64/libfastcommon.so /usr/lib/libfastcommon.so ln -s /usr/lib64/libfdfsclient.so /usr/local/lib/libfdfsclient.so ln -s /usr/lib64/libfdfsclient.so /usr/lib/libfdfsclient.so

Install fastdfs service

tar -zxvf V6.06.tar.gz cd fastdfs-6.06 ./make.sh ./make.sh install

Configure Tracker service

mkdir -p /data/fastdfs/tracker cd /etc/fdfs cp tracker.conf.sample tracker.conf vim tracker.conf

The content to be modified is

#启用配置文件(默认启用) disabled=false #设置tracker的端口号,通常采用22122这个默认端口 port=22122 #设置tracker的数据文件和日志目录 base_path=/data/fastdfs/tracker #设置http端口号,默认为8080 http.server_port=80

Start the service

#启动 /usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf start

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

Check whether it is started

#查看启动端口 ss -ant | grep 22122

Check the startup log

#查看启动日志 tail -f /data/fastdfs/tracker/logs/trackerd.log

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service
Add boot startup

vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Add startup command

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service
If you find that it fails to start automatically after restarting, use the command

ll /etc/rc.d/rc.local

to check whether rc.local has executable permissions,If it does not have executable permissions, pass Command to authorize

chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Configure Storage service

mkdir -p /data/fastdfs/storage mkdir -p /data/fastdfs/storage/file cd /etc/fdfs cp storage.conf.sample storage.conf vim storage.conf

The content to be modified is

#启用配置文件(默认启用) disabled=false #组名,根据实际情况修改 group_name=group1 #设置storage的端口号,默认是23000,同一个组的storage端口号必须一致 port=23000 #设置storage数据文件和日志目录 base_path=/data/fastdfs/storage #存储路径个数,需要和store_path个数匹配 store_path_count=1 #实际文件存储路径 store_path0=/data/fastdfs/storage/file #tracker 服务器的 IP地址和端口号,如果是单机搭建,IP不要写127.0.0.1,否则启动不成功(此处的ip是我的CentOS虚拟机ip) tracker_server= #设置 http 端口号 http.server_port=8888

Start the service

#启动 /usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf start

View the startup port

#查看启动端口 ss -ant | grep 23000

View the startup log

#查看启动日志 tail -f /data/fastdfs/storage/logs/storaged.log

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

##Check whether the storage is successfully bound through the monitor

[root@localhost /]# /usr/bin/fdfs_monitor /etc/fdfs/storage.conf [2021-09-23 12:59:26] DEBUG - base_path=/opt/fastdfs_storage, connect_timeout=30, network_timeout=60, tracker_server_count=1, anti_steal_token=0, anti_steal_secret_key length=0, use_connection_pool=0, g_connection_pool_max_idle_time=3600s, use_storage_id=0, storage server id count: 0 server_count=1, server_index=0 tracker server is group count: 1 Group 1: group name = group1 disk total space = 6818 MB disk free space = 2169 MB trunk free space = 0 MB ……

Add to boot

vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local

In this file& #xff0c;Add startup command

/usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf start

Test verification

[root@localhost ~]# ps -ef|grep fdfs root 10335 17685 0 23:50 pts/3 00:00:00 grep --color=auto fdfs root 13335 1 0 13:17 ? 00:00:07 /usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf start root 15779 1 0 12:59 ? 00:00:04 /usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf

Test with fdfs client

cp /etc/fdfs/client.conf.sample /etc/fdfs/client.conf

You need to set the client configuration file when testing

vim /etc/fdfs/client.conf

After opening the file, make the following modifications in sequence:

#tracker服务器文件路径 base_path=/data/fastdfs/tracker #tracker服务器IP地址和端口号 tracker_server= # tracker 服务器的 http 端口号,必须和tracker的设置对应起来 http.tracker_server_port=80

After the configuration is completed, you can simulate the file upload,First put a file test.txt in the /data directory,Then execute the client Upload command attempts to upload:

/usr/bin/fdfs_upload_file /etc/fdfs/client.conf /data/test.txt

Single-machine redis service construction

1. Obtain redis resources, and decompress

tar xzvf redis-4.0.8.tar.gz

2. Install

cd redis-4.0.8 make cd src make install PREFIX=/usr/local/redis

3. Move the configuration file to the installation directory

cd ../ mkdir /usr/local/redis/etc mv redis.conf /usr/local/redis/etc

4. Configure redis to start in the background

vim /usr/local/redis/etc/redis.conf

Note , Change daemonize no to daemonize yes, and comment Remove bind,You can access it remotely

5. Add redis to the boot

vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Add content inside:

/usr/local/redis/bin/redis-server /usr/local/redis/etc/redis.conf

It means Call this command to start redis at boot.

