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Java functional programming example analysis

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1. Lambda expression

1.1 Overview of functional programming ideas

In mathematics, a function is a set of calculation schemes with input and output quantities. That is, "operate with data"

Object-oriented thinking emphasizes that "things must be done in the form of objects"

Functional thinking emphasizes that Jinliang ignores the complex statements of object-oriented: "Emphasis What to do, not how to do it"

And the Lambda expression we want to learn is the embodiment of functional thinking

1.2 Experience Lambda expression

Requirements:Start a thread and output a sentence on the console: Multi-threaded program started

Method 1:

  • Definition A class MyRunnable interface, override the run method

  • Create an object of the MyRunnable class

  • Create a Thread class object, and use the MyRunnable object as a construction parameter Pass

  • Start thread

public class MyRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("多线程程序启动了"); } }
MyRunnable myRunnable = new MyRunnable(); Thread thread = new Thread(myRunnable); thread.start();

Method 2:

Based on method 1 Improvement, the way of using anonymous inner classes

new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("多线程程序启动了"); } }).start();

Method 3:

The way of Lambda expression improvement:

new Thread(() -> { System.out.println("多线程程序启动了"); }).start();

1.3 Standard format of Lambda expression

Code analysis of overriding run() method in anonymous inner class:

  • Method formal parameter is empty , indicating that there is no need to pass parameters when calling the method

  • The return value type of the method is void, indicating that no result is returned when the method is executed

  • in the method body The content is what we need to do specifically

new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("多线程程序启动了"); } }).start();

Code analysis of Lambda expression:

  • ():There is no content in it, it can be regarded as the method formal parameter is empty

  • ->:Use the arrow to point to the things to be done later

  • {}:contains a piece of code, which we call a code block, which can be regarded as the content of the method body

new Thread(() -> { System.out.println("多线程程序启动了"); }).start();

The three elements that make up a Lambda expression: formal parameters, arrows, and code blocks

Format of Lambda expression:

  • Format:(formal parameters) ->{code block}

  • Formal parameters:If there are multiple parameters, separate them with commas On; if there are no parameters, just leave it blank

  • ##->:consists of an underline and a greater than symbol in English, and is written in a fixed way. Represents the pointing action

  • Code block:is what we need to do specifically, which is the content of the method body we wrote before

1.4 Exercises of Lambda expressions

Prerequisites for using Lambda expressions

  • There is an interface

  • Interface There is and is only one abstract method

Exercise 1:

  • Define an interface (Eatable), which defines an Abstract method: void eat();

  • Define a test class (EatableDemo) and provide

    two methods in the test class:

    • One method is:useEatable(Eatable e)

    • One method is the main method, and the useEatable method is called in the main method

Define an interface:

public interface Eatable { void eat(); }

Method 1:Traditional interface implementation class

public class EatableImpl implements Eatable{ @Override public void eat() { System.out.println("一日三餐,必不可少"); } }
public class EatableDemo{ public static void main(String[] args) { Eatable eatable = new EatableImpl(); eatable.eat(); } private static void useEatable(Eatable eatable){ eatable.eat(); } }

Method 2:Anonymous inner class

public class EatableDemo{ public static void main(String[] args) { useEatable(new Eatable() { @Override public void eat() { System.out.println("一日三餐,必不可少"); } }); } private static void useEatable(Eatable eatable){ eatable.eat(); } }

Method 3:Lambda expression

public class EatableDemo{ public static void main(String[] args) { useEatable(()->{ System.out.println("一日三餐,必不可少"); }); } private static void useEatable(Eatable eatable){ eatable.eat(); } }

The running results are the same

Exercise 2:

  • Define an interface (Flyable), which defines an abstract method: void fiy(String s);

  • Define a test class (FlyableDemo) and provide two methods in the test class

    • One method is:useFlyable(Flyable f)

    • One method is the main method, and the useFlayable method is called in the main method

    public interface Flyable { void fly(String s); }

Exercise 3:

  • Define an interface (Addable), which defines an abstract method: int add(int x, int y);

  • Define a test class (AddableDemo ), provide two methods in the test class

    • One method is:useAddable(Addable a)

