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what is go pprof

2023-01-31 19:00:405176browse

pprof is Go's performance analysis tool. During the running process of the program, it can record the running information of the program, which can be CPU usage, memory usage, goroutine running status, etc. When performance tuning or bug location is required, At times, these recorded information are quite important. There are many ways to use pprof. Go has already packaged a "net/http/pprof" ready-made. With a few simple lines of commands, you can open pprof, record running information, and provide web services.

what is go pprof

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, GO version 1.18, Dell G3 computer.

go pprof introduction

profile is generally called performance analysis. The translation in the dictionary is an overview (noun) or an overview that describes... verb). For a computer program, its profile is various general information about a program when it is running, including CPU occupancy, memory, thread status, thread blocking, etc. Knowing this information about the program, you can easily locate problems and causes of failures in the program.

pprof is Go's performance analysis tool. During the running process of the program, it can record the running information of the program, which can be CPU usage, memory usage, goroutine running status, etc. When performance tuning or bug location is required, At times, these recorded information are quite important.

golang has relatively good support for profiling. The standard library provides the profile libraries "runtime/pprof" and "net/http/pprof", and also provides many useful visual tools to assist developers. profiling.

For online services, for an HTTP Server, access the HTTP interface provided by pprof to obtain performance data. Of course, in fact, the bottom layer here is also called the function provided by runtime/pprof, which is encapsulated into an interface to provide external network access. This article mainly introduces the use of "net/http/pprof".

Basic use

There are many ways to use pprof. Go has already packaged one: net/http/pprof, which is easy to use. With a few lines of commands, you can start pprof, record operating information, and provide a web service that can obtain operating data through the browser and the command line.

How to enable monitoring in web services, let’s look at a simple example.

package main

import (
 _ "net/http/pprof"

func main() {
// 开启pprof,监听请求
 ip := ""
 if err := http.ListenAndServe(ip, nil); err != nil {
 	fmt.Printf("start pprof failed on %s\n", ip)

Import the "net/http/pprof" package into the program and open the listening port. At this time, you can obtain the profile of the program. In actual production, we generally encapsulate this function into a goroutine. So how do you check it after opening it? There are three methods:

Browser method

Open a browser and enter ip:port/debug/pprof, Enter.

what is go pprof

#pprof will provide a lot of performance data. The specific meaning is:

  • allocs: Sampling information on memory allocation
  • blocks: Sampling information on blocking operations cmdline: Program startup command and its parameters
  • goroutine : Stack information of all current coroutines
  • heap: Sampling information of memory usage on the heap mutex: Sampling information of lock contention
  • profile: Sampling information of cpu occupancy
  • threadcreate: Sampling information about system thread creation
  • trace: Tracking information about program running

allocs is the memory allocation of all objects, and heap is the memory allocation of active objects , which will be described in detail later.

1. When CPU performance analysis is enabled, Go runtime will pause every 10ms to record the call stack and related data of the currently running goroutine. After the performance analysis data is saved to the hard disk, we can analyze the hot spots in the code.
2. Memory performance analysis is to record the call stack when the heap is allocated. By default, it is sampled once every 1000 allocations, this value can be changed. Stack allocation will not be recorded by memory analysis because it will be released at any time. Because memory analysis is a sampling method, and also because it records the allocation of memory, not the use of memory. Therefore, it is difficult to use memory performance analysis tools to accurately determine the specific memory usage of a program.
3. Blocking analysis is a very unique analysis. It is somewhat similar to CPU performance analysis, but what it records is the time spent by goroutine waiting for resources. Blocking analysis is very helpful in analyzing program concurrency bottlenecks. Blocking performance analysis can show when a large number of goroutines are blocked. Blocking performance analysis is a special analysis tool and should not be used for analysis before CPU and memory bottlenecks have been eliminated.

