Home >Web Front-end >Vue.js >Let's talk about the best way to encapsulate echarts in vue3? (detailed code explanation)
├─v-charts │ │ index.ts // 导出类型定义以及图表组件方便使用 │ │ type.d.ts // 各种图表的类型定义 │ │ useCharts.ts // 图表hooks │ │ v-charts.vue // echarts图表组件 │ │ │ └─options // 图表配置文件 │ bar.ts │ gauge.ts │ pie.ts
<template> <div></div> </template> <script> import { PropType } from "vue"; import * as echarts from "echarts/core"; import { useCharts, ChartType, ChartsEvents } from "./useCharts"; /** * echarts事件类型 * 截至目前,vue3类型声明参数必须是以下内容之一,暂不支持外部引入类型参数 * 1. 类型字面量 * 2. 在同一文件中的接口或类型字面量的引用 * // 文档中有说明:https://cn.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#typescript-only-features */ interface EventEmitsType { <T extends ChartsEvents.EventType>(e: `${T}`, event: ChartsEvents.Events[Uncapitalize<T>]): void; } defineOptions({ name: "VCharts" }); const props = defineProps({ type: { type: String as PropType<ChartType>, default: "bar" }, options: { type: Object as PropType<echarts.EChartsCoreOption>, default: () => ({}) } }); // 定义事件,提供ts支持,在组件使用时可获得友好提示 defineEmits<EventEmitsType>(); const { type, options } = toRefs(props); const chartRef = shallowRef(); const { charts, setOptions, initChart } = useCharts({ type, el: chartRef }); onMounted(async () => { await initChart(); setOptions(options.value); }); watch( options, () => { setOptions(options.value); }, { deep: true } ); defineExpose({ $charts: charts }); </script> <style> .v-charts { width: 100%; height: 100%; min-height: 200px; } </style>
import { ChartType } from "./type"; import * as echarts from "echarts/core"; import { ShallowRef, Ref } from "vue"; import { TitleComponent, LegendComponent, TooltipComponent, GridComponent, DatasetComponent, TransformComponent } from "echarts/components"; import { BarChart, LineChart, PieChart, GaugeChart } from "echarts/charts"; import { LabelLayout, UniversalTransition } from "echarts/features"; import { CanvasRenderer } from "echarts/renderers"; const optionsModules = import.meta.glob("./options/**.ts"); interface ChartHookOption { type?: Ref<charttype>; el: ShallowRef<htmlelement>; } /** * 视口变化时echart图表自适应调整 */ class ChartsResize { #charts = new Set<echarts.echarts>(); // 缓存已经创建的图表实例 #timeId = null; constructor() { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize.bind(this)); // 视口变化时调整图表 } getCharts() { return [...this.#charts]; } handleResize() { clearTimeout(this.#timeId); this.#timeId = setTimeout(() => { this.#charts.forEach(chart => { chart.resize(); }); }, 500); } add(chart: echarts.ECharts) { this.#charts.add(chart); } remove(chart: echarts.ECharts) { this.#charts.delete(chart); } removeListener() { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); } } export const chartsResize = new ChartsResize(); export const useCharts = ({ type, el }: ChartHookOption) => { echarts.use([ BarChart, LineChart, BarChart, PieChart, GaugeChart, TitleComponent, LegendComponent, TooltipComponent, GridComponent, DatasetComponent, TransformComponent, LabelLayout, UniversalTransition, CanvasRenderer ]); const charts = shallowRef<echarts.echarts>(); let options!: echarts.EChartsCoreOption; const getOptions = async () => { const moduleKey = `./options/${type.value}.ts`; const { default: defaultOption } = await optionsModules[moduleKey](); return defaultOption; }; const setOptions = (opt: echarts.EChartsCoreOption) => { charts.value.setOption(opt); }; const initChart = async () => { charts.value = echarts.init(el.value); options = await getOptions(); charts.value.setOption(options); chartsResize.add(charts.value); // 将图表实例添加到缓存中 initEvent(); // 添加事件支持 }; /** * 初始化事件,按需绑定事件 */ const attrs = useAttrs(); const initEvent = () => { Object.keys(attrs).forEach(attrKey => { if (/^on/.test(attrKey)) { const cb = attrs[attrKey]; attrKey = attrKey.replace(/^on(Chart)?/, ""); attrKey = `${attrKey[0]}${attrKey.substring(1)}`; typeof cb === "function" && charts.value?.on(attrKey, cb as () => void); } }); }; onBeforeUnmount(() => { chartsResize.remove(charts.value); // 移除缓存 }); return { charts, setOptions, initChart, initEvent }; }; export const chartsOptions = <t>(option: T) => shallowReactive<t>(option); export * from "./type.d";</t></t></echarts.echarts></echarts.echarts></htmlelement></charttype>