    • One method is the main method, and the useAddable method is called in the main method

    public class FlyableDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { useFlyable(new Flyable() { @Override public void fly(String s) { System.out.println(s); System.out.println("飞机可以起飞"); } }); System.out.println("--------------------"); useFlyable((String s)->{ System.out.println(s); System.out.println("飞机可以起飞"); }); } private static void useFlyable(Flyable flyable){ flyable.fly("风和日丽,晴空万里"); } }
    public interface Addable { int add(int x,int y); }
1.5 Omission mode of Lambda expression

Omission rules:

  • The parameter type can be omitted. If there are multiple parameters, you cannot omit just one

  • 如果参数有且仅有一个,那么小括号可以省略

  • 如果代码块的语句只有一条,可以省略大括号和分号,甚至时return

public class LambdaDemo5 { public static void main(String[] args) { //参数类型可以省略 useAddable((x, y) -> { return x + y; }); System.out.println("------------------------"); //如果只有一个参数,小括号也可以省略 useFlyable(s -> { System.out.println(s); }); System.out.println("------------------------"); //如果代码块的语句只有一条,可以省略大括号和分号(有return时要把return也去掉) useFlyable(s -> System.out.println(s) ); useAddable((x,y)->x+y); } private static void useFlyable(Flyable flyable) { flyable.fly("风和日丽,晴空万里"); } private static void useAddable(Addable addable) { int sum = addable.add(10, 20); System.out.println(sum); } }


1.6 Lambda表达式的注意事项


  • 使用Lambda必须要有接口,并且要求接口中有且仅有一个抽象的方法

  • 必须有上下文环境,才能推导出Lambda对应的接口

    • 根据局部变量的赋值得知Lambda对应的接口:Runnable r =() ->System.out.println(“Lambda表达式”);

    • 根据调用方法的参数得知Lambda对应的接口:new Thread(()->System.out.println(“Lambda表达式”)).start();

public interface Inter { void show(); }
public class LambdaDemo6 { public static void main(String[] args) { useInter(()-> System.out.println("Lambda表达式") ); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("匿名内部类"); } }).start(); Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Lambda表达式"); new Thread(r).start(); new Thread(()-> System.out.println("Lambda表达式") ).start(); } private static void useInter(Inter inter){ inter.show(); } }

1.7 Lambda表达式和匿名内部类的区别


  • 匿名内部类:可以是接口,也可以是抽象类,还可以是具体类

  • Lambda表达式:只能是接口


  • 如果接口中有且仅有一个抽象方法,可以使用Lambda表达式,也可以使用匿名内部类

  • 如果接口中多于一个抽象方法,只能使用匿名内部类,而不能使用Lambda表达式


  • 匿名内部类:编译之后,产生一个单独的.class字节码文件

  • Lambda表达式:编译之后,没有一个单独的.class字节码文件,对应的字节码会在运行的时候动态生成


1.1 接口组成更新概述


  • 常量:public static final

  • 抽象方法:public abstract

  • 默认方法(Java 8)

  • 静态方法(Java 8)

  • 私有方法 (Java 8)

1.2 接口中默认方法


  • 格式:public default 返回值类型 方法名(参数列表){}

  • 范例:public default void show3(){}


  • 默认方法不是抽象方法,所以不强制被重写。但是可以被重写,重写的时候去掉default关键字

  • public可以省略,default不能重写

public interface MyInterface { void show1(); void show2(); default void show3(){ System.out.println("show3"); } }
public class MyInterfaceImplOne implements MyInterface{ @Override public void show1() { System.out.println("One show1"); } @Override public void show2() { System.out.println("One show2"); } }
public class MyInterfaceImplTwo implements MyInterface{ @Override public void show1() { System.out.println("Two show1"); } @Override public void show2() { System.out.println("Two show2"); } }
public class InterfaceDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { MyInterface myInterface = new MyInterfaceImplOne(); myInterface.show1(); myInterface.show2(); myInterface.show3(); System.out.println("------------------"); MyInterface myInterface2 = new MyInterfaceImplTwo(); myInterface2.show1(); myInterface2.show2(); myInterface2.show3(); } }


One show1
One show2
Two show1
Two show2

1.3 接口中静态方法


  • 格式:public static 返回值类型 方法名(参数列表){ }

  • 范例:public static void show(){ }


  • 静态方法只能通过接口名调用,不能通过实现类名或者对象名调用

  • public可以省略,static不能省略

public interface Inter { void show(); default void method() { System.out.println("Inter 中的默认方法执行了"); } public static void test(){ System.out.println("Inter 中的静态方法执行了"); } }
public class InterImpl implements Inter{ @Override public void show() { System.out.println("show方法执行了"); } }
public class InterDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Inter inter = new InterImpl(); inter.show(); inter.method(); Inter.test(); } }

