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Summary of common functions for WeChat mini program development

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This article brings you relevant knowledge aboutWeChat Mini Program. It mainly introduces the common functions of WeChat Mini Program development. This article introduces it to you in great detail through example code, which is helpful for your learning. Or the work has certain reference value, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Summary of common functions for WeChat mini program development

[Related learning recommendations:小program learning tutorial]

Get user information

CallThe wx.getUserProfilemethod obtains basic user information. It can only be called after a click event occurs on the page (for example, in the callback ofbindtaponbutton). An authorization window will pop up for each request. After the user agrees,userInfo# will be returned.

##The specific parameters are as follows:

Attribute Type Default value Required Description lang string en No Language for displaying user information desc string is declares the purpose of obtaining the user’s personal information, which shall not exceed 30 characters success function No Callback function for successful interface call fail function No Callback function that fails to call the interface complete function No The callback function at the end of the interface call (will be executed if the call is successful or failed)
Sample code

wx.getUserProfile({ desc: '用于完善用户基本资料', // 声明获取用户个人信息后的用途,不超过30个字符 success: (res) => { console.log(res.userInfo)); } })

Get the return value

{ "nickName": "秋梓", // 微信昵称 "gender": 0, "language": "zh_CN", "city": "", "province": "", "country": "", "avatarUrl": "https://thirdwx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/vi_32/qrSYVbDbBhunywgP5HTx4mhT8HVNzhmlibd8pfYo4guPJ5w/132" // 头像 }

Get the mobile phone number

Currently, this interface is for non-individual developers. Mini programs that have completed certification are open (excluding overseas entities). It needs to be used with caution. If users report it frequently or are found to be used in unnecessary scenarios, WeChat has the right to permanently revoke the interface permissions of the mini program.

Usage method

You need to set the value of the button component

open-typetogetPhoneNumber. After the user clicks and agrees, you can usebindgetphonenumberThe event callback obtains the dynamic tokencode, then passescodeto the developer backend, and calls the phonenumber.getPhoneNumber interface provided by the WeChat backend in the developer backend. Spendcodein exchange for the user’s mobile phone number. Eachcodeis valid for 5 minutes and can only be consumed once.

Note: The

codereturned bygetPhoneNumberhas different functions from thecodereturned bywx.loginand cannot be Mix it up.

Code example


Return parameter description

##Parameter code Then exchange the user's mobile phone number through code. Each code can only be used once, and the validity period of the code is 5min
Type Description Minimum version
String Dynamic token. Users’ mobile phone numbers can be exchanged for dynamic tokens. Usage details phonenumber.getPhoneNumber interface

Call the following interface

Page({ getPhoneNumber (e) { console.log(e.detail.code) } })

Request parameters

Attributes ##access_token / cloudbase_access_token string is the interface call credential code string is the mobile phone number to obtain the voucher The returned JSON data packet
Type Default value Required Description


{ "errcode":0, "errmsg":"ok", "phone_info": { "phoneNumber":"xxxxxx", "purePhoneNumber": "xxxxxx", "countryCode": 86, "watermark": { "timestamp": 1637744274, "appid": "xxxx" } } }



attribute Type Description errcode number Error code errmsg string Error message phone_info Object User phone number information
属性 类型 默认值 必填 说明
timeStamp string 时间戳,从 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00 至今的秒数,即当前的时间
nonceStr string 随机字符串,长度为32个字符以下
package string 统一下单接口返回的 prepay_id 参数值,提交格式如:prepay_id=***
signType string MD5仅在 v2 版本接口适用 签名算法,应与后台下单时的值一致
HMAC-SHA256仅在 v2 版本接口适用
RSA仅在 v3 版本接口适用
paySign string 签名,具体见微信支付文档
success function 接口调用成功的回调函数
fail function 接口调用失败的回调函数
complete function 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行)
/** * 微信支付方法 * @param {string} oderId 订单id * @param {string} total 订单金额 * @param {stromg} openId 登陆人openid */ function weixinPayFun(data) { wx.showLoading({ mask: true }) const http = new Http() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 请求支付接口 http.post(`${env.fayongApi}/app/shopping/order/pay`, data).then(res => { // 获取支付签名信息 let payInfo = res.data // 调起微信支付 wx.requestPayment({ "timeStamp": payInfo.timeStamp + '', "nonceStr": payInfo.nonceStr, "package": payInfo.package, "signType": "RSA", "paySign": payInfo.paySign, "success": function (res) { console.log(res, 'success'); // 支付成功 resolve(res) }, "fail": function (err) { // 支付失败 reject(err) }, "complete": function (res) { wx.hideLoading() } }) }) }) }


在需要分享的分享的页面中添加onShareAppMessage事件函数,此事件处理函数需要 return 一个 Object,用于自定义转发内容,只有定义了此事件处理函数,右上角菜单才会显示“转发”按钮


字段 说明 默认值 最低版本
title 转发标题 当前小程序名称
path 转发路径 当前页面 path ,必须是以 / 开头的完整路径
imageUrl 自定义图片路径,可以是本地文件路径、代码包文件路径或者网络图片路径。支持PNG及JPG。显示图片长宽比是 5:4。 使用默认截图 1.5.0
promise 如果该参数存在,则以 resolve 结果为准,如果三秒内不 resolve,分享会使用上面传入的默认参数 2.12.0



Page({ // 分享 onShareAppMessage() { return { title: "乐福健康", // 分享标题 path: "pages/newhome/index", // 分享地址路径 } } })




// 分享 onShareAppMessage() { const that = this; return { title: that.data.goodInfo.goodName, // 动态获取商品名称 path: "pages/component/orderparticulars/orderparticulars?id=" + that.data.productId, // 动态传递当前商品id imageUrl: that.data.background[0] // 获取商品封面图 } }