6. Start redis

/usr/local/redis/bin/redis-server /usr/local/redis/etc/redis.conf

7. Copy redis-cli and redis-server to bin,so that the redis-cli command can Use

cp /usr/local/redis/bin/redis-server /usr/local/bin/ cp /usr/local/redis/bin/redis-cli /usr/local/bin/

directly in any directory 8. Set the redis password

a. Run the command:


b. View the existing redis password (optional Operation,optional)

Run command:

config get requirepass

If no password is set, the running result will be as shown below

How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

c. Set redis password

Run the command:

config set requirepass *******

(****** is the password you want to set),If the setting is successful 'OK' will be returned

d. Test the connection

Restart the redis service

//****为你设置的密码 redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a ****

You can also enter redis-cli to enter the command mode,Use auth '*****' (****The password set for you)Login

9. Allow the external network to access redis

a. Configure the firewall :

#开放6379端口 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6379/tcp --permanent #重启防火墙以使配置即时生效 systemctl restart firewalld #查看系统所有开放的端口 firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports

b. If remote access is still not possible:

Although the firewall has opened port 6379 at this time, the external network is still inaccessible because of redis What is monitored is, and does not monitor requests from the external network.

  1. Add # in front of bind in the redis.conf configuration file in the folder directory and comment out the

  2. command: ;After redis-cli is connected to redis, check whether both config get daemonize and config get protected-mode are no. If not, use config set to change the configuration name attribute to no.

Other redis-related common commands

Uninstall redis:

#停止redis pkill redis    #删除安装目录 rm -rf /usr/local/redis #删除所有redis相关命令脚本 rm -rf /usr/bin/redis-* #删除redis解压文件夹 rm -rf /root/download/redis-4.0.4

Report exception,Try to restart

Reason : Redis has been started

Solution: Turn off Redis and restart it

redis-cli shutdown redis-server &

Then you can see Redis running happily.



$redis-cli> keys * (empty list or set)> set key "hello world" OK> get key "hello world"


Redis是key-value数据库,支持五种数据类型:string(字符串),hash(哈希),list(列表),set(集合)及zset(sorted set:有序集合)。

当value是string类型,命令包括set get setnx incr del 等。

> set server:name "fido" // 设置键值 OK > get server:name // 获取键值 "fido" > setnx connections 10 // set if not exists OK > incr connections // 原子性增加values值 (integer) 11 > incr connections (integer) 12 > del connections // 删除key (integer) 1 > incr connections (integer) 1

当value是list类型,命令包括rpush lpush llen lrange lpop rpop del 等。

> rpush friends "Alice" // 在末尾追加 (integer) 1 > rpush friends "Bob" (integer) 2 > lpush friends "Sam" // 插入到开头 (integer) 3 > lrange friends 0 -1 // 返回列表的子集,类似切片操作 1) "Sam" 2) "Alice" 3) "Bob" > lrange friends 0 1 1) "Sam" 2) "Alice" > lrange friends 1 2 1) "Alice" 2) "Bob" > llen friends // 返回列表长度 (integer) 3 > lpop friends // 删除并返回列表第一个元素 "Sam" > rpop friends // 删除并返回列表最后一个元素 "Bob" > lrange friends 0 -1 1) "Alice" > del friends // 删除key (integer) 1 // 1表示成功,0表示失败

当value是set类型,命令包括sadd srem sismember smembers sunion del等。

> sadd superpowers "flight" // 添加元素 (integer) 1 > sadd superpowers "x-ray vision" (integer) 1 > sadd superpowers "reflexes" (integer) 1 > srem superpowers "reflexes" // 删除元素1 > sismember superpowers "flight" // 测试元素是否在集合中 (integer) 1 > sismember superpowers "reflexes" (integer) 0 > smembers superpowers // 返回集合中所有元素 1) "x-ray vision" 2) "flight" > sadd birdpowers "pecking" (integer) 1 > sadd birdpowers "flight" (integer) 1 > sunion superpowers birdpowers // 合并多个set,返回合并后的元素列表 1) "x-ray vision" 2) "flight" 3) "pecking" > del superpowers // 删除key (integer) 1

当value是zset类型,命令包括 zadd zrange del等,注意给value一个编号用于排序。

> zadd hacker 1940 "Alan Kay" // 给value指定一个编号,比如以年份1940作为编号 (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1906 "Grace Hopper" (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1953 "Richard Stallman" (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1965 "Yukihiro Matsumoto" (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1916 "Claude Shannon" (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1969 "Linux Torvalds" (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1957 "Sophie Wilson" (integer) 1 > zadd hacker 1912 "Alan Turing" (integer) 1 > zrange hacker 2 4 // 切片返回有序集合中元素 1) "Claude Shannon" 2) "Alan Kay" 3) "Richard Stallman" > del hacker // 删除key (integer) 1