1.4 接口中私有方法

Java 9中新增了带方法体的私有方法,这其实在Java 8中就埋下了伏笔:Java 8允许在接口中定义带方法体的默认方法和静态方法。这样可能就会引发一个问题:当两个默认方法或者静态方法中包含一段相同的代码实现时,程序必然考虑将这段实现代码抽取成一个共性方法,而这个共性方法时不需要让别人使用的,因此用私有给隐藏起来,这就是Java 9增加私有方法的必然性。


  • 格式1:private 返回值类型方法名(参数列表){ }

  • 范例1:private void show(){ }

  • 格式2:private static 返回值类型 方法名(参数列表){ }

  • 范例2:private static void method(){ }


  • 默认方法可以调用私有的静态方法和非静态方法

  • 静态方法只能调用私有的静态方法

public interface Inter { default void show1(){ System.out.println("show1开始执行"); method(); System.out.println("show1结束执行"); } default void show2(){ System.out.println("show2开始执行"); method(); System.out.println("show2结束执行"); } static void method1(){ System.out.println("method1开始执行"); method(); System.out.println("method1结束执行"); } static void method2(){ System.out.println("method2开始执行"); method(); System.out.println("method2结束执行"); } static void method(){ System.out.println("初级工程师"); System.out.println("中级工程师"); System.out.println("高级工程师"); } }
public class InterImpl implements Inter{ }
public class InterDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Inter inter = new InterImpl(); inter.show1(); System.out.println("------------------------"); inter.show2(); System.out.println("------------------------"); Inter.method1(); System.out.println("------------------------"); Inter.method2(); } }


1.1 体验方法引用


public interface Printable { void printString(String s); }
public class PrintableDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { usePrintable(s-> System.out.println(s) ); usePrintable(System.out::println); } private static void usePrintable(Printable p){ p.printString("hello world"); } }

1.2 方法引用符

  • ::该符号为引用运算符,而它所在表达式被称为方法引用符

  • Lambda表达式:usePrintable(s->System.out.println(s));


  • 方法引用:usePrintable(System.out::println);



  • 如果使用Lambda,那么根据“可推导就是可省略”的原则,无需指定参数类型,也无需指定的重载形式,它们都将被自动推导

  • 如果使用方法引用,也同要可以根据上下文进行推导

  • 方法引用是Lambda的孪生兄弟

public interface Printable { void printInt(int i); }
public class PrintableDemo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { usePrintable(i -> System.out.println(i)); usePrintable(System.out::println); } private static void usePrintable(Printable printable){ printable.printInt(1); } }

1.3 Lambda表达式支持的方法引用


  • 引用类方法

  • 引用对象的实例方法

  • 引用类的实例方法

  • 引用构造器

1.4 引用类方法


  • 格式:类名::静态方法

  • 范例:Integer::parseInt

    • Integer类的方法:public static int parsenInt(String s),将此String转换为int类型数据

    • Lambda表达式被类方法替代的时候,它的形式参数全部传递给静态方法作为参数

public interface Converter { int convert(String s); }
public class ConverterDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { useConverter(s -> Integer.parseInt(s)); useConverter(Integer::parseInt); } private static void useConverter(Converter c) { int number = c.convert("666"); System.out.println(number); } }

1.5 引用对象的实例方法


  • 格式:对象::成员方法

  • 范例:“HelloWorld"::toUpperCase

  • String 类中的方法:public String toUpperCase()将此String所有字符转为大写

  • Lambda表达式被对象的实例方法替代的时候,它的形式参数全部传递给该方法作为参数

public interface Printer { void printUpperCase(String s); }
public class PrintString { public void printUpper(String s){ String result = s.toUpperCase(); System.out.println(result); } }
public class PrinterDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { usePrinter(s -> System.out.println(s.toUpperCase())); PrintString printString = new PrintString(); usePrinter(printString::printUpper); } private static void usePrinter(Printer printer) { printer.printUpperCase("HelloWorld"); } }