Of course, if you click on any link, you will find that it is poorly readable and almost impossible to analyze. As shown in the picture:

what is go pprof

Click on the heap and scroll to the bottom. You can see some interesting data. Sometimes it may be helpful for troubleshooting, but it is generally not used.

heap profile: 3190: 77516056 [54762: 612664248] @ heap/1048576
1: 29081600 [1: 29081600] @ 0x89368e 0x894cd9 0x8a5a9d 0x8a9b7c 0x8af578 0x8b4441 0x8b4c6d 0x8b8504 0x8b2bc3 0x45b1c1
#    0x89368d    github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/memdb.(*DB).Put+0x59d
#    0x894cd8    xxxxx/storage/internal/memtable.(*MemTable).Set+0x88
#    0x8a5a9c    xxxxx/storage.(*snapshotter).AppendCommitLog+0x1cc
#    0x8a9b7b    xxxxx/storage.(*store).Update+0x26b
#    0x8af577    xxxxx/config.(*config).Update+0xa7
#    0x8b4440    xxxxx/naming.(*naming).update+0x120
#    0x8b4c6c    xxxxx/naming.(*naming).instanceTimeout+0x27c
#    0x8b8503    xxxxx/naming.(*naming).(xxxxx/naming.instanceTimeout)-fm+0x63


# runtime.MemStats
# Alloc = 2463648064
# TotalAlloc = 31707239480
# Sys = 4831318840
# Lookups = 2690464
# Mallocs = 274619648
# Frees = 262711312
# HeapAlloc = 2463648064
# HeapSys = 3877830656
# HeapIdle = 854990848
# HeapInuse = 3022839808
# HeapReleased = 0
# HeapObjects = 11908336
# Stack = 655949824 / 655949824
# MSpan = 63329432 / 72040448
# MCache = 38400 / 49152
# BuckHashSys = 1706593
# GCSys = 170819584
# OtherSys = 52922583
# NextGC = 3570699312
# PauseNs = [1052815 217503 208124 233034 ......]
# NumGC = 31
# DebugGC = false
  • Sys: 进程从系统获得的内存空间,虚拟地址空间
  • HeapAlloc:进程堆内存分配使用的空间,通常是用户new出来的堆对象,包含未被gc掉的。
  • HeapSys:进程从系统获得的堆内存,因为golang底层使用TCmalloc机制,会缓存一部分堆内存,虚拟地址空间
  • PauseNs:记录每次gc暂停的时间(纳秒),最多记录256个最新记录。
  • NumGC: 记录gc发生的次数



使用命令go tool pprof url可以获取指定的profile文件,此命令会发起http请求,然后下载数据到本地,之后进入交互式模式,就像gdb一样,可以使用命令查看运行信息,以下为使用示例:

# 下载cpu profile,默认从当前开始收集30s的cpu使用情况,需要等待30s
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile # 30-second CPU profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=120 # wait 120s

# 下载heap profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap # heap profile

# 下载goroutine profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/goroutine # goroutine profile

# 下载block profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/block # goroutine blocking profile

# 下载mutex profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/mutex



首先,我们通过命令go tool pprof url获取指定的profile/heap文件,随后自动进入命令行。如图:

2-what is go pprof


what is go pprof

这个图的具体读法,可参照:中文文档 或者英文文档 这里不多赘述。只需要了解越红越大的方块,有问题的可能性就越大,代表可能占用了更多的内存,如果在cpu的图中代表消耗了更多cpu资源,以此类推。
接下来 top、list、traces三步走可以看出很多想要的结果。

top 按指标大小列出前10个函数,比如内存是按内存占用多少,CPU是按执行时间多少。

  • flat: 本函数占用的内存量。
  • flat%: 本函数内存占使用中内存总量的百分比。
  • sum%: 之前函数flat的累计和。
  • cum:是累计量,假如main函数调用了函数f,函数f占用的内存量,也会记进来。
  • cum%: 是累计量占总量的百分比。

what is go pprof


当然top后也可以接参数,top n可以列出前n个函数。

list可以查看某个函数的代码,以及该函数每行代码的指标信息,如果函数名不明确,会进行模糊匹配,比如list main会列出main.mainruntime.main。现在list sendToASR试一下。

what is go pprof


traces 打印所有调用栈,以及调用栈的指标信息。使用方式为traces+函数名(模糊匹配)。

what is go pprof

在命令行之中,还有一个重要的参数 -base,假设我们已经通过命令行得到profile1与profile2,使用go tool pprof -base profile1 profile2,便可以以profile1为基础,得出profile2在profile1之上出现了哪些变化。通过两个时间切片的比较,我们可以清晰的了解到,两个时间节点之中发生的变化,方便我们定位问题(很重要!!!!)