当value是hash类型,hash类型可以理解为字典,需要给value指定一个field用于映射,命令包括hset hmset hget hgetall hdel hincrby del 等。

> hset user:1000 name "John Smith" // 给value指定一个field,比如name (integer) 1 > hset user:1000 email "john.smith@example.com" (integer) 1 > hset user:1000 password "s3cret" (integer) 1 > hgetall user:1000 // 获得hash表中所有成员,包括field和value 1) "name" 2) "John Smith" 3) "email" 4) "john.smith@example.com" 5) "password" 6) "s3cret" > hmset user:1001 name "Mary Jones" password "hidden" email "mjones@example.com" // 设置多个field和value OK > hget user:1001 name // 根据field获取value "Mary Jones" > hset user:1000 visits 10 // field可以映射到数字值 (integer) 1 > hincrby user:1000 visits 1 // 原子性增加value的值,增加1 (integer) 11 > hincrby user:1000 visits 10 // 增加10 (integer) 21 > hdel user:1000 visits // 删除field及其value (integer) 1 > hincrby user:1000 visits 1 (integer) 1 > del user:1000 // 删除key (integer) 1

设置和查看key的生命周期,key过期会被自动删除,命令包括expire ttl 等。

> set resource:lock "Redis Demo" OK > expire resource:lock 120 // 设置生命周期为120s (integer) 1 > ttl resource:lock // 查看当前生命周期还剩多少时间 (integer) 109 > ttl resource:lock // 120s后查看,返回-2表示已过期或不存在 (integer) -2 > set resource:lock "Redis Demo 2" OK > ttl resource:lock // 返回-1表示永不过期 (integer) -1



How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


打个比方,现在公司所有人都要填写一个表格,但是只有一支笔,这个时候就只能上个人用完了之后,下个人才可以使用,为了保证"笔"这个资源的可用性,只需要保证在接下来每个人的获取顺序就可以了,这就是 lock 的作用,当这支笔被别人用的时候,我就加 lock,你来了那就进入队列排队等待获取资源(非公平方式那就另外说了),这支笔用完之后就释放 lock ,然后按照顺序给下个人使用。

但是完全可以一个人一支笔对不对,这样的话,你填写你的表格,我填写我的表格,咱俩谁都不耽搁谁。这就是 ThreadLocal 在做的事情,因为每个 Thread 都有一个副本,就不存在资源竞争,所以也就不需要加锁,这不就是拿空间去换了时间嘛!

了解决redis线程池对象(笔),不能被多线程(多个人)共享访问的问题,通过 threadLocal.set() 方法,将redis线程池对象实例保存在每个线程,自己所拥有的 threadLocalMap中(生成多个副本)。