1.6 引用类的实例方法


  • 格式:类名::成员方法

  • 范例:String::substring

  • String类中的方法:public String subString(int beginIndex,int endIndex)从beginIndex开始到endIndex结束,截取字符串。返回一个子串,字串的长度为endIndex-beginIndex

  • Lambda表达式被类的实例方法替代的时候,第一个参数作为调用者,后面的参数全部传递给该方法作为参数

public interface MyString { String mySubString(String s, int x, int y); }
public class MyStringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { useMyString((s, x, y) -> s.substring(x, y)); useMyString(String::substring); } private static void useMyString(MyString myString){ String s = myString.mySubString("HelloWorld", 5, 10); System.out.println(s); } }

1.7 引用构造器


  • 格式:类名::new

  • 范例:Student::new

  • Lambda表达式被构造器代替的时候,它的形式参数全部传递给构造器作为参数

public class Student { private String name; private int age; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public Student() { } public Student(String name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } }
public interface StudentBuilder { Student build(String name,int age); }
public class StudentDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { useStudentBuilder((name, age) -> new Student(name,age)); useStudentBuilder(Student::new); } private static void useStudentBuilder(StudentBuilder studentBuilder){ Student student = studentBuilder.build("xuanxuan", 22); System.out.println(student.getName()+","+student.getAge()); } }


1.1 函数接口概述





  • @FunctionalInterface

  • 放在接口定义的上方:如果接口是函数接口,编译通过;如果不是,编译失败



@FunctionalInterface public interface MyInterface { void show(); }
public class MyInterfaceDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { MyInterface myInterface = ()-> System.out.println("函数式接口"); myInterface.show(); } }

1.2 函数式接口作为方法的参数


startThread(() -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程启动了"));
public class RunnableDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { startThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程启动了"); } }); startThread(() -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程启动了")); startThread(()->{ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程启动了"); }); } private static void startThread(Runnable runnable) { new Thread(runnable).start(); } }

1.3 函数式接口作为方法的返回值


private static Comparator getComparator() { return (s1,s2) -> s1.length() - s2.length(); }
public class ComparatorDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add("ccc"); arrayList.add("aa"); arrayList.add("dddd"); arrayList.add("b"); System.out.println("排序前" + arrayList); Collections.sort(arrayList); System.out.println("排序后" + arrayList); Collections.sort(arrayList, getComparator()); System.out.println("使用定义比较器排序方法后:" + arrayList); } private static Comparator getComparator() { // return new Comparator() { // @Override // public int compare(String s1, String s2) { // return s1.length() - s2.length(); // } // }; return (s1,s2) -> s1.length() - s2.length(); } }

1.4 常用的函数式接口

Java 8 在java.util.function包下预定了大量的函数式接口供我们使用,常用如下:

  • Supplier接口

  • Consumer接口

  • Predicate接口

  • Function接口

1.5 Supplier接口


  • T get():获得结果

  • 该方法不需要参数,它会按照某种实现逻辑(由Lambda表达式实现)返回一个数据

  • Supplier 接口也被称为生产型接口,如果我们指定了接口的泛型是什么类型,那么接口中的get方法就会生产什么类型的数据供我们使用

public class SupplierDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = getString(() -> "xuanxuan"); System.out.println(s); Integer i = getInteger(() -> 666); System.out.println(i); } public static String getString(Supplier supplier) { return supplier.get(); } public static Integer getInteger(Supplier supplier) { return supplier.get(); } }


public class SupplierDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = new int[]{17, 28, 49, 21, 32, 66}; int maxNumber = getMax(() -> { int max = arr[0]; for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { if (max < arr[i]) { max = arr[i]; } } return max; }); System.out.println("数组中的最大值是:" + maxNumber); } private static int getMax(Supplier supplier) { return supplier.get(); } }

1.6 Consumer接口


  • void accept(T t):对给定的参数执行此操作

  • default Consumer andThen(Consumer after):返回一个组合的Consumer,依次执行此操作,然后执行after操作

  • Consumer 接口也被称为消费型接口,它消费的数据类型由泛型指定

public class ConsumerDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { operatorString("abc", s -> System.out.println(s)); operatorString("abc", System.out::println); operatorString("abc", s -> System.out.println(new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString())); System.out.println("----------------------------------"); operatorString("abc", s -> System.out.println(s), s -> System.out.println(new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString())); } private static void operatorString(String name, Consumer consumer) { consumer.accept(name); } private static void operatorString(String name, Consumer consumer1, Consumer consumer2) { // consumer1.accept(name); // consumer2.accept(name); consumer1.andThen(consumer2).accept(name); } }



public class ConsumerDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] arr = new String[]{"abc,30", "cbd,35", "dna,33"}; printInfo(arr, s -> System.out.print("姓名:" + s.split(",")[0] + ","), s -> System.out.println("年龄:" + Integer.parseInt(s.split(",")[1]))); } private static void printInfo(String[] arr, Consumer consumer1, Consumer consumer2) { for (String s : arr) { consumer1.andThen(consumer2).accept(s); } } }