打开可视化界面的方式为:go tool pprof -http=:1234 http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap 其中1234是我们指定的端口

what is go pprof


what is go pprof

该视图与前面所讲解的 top 子命令的作用和含义是一样的,因此不再赘述。




what is go pprof

Compared with the Top view, this view adds the display of contextual information, which is the output of the function. caller/callee.


what is go pprof

This view mainly adds tracking and analysis for source code. You can see that its overhead is mainly consumed in where.

Flame Graph

1what is go pprof

The flame graph corresponding to resource consumption, the reading method of the flame graph, I will not go into details here, it is not the focus of this article .

The second drop-down menu is as shown in the figure:

1what is go pprof

alloc_objects, alloc_space represents the resources allocated by the application, regardless of whether Not released, inuse_objects,inuse_space indicates the application's resource allocation situation that has not yet been released.

##inuse_spaceamount of memory allocated and not released yetinuse_objectsamount of objects allocated and not released yetalloc_spacetotal amount of memory allocated (regardless of released)alloc_objectstotal amount of objects allocated (regardless of released)



  • 程序运行占用较大的内存,可以通过 inuse_space 来体现.
  • 存在非常频繁的 GC 活动,通常意味着 alloc_space非常高,而程序运行过程中并没有消耗太多的内存(体现为 inuse_space 并不高),当然也可能出现 GC 来不及回收,因此c出现inuse_space 也变高的情况。这种情况下同样会大量消耗CPU。
  • 内存泄漏,通常 alloc_space 较高,且
    inuse_space 也较高。


上面我们已经看完了go pprof 的所有操作,接下来讲解一下go tool pprof 的具体使用流程。

  • 通过监控平台监测到内存或cpu问题。
  • 通过浏览器方式大致判断是哪些可能的问题。
  • 通过命令行方式抓取几个时间点的profile
  • 使用web命令查看函数调用图
  • 使用top 、traces、list 命令定位问题
  • 如果出现了goroutine泄漏或者内存泄漏等随着时间持续增长的问题,go tool pprof -base比较两个不同时间点的状态更方便我们定位问题。




1what is go pprof


接下来通过命令行方式抓取goroutine的情况:命令行输入:go tool pprof localhost:8080/debug/pprof/goroutine,获取结果。



1what is go pprof


func gopark(unlockf func(*g, unsafe.Pointer) bool, lock unsafe.Pointer, reason waitReason, traceEv byte, traceskip int) {
 mp := acquirem()
 gp := mp.curg
 status := readgstatus(gp)
 mp.waitlock = lock
 mp.waitunlockf = unlockf
 gp.waitreason = reason
 mp.waittraceev = traceEv
 mp.waittraceskip = traceskip


1、调用acquirem函数:获取当前goroutine所绑定的m,设置各类所需参数。调用 releasem 函数将当前 goroutine 和其 m 的绑定关系解除。

2、调用 park_m 函数:将当前 goroutine 的状态从 _Grunning 切换为 _Gwaiting,也就是等待状态。删除 m 和当前 goroutine m→curg(简称gp)之间的关联。

3、调用 mcall 函数,仅会在需要进行 goroutiine 切换时会被调用:切换当前线程的堆栈,从 g 的堆栈切换到 g0 的堆栈并调用 fn(g) 函数。将 g 的当前 PC/SP 保存在 g->sched 中,以便后续调用 goready 函数时可以恢复运行现场。