/* * @Description: * @Version: 2.0 * @Autor: GC * @Date: 2022-03-02 10:21:33 * @LastEditors: GC * @LastEditTime: 2022-06-02 17:45:48 */ // import * as echarts from 'echarts/core'; import * as echarts from 'echarts' import { XAXisComponentOption, YAXisComponentOption } from 'echarts'; import { ECElementEvent, SelectChangedPayload, HighlightPayload, } from 'echarts/types/src/util/types' import { TitleComponentOption, TooltipComponentOption, GridComponentOption, DatasetComponentOption, AriaComponentOption, AxisPointerComponentOption, LegendComponentOption, } from 'echarts/components';// 组件 import { // 系列类型的定义后缀都为 SeriesOption BarSeriesOption, LineSeriesOption, PieSeriesOption, FunnelSeriesOption, GaugeSeriesOption } from 'echarts/charts'; type Options = LineECOption | BarECOption | PieECOption | FunnelOption type BaseOptionType = XAXisComponentOption | YAXisComponentOption | TitleComponentOption | TooltipComponentOption | LegendComponentOption | GridComponentOption type BaseOption = echarts.ComposeOption<baseoptiontype> type LineECOption = echarts.ComposeOption<lineseriesoption> type BarECOption = echarts.ComposeOption<barseriesoption> type PieECOption = echarts.ComposeOption<pieseriesoption> type FunnelOption = echarts.ComposeOption<funnelseriesoption> type GaugeECOption = echarts.ComposeOption<gaugeseriesoption> type EChartsOption = echarts.EChartsOption; type ChartType = 'bar' | 'line' | 'pie' | 'gauge' // echarts事件 namespace ChartsEvents { // 鼠标事件类型 type MouseEventType = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'globalout' | 'contextmenu' // 鼠标事件类型 type MouseEvents = { [key in Exclude<mouseeventtype> as `chart${Capitalize<key>}`] :ECElementEvent } // 其他的事件类型极参数 interface Events extends MouseEvents { globalout:ECElementEvent, contextmenu:ECElementEvent, selectchanged: SelectChangedPayload; highlight: HighlightPayload; legendselected: { // 图例选中后的事件 type: 'legendselected', // 选中的图例名称 name: string // 所有图例的选中状态表 selected: { [name: string]: boolean } }; // ... 其他类型的事件在这里定义 } // echarts所有的事件类型 type EventType = keyof Events } export { BaseOption, ChartType, LineECOption, BarECOption, Options, PieECOption, FunnelOption, GaugeECOption, EChartsOption, ChartsEvents }</key></mouseeventtype></gaugeseriesoption></funnelseriesoption></pieseriesoption></barseriesoption></lineseriesoption></baseoptiontype>
import { BarECOption } from "../type"; const options: BarECOption = { legend: {}, tooltip: {}, xAxis: { type: "category", axisLine: { lineStyle: { // type: "dashed", color: "#C8D0D7" } }, axisTick: { show: false }, axisLabel: { color: "#7D8292" } }, yAxis: { type: "value", alignTicks: true, splitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { color: "#C8D0D7", type: "dashed" } }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#7D8292" } } }, grid: { left: 60, bottom: "8%", top: "20%" }, series: [ { type: "bar", barWidth: 20, itemStyle: { color: { type: "linear", x: 0, x2: 0, y: 0, y2: 1, colorStops: [ { offset: 0, color: "#62A5FF" // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: "#3365FF" // 100% 处的颜色 } ] } } // label: { // show: true, // position: "top" // } } ] }; export default options;
<template> <div> <section> <div> <div>累计设备接入统计</div> <v-charts></v-charts> </div> <div> <div>坐标数据接入统计</div> <v-charts></v-charts> </div> </section> </div> </template> <script> import { useStatisDeviceByUserObject, } from "./hooks"; // 设备分类统计 const { options: statisDeviceByUserObjectOpts,selectchanged,handleChartClick } = useStatisDeviceByUserObject(); </script>
export const useStatisDeviceByUserObject = () => { // 使用chartsOptions确保所有传入v-charts组件的options数据都是## shallowReactive浅层作用形式,避免大量数据导致性能问题 const options = chartsOptions<barecoption>({ yAxis: {}, xAxis: {}, series: [] }); const init = async () => { const xData = []; const sData = []; const dicts = useHashMapDics(["dev_user_object"]); const data = await statisDeviceByUserObject(); dicts.dictionaryMap.dev_user_object.forEach(({ label, value }) => { if (value === "6") return; // 排除其他 xData.push(label); const temp = data.find(({ name }) => name === value); sData.push(temp?.qty || 0); // 给options赋值时要注意options是浅层响应式 options.xAxis = { data: xData }; options.series = [{ ...options.series[0], data: sData }]; }); }; // 事件 const selectchanged = (params: ChartsEvents.Events["selectchanged"]) => { console.log(params, "选中图例了"); }; const handleChartClick = (params: ChartsEvents.Events["chartClick"]) => { console.log(params, "点击了图表"); }; onMounted(() => { init(); }); return { options, selectchanged, handleChartClick }; };</barecoption>
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