1.7 Predicate接口


Java functional programming example analysis


public class PredicateDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean b1 = checkString("hello", s -> s.length() > 5); System.out.println(b1); boolean b2 = checkString("helloworld", s -> s.length() > 8); System.out.println(b2); boolean b3 = checkString("hello", s -> s.length() > 5, s -> s.length() > 8); System.out.println(b3); boolean b4 = checkString("helloworld", s -> s.length() > 5, s -> s.length() > 8); System.out.println(b4); } private static boolean checkString(String s, Predicate predicate) { return predicate.test(s); } private static boolean checkString(String s, Predicate predicate, Predicate predicate2) { // return predicate.and(predicate2).test(s); return predicate.or(predicate2).test(s); } }


  • String[] strArray ={“孙悟空,30”,“唐僧,36”,“沙僧,34”,“猪八戒,32”,“白骨精,5000”}

  • 字符串数组中有多条信息,请通过Predicate接口的拼装将符合要求的字符串筛选到集合ArrayLitst中,并遍历ArrayLitst集合

  • 同时满足如下要求:name长度大于2,age大于33

public class PredicateDemo3 { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] strArray = new String[]{"孙悟空,30", "唐僧,36", "沙僧,34", "猪八戒,32", "白骨精,5000"}; ArrayList arrayList = myFilter(strArray, s -> s.split(",")[0].length() > 2, s -> Integer.parseInt(s.split(",")[1]) > 33); System.out.println("name长度大于2,age大于33有:"); for (String s : arrayList) { System.out.print("name:" + s.split(",")[0] + ","); System.out.println("age:" + Integer.parseInt(s.split(",")[1])); } } private static ArrayList myFilter(String[] strArray, Predicate predicate1, Predicate predicate2) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (String s : strArray) { if (predicate1.and(predicate2).test(s)) { arrayList.add(s); } } return arrayList; } }

1.8 Function接口

Function 两个常用方法:

Java functional programming example analysis

Function 接口通常用于对参数进行处理,转换(处理逻辑由Lambda表达式实现)然后返回一个新的值


public class FunctionDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { convert("100", s -> Integer.parseInt(s)); convert("100", Integer::parseInt); convert(100, i -> String.valueOf(100 + i)); convert("100", s -> Integer.parseInt(s), i -> String.valueOf(i + 566)); } //定义一个方法,把一个int类型的数据加上一个整数之后,转为字符串在控制台输出 private static void convert(String s, Function function) { Integer i = function.apply(s); System.out.println(i); } //定义一个方法,把一个int类型的数据加上一个整数之后,转为字符串在控制台输出 private static void convert(int i, Function function) { String s = function.apply(i); System.out.println(s); } //定义一个方法,把一个字符串转换为int类型,把int类型的数据加上一个整数之后,转为字符串在控制台输出 private static void convert(String s, Function function1, Function function2) { String ss = function2.apply(function1.apply(s)); System.out.println(ss); } }


public class FunctionDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "孙悟空,30"; convert(s, s1 -> s1.split(",")[1], s1 -> Integer.parseInt(s1) + 70); } private static void convert(String s, Function function1, Function function2) { Integer i = function2.apply(function1.apply(s)); System.out.println(i); } }