综上:该函数的关键作用就是将当前的 goroutine 放入等待状态,这意味着 goroutine 被暂时被搁置了,也就是被运行时调度器暂停了。



1what is go pprof



1what is go pprof


1what is go pprof

1what is go pprof



什么是goroutine泄漏:如果你启动了一个 goroutine,但并没有符合预期的退出,直到程序结束,此goroutine才退出,这种情况就是 goroutine 泄露。当 goroutine 泄露发生时,该 goroutine 的栈(一般 2k 内存空间起)一直被占用不能释放,goroutine 里的函数在堆上申请的空间也不能被 垃圾回收器 回收。这样,在程序运行期间,内存占用持续升高,可用内存越来也少,最终将导致系统崩溃。
什么时候出现goroutine泄漏:goroutine泄露一般是因为channel操作阻塞而导致整个routine一直阻塞等待或者 goroutine 里有死循环。

  • 从 channel 里读,但是没有写。
  • 向 unbuffered channel 写,但是没有读。
  • 向已满的 buffered channel 写,但是没有读。
  • select操作在所有case上阻塞。
  • goroutine进入死循环中,导致资源一直无法释放。



  • 创建goroutine时就要想好该goroutine该如何结束。
  • 使用channel时,要考虑到 channel阻塞时协程可能的行为,是否会创建大量的goroutine。
  • goroutine中不可以存在死循环。



what is go pprof

输入 go tool pprof -http=:1234 localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap:

2what is go pprof


2what is go pprof


func readAll(r io.Reader, capacity int64) (b []byte, err error) {
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, capacity))
	defer func() {
		e := recover()
		if e == nil {
		if panicErr, ok := e.(error); ok && panicErr == bytes.ErrTooLarge {
			err = panicErr
		} else {
	_, err = buf.ReadFrom(r)
	return buf.Bytes(), err

// bytes.MinRead = 512
func ReadAll(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
	return readAll(r, bytes.MinRead)

可以看到 ioutil.ReadAll 每次都会分配初始化一个大小为 bytes.MinRead 的 buffer ,bytes.MinRead 在 Golang 里是一个常量,值为 512 。就是说每次调用 ioutil.ReadAll 都先会分配一块大小为 512 字节的内存。

func (b *Buffer) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
	b.lastRead = opInvalid
	// If buffer is empty, reset to recover space.
	if b.off >= len(b.buf) {
	for {
		if free := cap(b.buf) - len(b.buf); free < MinRead {
			// not enough space at end
			newBuf := b.buf
			if b.off+free < MinRead {
				// not enough space using beginning of buffer;
				// double buffer capacity
				newBuf = makeSlice(2*cap(b.buf) + MinRead)
			copy(newBuf, b.buf[b.off:])
			b.buf = newBuf[:len(b.buf)-b.off]
			b.off = 0
		m, e := r.Read(b.buf[len(b.buf):cap(b.buf)])
		b.buf = b.buf[0 : len(b.buf)+m]
		n += int64(m)
		if e == io.EOF {
		if e != nil {
			return n, e
	return n, nil // err is EOF, so return nil explicitly

ReadFrom函数主要作用就是从 io.Reader 里读取的数据放入 buffer 中,如果 buffer 空间不够,就按照每次 2x + MinRead 的算法递增,这里 MinRead 的大小也是 512 Bytes 。
项目读取的音频文件一般很大,buffer不够用,会一直调用makeSlice扩容,消耗大量内存,但是仅仅这样,只是程序执行时消耗了比较多的内存,并未有内存泄露的情况,那服务器又是如何内存不足的呢?这就不得不扯到 Golang 的 GC 机制。



  • 已分配的 Heap 到达某个阈值,会触发 GC, 该阈值由上一次 GC 时的 HeapAlloc 和 GCPercent 共同决定
  • 每 2 分钟会触发一次强制的 GC,将未 mark 的对象释放,但并不还给 OS
  • 每 5 分钟会扫描一个 Heap, 对于一直没有被访问的 Heap,归还给 OS

ioutil.ReadAll会将全部的数据加载到内存,一个大请求会多次调用makeSlice 分配很多内存空间,并发的时候,会在很短时间内占用大量的系统内存,然后将 GC 阈值增加到一个很高的值,这个时候要 GC 就只有等 2 分钟一次的强制 GC。这样内存中的数据无法及时GC,同时阈值还在不停的升高,导致GC的效率越来越低,最终导致缓慢的内存泄漏。





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