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Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

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This article brings you relevant knowledge aboutmysql, which mainly introduces the relevant content about single table query. Let’s take a look at it together. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

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When we operate on data, query is undoubtedly crucial, query The operation is flexible and changeable. We can design efficient query operations according to development needs and display the data stored in the database to users.

Query is a crucial part of data operations.For example, if you want to find all products with prices within a specified range among all products, you want to put the data in the database on the client When displayed to users, query operations are generally performed.

In actual development, we have to decide how to query based on different needs and consider the efficiency of the query. Before learning the query, you can take a look at the complete syntax of the query:


Based on For the keywords in the complete syntax of the query, we will learnbasic query, conditional query, sorting query, grouping query and paging query respectively.

We use the following case to learn single table query:

-- 删除stu表 drop table if exists stu; -- 创建stu表 CREATE TABLE stu ( id int, -- 编号 name varchar(10), -- 姓名 age int, -- 年龄 gender varchar(5), -- 性别 math double(5,2), -- 数学成绩 english double(5,2) -- 英语成绩 ); -- 添加数据 INSERT INTO stu(id,name,age,gender,math,english) VALUES (1,'小张',23,'男',66,78), (2,'小李',20,'女',98,87), (3,'小陈',55,'男',56,77), (4,'小樊',20,'女',76,65), (5,'小马',20,'男',86,NULL), (6,'小赵',57,'男',99,99);

Select SQL execution in Navicat:

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

1. Basic query

1.1 Basic query syntax

Query multiple fields:

select 字段列表 from 表名;

Query all fields:

select * from 表名;

Removing duplicate records:

select distinct 字段列表 from 表名;

Aliasing operation:

select 字段名 别名 from 表名;

1.2 Basic query exercise

We use the case in the preface to perform basic query Exercise:

Exercise of querying multiple fields:

select name,math from stu;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

Exercise of alias operation:

select name,english 英语成绩 from stu;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

2. Conditional query

2.1 Conditional query syntax

General syntax:

select 字段列表 from 表名 where 条件列表;

Conditional query generally matches the operator To proceed, the following are several common operators:

Operator Function Description
> Greater than less than equal to not equal to
between…and… Within this range
in(…) Choose one more
is null / is not null is null / is not null
and or&& and
or or|| or

##2.2 Conditional Query Exercise

We use the case in the preface for conditional query exercise:

Query information about students older than 20:

select * from stu where age>20;

Query information about students whose age is equal to 18 years old, or whose age is equal to 20 years old, or whose age is equal to 21 years old:Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

select * from stu where age in(18,20,21);

Advanced summary of MySQL single table queryFuzzy query uses the like keyword, and wildcards can be used for placeholders:

    _: Represents a single arbitrary character
  • %: Represents any number of numeric characters
Query the information of students whose names contain Zhang:

select * from stu where name like '%张%';

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

3. Sorting query

3.1 Sorting query syntax
select 字段列表 from 表名 order by 排序字段名1 [排序方式]...;

Note: There are two sorting methods: ascending ASC and descending DESC. The default is ascending ASC.

3.2 Sorting Query Exercise

We use the case in the preface for sorting query exercise:

4. Aggregation function

4.1 Aggregation function syntax

What is an aggregate function? When performing query operations, we often need to perform operations on an entire column. For example, if we can calculate the average of an entire column of performance data, we must use an aggregate function. The following are common aggregate functions:


select 聚合函数 from 表名;


4.2 聚合函数练习



select count(id) from stu;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query


select count(*) from stu;


select avg(math) from stu;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

5. 分组查询

5.1 分组查询语法

select 字段列表 from 表名 [where 分组前的条件限定] group by 分组字段名 [having 分组后的条件过滤]


5.2 分组查询练习



select gender, avg(math),count(*) from stu where math > 70 group by gender;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query


select gender, avg(math),count(*) from stu where math > 70 group by gender having count(*) > 2;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query

注:where 和 having执行时机不一样:where 是分组之前进行限定,不满足where条件,则不参与分组,而having是分组之后对结果进行过滤。所以,where 不能对聚合函数进行判断,having 可以。

6. 分页查询

6.1 分页查询语法


select 字段列表 from 表名 limit 查询起始索引,查询条目数;


5.2 分页查询练习



select * from stu limit 0,3;

Advanced summary of MySQL single table query起始索引 = (当前页码 - 1) * 每页显示的条数


Function name Function count (Column name) Statistical quantity (generally choose a column that is not null) max(Column name) Maximum value min(column name) Minimum value sum(column name) Sum avg(column name) average

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