1.1 体验Stream流


  • 创建一个集合,存储多个字符串元素

  • 把集合中所有以“张”开头的元素存储到一个新的集合再

  • 把长度为3的元素存储到一个新集合

  • 最后遍历上一步得到的集合


  • 直接阅读代码的字面意思即可完美展示无关逻辑方式的语义:生成流、过滤姓氏、过滤长度为3、逐一打印

  • Stream流把真正的函数式编程风格引入到java中

list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("张")).filter(s -> s.length() == 3).forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));
public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList
        list = new ArrayList
         (); list.add("张飞"); list.add("张三丰"); list.add("张三"); list.add("李四"); list.add("孙悟空"); list.add("张一飞"); ArrayList
          zhangList = new ArrayList
           (); for (String s : list) { if (s.startsWith("张")) { zhangList.add(s); } } ArrayList
            treeList = new ArrayList
             (); for (String s : zhangList) { if (s.length() == 3) { treeList.add(s); } } for (String s : treeList) { System.out.println(s); } System.out.println("-------------------------------"); //Stream流改进 list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("张")).filter(s -> s.length() == 3).forEach(s -> System.out.println(s)); } }

1.2 Stream流的生成方式










default Stream stream()
  • Map体系的集合间接的生成流

  • 数组可以通过Stream接口的静态方法of(T…values)生成流

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { List list = new ArrayList(); Stream listStream = list.stream(); Set set = new HashSet(); Stream setStream = set.stream(); Map map = new HashMap(); Stream keyStream = map.keySet().stream(); Stream valueStream = map.values().stream(); Stream> entryStream = map.entrySet().stream(); String[] strArray = {"hello", "world", "java"}; Stream strArrayStream = Stream.of(strArray); Stream strArrayStream2 = Stream.of("hello", "world", "java"); Stream strArrayStream3 = Stream.of(10, 20, 30); } }

1.3 Stream流的常见中间操作方法

  • Stream filter(Predicate predicate):用于对流中的数据进行过滤

  • Predicate接口中的方法:boolean test(T t):对给定的参数进行判断,返回一个布尔值

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("张飞"); list.add("张三丰"); list.add("张三"); list.add("李四"); list.add("孙悟空"); list.add("张一飞"); list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("张")).forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("----------------------"); list.stream().filter(s -> s.length() == 3).forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("----------------------"); list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("张")).filter(s -> s.length() == 3).forEach(System.out::println); } }
  • Stream limit(long maxSize):返回此流中的元素组成的流,截取前指定参数个数的数据

  • Stream skip(long n):跳过指定参数个数的数据,返回由该流的剩余元素组成的流

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("张飞"); list.add("张三丰"); list.add("张三"); list.add("李四"); list.add("孙悟空"); list.add("张一飞"); //取前三个数据在控制台输出 list.stream().limit(3).forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("-----------------------------"); //跳过2个元素,把剩下的元素在控制台上输出 list.stream().skip(2).forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("-----------------------------"); //跳过2个元素并将剩下元素的前两个元素在控制台上输出 list.stream().skip(2).limit(2).forEach(System.out::println); } }
  • Stream Stream concat(Stream a,Stream b):合并a和b两个流为一个流

  • Stream distinct:返回由该流的不同元素(根据Objectequals(Object))组成的流

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("张飞"); list.add("张三丰"); list.add("张三"); list.add("李四"); list.add("孙悟空"); list.add("张一飞"); //需求1:取前4个数据组成一个流 Stream limitStream = list.stream().limit(4); //需求2:跳过2个数据组成一个流 Stream skipStream = list.stream().skip(2); //需求3:合并需求1和需求2得到的流,并把结果在控制台输出 // Stream.concat(limitStream,skipStream).forEach(System.out::println); //需求4:合并需求1和需求2得到的流,并把结果在控制台输出,要求字符串元素不能重复 Stream.concat(limitStream,skipStream).distinct().forEach(System.out::println); } }
  • Stream sorted():返回由此流的元素组成的流,根据自然顺序排序

  • Stream sorted(Comparator comparator):返回由该流的元素组成的流,根据提供的Comparator进行排序

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("zhangfei"); list.add("zhangsanfeng"); list.add("zhangsan"); list.add("lisi"); list.add("sunwukong"); list.add("zhangyifei"); //需求1:按照字母顺序把数据在控制台输出 list.stream().sorted().forEach(System.out::println); //需求2:按照字符串长度把数据在控制台输出 list.stream().sorted((s1, s2) -> { int num = s1.length() - s2.length(); int num2 = num == 0 ? s1.compareTo(s2) : num; return num2; }).forEach(System.out::println); } }
  • Stream map(Function mapper):返回由给定函数应用于此流的元素的结果组成的流(Function接口中的方法 R apply(T t))

