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How to convert html color

2023-04-24 14:49:032182browse

HTML Color Conversion

The colors in HTML are composed of the three primary colors of RGB (Red Green Blue, Red Green Blue). Various colors can be achieved through different combinations of these three colors. When using HTML code, we need to enter a hexadecimal color value, such as #FFFFFF for pure white. But sometimes we need to quickly convert colors for use in web pages. This article will focus on the relevant knowledge of HTML color conversion.

1. RGB color

RGB color consists of three primary colors: red, green, and blue, and their values ​​range from 0 to 255. In HTML code, the syntax format for using RGB colors is as follows:

color:rgb(红色值, 绿色值, 蓝色值);

For example, if the color value of red is set to (255,0,0), then it should be written in the code:

color:rgb(255, 0, 0);

2. Hexadecimal color

When using HTML code to set colors, we usually use hexadecimal colors. Hexadecimal colors start with # and are followed by three or six numbers or characters. For example, #FF0000 represents red, #00FF00 represents green, and #0000FF represents blue.

Use # in HTML code as a color setting method:

color:#FF0000; /* 红色 */
color:#00FF00; /* 绿色 */
color:#0000FF; /* 蓝色 */

3. Conversion between RGB and hexadecimal

Time is tight, sometimes we need to be quick Convert RGB colors to hex colors, or hex colors to RGB colors. There are many online tools available at this time.

  1. RGB to hexadecimal

There are many ways to convert RGB color codes to hexadecimal color codes, the following is one of them:

Convert the red value, green value and blue value to hexadecimal numbers respectively, and then splice them together.

For example, red #FF0000 can be split into three values ​​​​255, 0, 0, then its hexadecimal code is #FF0000.

  1. Hex to RGB

There are many ways to convert hexadecimal color codes to RGB color codes, the following is one of them:

Split the hexadecimal color into red, green, and blue color values, and then convert them into decimal numbers.

For example, red #FF0000 can be split into three values ​​FF,00,00, then its RGB color code is rgb(255, 0, 0).

4. Color picker

The color picker is a tool for selecting colors. It helps us select the color we need and displays both the RGB and HEX codes for that color.

When developing HTML code, we usually use some online color pickers, such as Adobe Color, Flat UI Color and Material Design Color.


HTML color conversion is a skill that must be mastered when developing HTML web pages. During development, we want to quickly convert RGB color values ​​to hexadecimal color values, or hex color values ​​to RGB color values. At the same time, the color picker is also a very convenient tool that can help us quickly select the desired color.

The above is the detailed content of How to convert html color. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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