首先要在每个页面中添加onShareAppMessage函数,函数体内容可以为空,如果函数体内容为空,则会使用我们在app.js中定义的默认分享方法,如果该函数返回了一个 object 则使用我们自定义的分享功能


Page({ /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { // 函数体内容为空即可 } })


//重写分享方法 overShare: function () { //间接实现全局设置分享内容 wx.onAppRoute(function () { //获取加载的页面 let pages = getCurrentPages(), //获取当前页面的对象 view = pages[pages.length - 1], data; if (view) { data = view.data; // 判断是否需要重写分享方法 if (!data.isOverShare) { data.isOverShare = true; view.onShareAppMessage = function () { //重写分享配置 return { title: '分享标题', path: "/pages/index/index" //分享页面地址 }; } } } }) },


onLaunch() { this.overShare() }









wx.chooseAddress({ success(res) { console.log(res.userName) console.log(res.postalCode) console.log(res.provinceName) console.log(res.cityName) console.log(res.countyName) console.log(res.detailInfo) console.log(res.nationalCode) console.log(res.telNumber) } })


属性 类型 说明
userName string 收货人姓名
postalCode string 邮编
provinceName string 国标收货地址第一级地址
cityName string 国标收货地址第二级地址
countyName string 国标收货地址第三级地址
streetName string 国标收货地址第四级地址
detailInfo string 详细收货地址信息(包括街道地址)
detailInfoNew string 新选择器详细收货地址信息
nationalCode string 收货地址国家码
telNumber string 收货人手机号码
errMsg string 错误信息

Preview image

Call method:wx.previewImage(Object object)

Preview the image in full screen on the new page. During the preview process, users can save pictures, send them to friends, etc.

Attribute Type Default value Required Description Minimum version
urls Array. is a list of image links that needs to be previewed . Cloud file ID is supported starting from 2.2.3.
showmenu boolean true No Whether to display long press menu. Codes that support identification: Mini Program codes. Only Mini Programs support identification codes: WeChat personal codes, WeChat group codes, corporate WeChat personal codes, corporate WeChat group codes, and corporate WeChat interoperable group codes; 2.13.0
current string The first picture of urls No The link of the currently displayed picture
referrerPolicy string no-referrer No origin: Send complete referrer;no-referrer: Do not send. The format is fixed tohttps://servicewechat.com/{appid}/{version}/page-frame.html, where {appid} is the appid of the mini program and {version} is the version number of the mini program. , the version number is 0, which means the development version, trial version and review version, the version number is devtools, which means the developer tools, and the rest are official versions; 2.13.0
success function No Callback function for successful interface call
fail function No Callback function for failed interface call
complete function No The callback function at the end of the interface call (will be executed if the call is successful or failed)


wx.previewImage({ current: '', // 当前显示图片的http链接 urls: [] // 需要预览的图片http链接列表 })



wx.navigateTo({ url: '', })

保留当前页面,跳转到应用内的某个页面。但是不能跳到 tabbar 页面。使用 wx.navigateBack 可以返回到原页面。小程序中页面栈最多十层

跳转tabBar 页面

跳转到 tabBar 页面,并关闭其他所有非 tabBar 页面

wx.switchTab({ url: '/index' })



// pages/TestComponent/test.js Component({ /** * 组件的属性列表 */ properties: { userName:"" }, * 组件的初始数据 data: { * 组件的方法列表 methods: { // 获取父组件传递过来的参数 getPropName(){ console.log(this.data.userName); } } })




{ "usingComponents": { "test-component":"../TestComponent/test" } }






{ ......省略其他代码 "usingComponents": { "test-component":"./pages/TestComponent/test" } }




{ "window": { "backgroundTextStyle": "light", "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#22a381", "navigationBarTitleText": "乐福健康", "navigationBarTextStyle": "white" } }


属性 类型 默认值 描述 最低版本
navigationBarBackgroundColor HexColor #000000 导航栏背景颜色,如#000000
navigationBarTextStyle string white 导航栏标题颜色,仅支持black/white
navigationBarTitleText string 导航栏标题文字内容
navigationStyle string default 导航栏样式,仅支持以下值:default默认样式custom自定义导航栏,只保留右上角胶囊按钮。 iOS/Android 微信客户端 7.0.0,Windows 微信客户端不支持
backgroundColor HexColor #ffffff 窗口的背景色
backgroundTextStyle string dark 下拉 loading 的样式,仅支持dark/light
backgroundColorTop string #ffffff 顶部窗口的背景色,仅 iOS 支持 微信客户端 6.5.16
backgroundColorBottom string #ffffff 底部窗口的背景色,仅 iOS 支持 微信客户端 6.5.16
enablePullDownRefresh boolean false 是否开启当前页面下拉刷新。 详见 Page.onPullDownRefresh
onReachBottomDistance number 50 页面上拉触底事件触发时距页面底部距离,单位为px。 详见 Page.onReachBottom
pageOrientation string portrait 屏幕旋转设置,支持auto/portrait/landscape详见 响应显示区域变化 2.4.0 (auto) / 2.5.0(landscape)
disableScroll boolean false 设置为true则页面整体不能上下滚动。 只在页面配置中有效,无法在app.json中设置
usingComponents Object 页面自定义组件配置 1.6.3
initialRenderingCache string 页面初始渲染缓存配置,支持static/dynamic 2.11.1
style string default 启用新版的组件样式 2.10.2
singlePage Object 单页模式相关配置 2.12.0
restartStrategy string homePage 重新启动策略配置 2.8.0




{ "usingComponents": { }, "navigationStyle":"custom" }



The above is the detailed content of Summary of common functions for WeChat mini program development. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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