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service

import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; import java.util.List; public class RedisUtil { private RedisUtil() { } private static Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisUtil.class); ; protected static final ThreadLocal threadLocalJedis = new ThreadLocal(); //Redis服务器IP private static String ADDR_ARRAY = ReadProper.getResourceValue("spring.redis.host"); //Redis的端口号 private static int PORT = Integer.parseInt(ReadProper.getResourceValue("spring.redis.port")); //访问密码 private static String AUTH = ReadProper.getResourceValue("spring.redis.password"); //可用连接实例的最大数目,默认值为8; //如果赋值为-1,则表示不限制;如果pool已经分配了maxActive个jedis实例,则此时pool的状态为exhausted(耗尽)。 private static int MAX_ACTIVE = -1; //控制一个pool最多有多少个状态为idle(空闲的)的jedis实例,默认值也是8。 private static int MAX_IDLE = 16; //等待可用连接的最大时间,单位毫秒,默认值为-1,表示永不超时。如果超过等待时间,则直接抛出JedisConnectionException; private static int MAX_WAIT = 1000 * 5; //超时时间 private static int TIMEOUT = 1000 * 5; //在borrow一个jedis实例时,是否提前进行validate操作;如果为true,则得到的jedis实例均是可用的; private static boolean TEST_ON_BORROW = true; private static JedisPool jedisPool ; //默认的数据库为0 /** * redis过期时间,以秒为单位 */ public final static int EXRP_HOUR = 60 * 60; //一小时 public final static int EXRP_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24; //一天 public final static int EXRP_MONTH = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; //一个月 /** * 初始化Redis连接池,注意一定要在使用前初始化一次,一般在项目启动时初始化就行了 */ public static JedisPool initialPool() { JedisPool jp=null; try { JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig(); config.setMaxTotal(MAX_ACTIVE); config.setMaxIdle(MAX_IDLE); config.setMaxWaitMillis(MAX_WAIT); config.setTestOnBorrow(TEST_ON_BORROW); config.setTestOnCreate(true); config.setTestWhileIdle(true); config.setTestOnReturn(true); config.setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(-1); jp = new JedisPool(config, ADDR_ARRAY, PORT, TIMEOUT, AUTH); jedisPool=jp; threadLocalJedis.set(getJedis()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); } return jp; } public static void close(Jedis jedis) { if (threadLocalJedis.get() == null && jedis != null){ jedis.close(); } } // /** // * 在多线程环境同步初始化 // */ // private static synchronized void poolInit() { // if (jedisPool == null) { // initialPool(); // } // } /** * 获取Jedis实例,一定先初始化 * * @return Jedis */ public static Jedis getJedis() { boolean success = false; Jedis jedis = null; // if (jedisPool == null) { // poolInit(); // } int i=0; while (!success) { i++; try { if (jedisPool != null) { jedis=threadLocalJedis.get(); if (jedis==null){ jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); }else { if(! jedis.isConnected()&&!jedis.getClient().isBroken()){ threadLocalJedis.set(null); jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); } //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+":第"+i+"次获取成功#@利用了本地缓存redis"); return jedis; } }else { throw new RuntimeException("redis连接池初始化失败"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+":第"+i+"次获取失败!!!"); success = false; e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); } if (jedis!=null){ success=true; } if (i>=10&&i<20){ try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (i>=20&&i<30){ try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (i>=30&&i<40){ try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (i>=40){ System.out.println("redis彻底连不上了~~~~(>_<)~~~~"); return null; } } if (threadLocalJedis.get()==null){threadLocalJedis.set(jedis);} //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+":第"+i+"次获取成功@"); return jedis; } /** * 设置 String * * @param key * @param value */ public static void setString(String key, String value) { Jedis jo = null; try { value = StrUtil.isBlank(value) ? "" : value; jo = getJedis(); jo.set(key, value); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis服务器异常"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } /** * 设置 过期时间 * * @param key * @param seconds 以秒为单位 * @param value */ public static void setString(String key, int seconds, String value) { Jedis jo = null; try { value = StrUtil.isBlank(value) ? "" : value; jo = getJedis(); jo.setex(key, seconds, value); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis服务器异常"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } /** * 获取String值 * * @param key * @return value */ public static String getString(String key) { Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); if (jo == null || !jo.exists(key)) { return null; } return jo.get(key); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } public static long incrBy(String key, long integer) { Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); return jo.incrBy(key, integer); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } public static long decrBy(String key, long integer) { Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); return jo.decrBy(key, integer); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } //删除多个key public static long delKeys(String [] keys){ Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); return jo.del(keys); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } //删除单个key public static long delKey(String key){ Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); return jo.del(key); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } //添加到队列尾 public static long rpush(String key,String node){ Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); return jo.rpush(key,node); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } //删除list元素 public static long delListNode(String key,int count,String value){ Jedis jo = null; try { jo = getJedis(); return jo.lrem(key,count,value); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } } //获取所有list public static List getListAll(String key){ Jedis jo = null; List list=null; try { jo = getJedis(); list= jo.lrange(key,0,-1); } catch (Exception e) { threadLocalJedis.set(null); e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("redis服务器异常",e); throw new RuntimeException("redis操作错误"); } finally { if (jo != null) { close(jo); } } return list; } //清理缓存redis public static void cleanLoacl(Jedis jo){ threadLocalJedis.set(null); close(jo); } static { initialPool(); } }


webuploader:是一个以HTML5为主, Flash为辅的文件上传组件,采用大文件分片/并发上传的方式,极大地提高了文件上传的效率,同时兼容多种浏览器版本;


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service




How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service




How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


//上传操作 path = appendFileStorageClient.uploadAppenderFile(UpLoadConstant.DEFAULT_GROUP, file.getInputStream(),file.getSize(), FileUtil.extName((String) paramMap.get("name"))); //更新操作 appendFileStorageClient.modifyFile(UpLoadConstant.DEFAULT_GROUP, noGroupPath, file.getInputStream(),file.getSize(),historyUpload);



 cn.hutool hutool-all 5.0.6 


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


if (CollUtil.isNotEmpty(fileList)){ for (String e:fileList){ JSONObject jsonObject= JSONUtil.parseObj(e); jsonObjects.add(jsonObject); } }


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service


import cn.hutool.core.io.FileUtil; FileUtil.extName((String) paramMap.get("name")));

The above is the detailed content of How to build fastdfs service and stand-alone redis service. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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