  • IntStream mapToInt(ToIntFunction mapper):返回一个IntStream其中包含将给定函数应用于此流的元素的结果

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("10"); list.add("20"); list.add("30"); list.add("40"); list.add("50"); // list.stream().map(s -> Integer.parseInt(s)).forEach(System.out::println); list.stream().map(Integer::parseInt).forEach(System.out::println); list.stream().mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).forEach(System.out::println); int result = list.stream().mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).sum(); System.out.println(result); } }

1.4 Stream流的常见终结操作方法

  • void forEach(Consumer action):对此流的每个元素执行操作(Consumer接口中的方法 void accept(T t):对给定的参数执行此操作)

  • long count():返回此流中的元素数

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("张飞"); list.add("张三丰"); list.add("张三"); list.add("李四"); list.add("孙悟空"); list.add("张一飞"); //需求1:把集合中的元素在控制台输出 list.stream().forEach(System.out::println); //需求2:统计集合中有几个姓张的元素并在控制台输出 list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("张")).forEach(System.out::println); } }

1.5 Stream流的练习


  • 男演员只要名字为3个字的前三人

  • 女演员只要姓林的,并且不要第一个

  • 把过滤后的男演员姓名和女演员姓名合并到一起

  • 把上一步操作后的元素作为构造方法的参数创建演员对象,遍历数据(演员类Actor已经提供,里面有一个成员变量,一个带参构造方法,以及成员变量对应的get/set方法)

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList manList = new ArrayList(); manList.add("周润发"); manList.add("成龙"); manList.add("刘德华"); manList.add("吴京"); manList.add("周星驰"); manList.add("李连杰"); ArrayList womanList = new ArrayList(); womanList.add("林心如"); womanList.add("张曼玉"); womanList.add("林青霞"); womanList.add("柳岩"); womanList.add("林志玲"); womanList.add("王祖贤"); //男演员只要名字为3个字的前三人 Stream manStream = manList.stream().filter(s -> s.length() == 3).limit(3); //女演员只要姓林的,并且不要第一个 Stream womanStream = womanList.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("林")).skip(1); //把过滤后的男演员姓名和女演员姓名合并到一起 Stream stream = Stream.concat(manStream, womanStream); //把上一步操作后的元素作为构造方法的参数创建演员对象,遍历数据 stream.map(Actor::new).forEach(p -> System.out.println(p.getName())); System.out.println("------------------------------------"); //改进 Stream.concat(manList.stream().filter(s -> s.length() == 3).limit(3), womanList.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("林")).skip(1)).map(Actor::new).forEach(p -> System.out.println(p.getName())); } }

1.6 Stream流的收集操作



  • R collect(Collector collector)

  • 但是这个收集方法的参数是一个Collector接口


  • public static Collector toList():把元素收到List集合中

  • public static Collector toSet():把元素收集到Set集合中

  • public static Collector toMap(Function keyMapper,Function valueMapper):把元素收集到Map集合中

public class StreamDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("张飞"); list.add("张三丰"); list.add("张三"); list.add("李四"); list.add("孙悟空"); list.add("张一飞"); //需求1:得到名字为3个字的流 Stream listStream = list.stream().filter(s -> s.length() == 3); //需求2:把使用Stream流操作完毕的数据收集到List集合中并遍历 List collect = listStream.collect(Collectors.toList()); for (String s : collect) { System.out.println(s); } Set set = new HashSet(); set.add(10); set.add(20); set.add(30); set.add(33); set.add(35); //需求3:得到年龄大于25的流 Stream integerStream = set.stream().filter(age -> age > 25); //需求4:把使用Stream流操作完毕的数据收集到Set集合中并遍历 Set collect2 = integerStream.collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (Integer i : collect2) { System.out.println(i); } String[] strArray = {"张飞,28", "张三丰,33", "张三,26", "李四,44"}; //需求5:得到字符串年龄中数据大于28的流 Stream stringStream = Stream.of(strArray).filter(s -> Integer.parseInt(s.split(",")[1]) > 28); //需求6:把使用Stream流操作完毕的数据收集到Map集合中并遍历,字符串的姓名作为键,年龄作为值 Map map = stringStream.collect(Collectors.toMap(s -> s.split(",")[0], s -> Integer.parseInt(s.split(",")[1]))); Set keySet = map.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) { Integer value = map.get(key); System.out.println(key + "," + value); } } }

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