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How to open command in laravel

2023-04-21 11:20:31877browse

Laravel is a popular PHP framework. It is easy to use, highly scalable, and has high code reusability. It is loved by more and more developers. When using Laravel, we can use commands to complete some common development tasks, such as generating controllers, creating database migrations, etc. Next, this article will introduce how to use the command line of Laravel.

1. Prerequisites

Before using Laravel’s command line tools, we need to install Laravel first. For the installation method of Laravel, please refer to Laravel official documentation.

2. How to open the command line tool

In the Windows system, you can open the run window through the Win R shortcut key, enter "cmd" and press the Enter key to open the command line terminal.

In MacOS system, you can use the "Terminal" application, or you can use the Spotlight search box to enter "Terminal" to open it.

3. Use Laravel’s command line tool

  1. View available commands
    Enter the project root directory in the terminal and enter the following command:

php artisan

This will list all available, registered Laravel commands. In addition, you can also use the "help" command to view the help documentation for a single command, such as:

php artisan help make:controller

  1. Generate code
    In Laravel, we can Use the command line to generate various code templates, for example:

Generate controller:

php artisan make:controller UserController

Generate model:

php artisan make:model User

Create database migration:

php artisan make:migration create_users_table

Generate resource controller:

php artisan make: controller --resource UserController

Generate authentication controller:

php artisan make:auth

  1. Database migration
    "Migration" in Laravel makes the database structure Changes and updates become easier. Use the following command to perform data migration:

php artisan migrate

Use the following command to roll back the most recent migration operation:

php artisan migrate:rollback

  1. Data filling
    Use the following command to populate the database with data:

php artisan db:seed

  1. Run local development server
    Laravel provides its own local development server. Use the following command to start the local development server:

php artisan serve

By default, the server will listen on port 8000. The port number can be changed by adding the "--port" option:

php artisan serve --port=8888

  1. Other common commands
    Clear cache:

php artisan cache:clear

Generate route cache:

php artisan route:cache

Clear route cache:

php artisan route :clear

Create a new event class in the specified namespace:

php artisan event:generate YourEvent

Generate task:

php artisan make:job YourJob

Push tasks to the queue:

php artisan queue:work

  1. Custom command
    If needed, users can also customize Laravel commands, to add more features as needed. To create a custom command, use the following command:

php artisan make:command CustomCommand

Then write the execution code in the generated command class. In order for Laravel to recognize the command, you can register the command into the console kernel.

4. Summary

Laravel’s command line tool brings a lot of convenience to our development process. Mastering the use of command line tools can greatly improve development efficiency. I hope the content introduced in this article is helpful to you.

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