Difference: 1. db2 uses "create table a like b" to create a similar table, oracle uses "create table a as select * from b"; 2. db2 uses varchar type conversion, oracle uses the "to_char" function Convert.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 10 system, Oracle 11g version, Dell G3 computer.
Oracle : create table a as select * from b; DB2 : create table a like b; (8版本有效,9版本无效) create table new_a as select col1,col2... from a definition only
Oracle : truncate table a; DB2 : alter table a active not logged initially with empty table;
Oracle : select * from a where rownum4. Get the system time syntax
Oracle : select sysdate from dual; DB2 : select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1;5. Different ways to convert null values
Oracle : select col1,col2,nvl(col3,'0') from tablename; (判断col3字段是否为空,不为空就输出原来的数值,为空就输出0) DB2 : select col1,col2,value(col3,'0') from tablename; (mysql和Db2可以使用Coalesce(col3,'0')函数来实现上述功能)Coalesce() function
这个函数主要用来进行空值处理,其参数格式如下: COALESCE ( expression,value1,value2……,valuen) COALESCE()函数的第一个参数expression为待检测的表达式,而其后的参数个数不定。 COALESCE()函数将会返回包括expression在内的所有参数中的第一个非空表达式。 如果expression不为空值则返回expression; 否则判断value1是否是空值,如果value1不为空值则返回value1; 否则判断value2是否是空值,如果value2不为空值则返回value2; ……以此类推, 如果所有的表达式都为空值,则返回NULL。6. Type conversion Different methods
oracle : select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual; DB2 : select varchar(current timestamp) from sysibm.sysdummy1;Analysis:
Oracle数据类型改变函数:to_char()、to_date()、to_number()等; 如果仅仅取年,月,日等,可以用 to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY'), to_char('MM') , to_char('DD')取得。 只取年月日TRUNC(SYSDATE)。 取时分秒TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24:MI:SS')。 DB2数据类型改变函数:char()、varchar()、int()、date()、time()等; 取得年,月,日等的写法: YEAR(current timestamp), MONTH(current timestamp), DAY(current timestamp), HOUR(current timestamp), MINUTE(current timestamp), SECOND(current timestamp), MICROSECOND(current timestamp), 只取年月日可以用 DATE(current timestamp), 取时分秒 TIME(current timestamp)。 Char()是定长字符串(1-255),varchar()为非定长字符串(1-32672)日期, 时间形态变为字符形态: char(current date), char(current time) 将字符串转换成日期或时间形态: TIMESTAMP('2002-10-2012:00:00'), DATE('2002-10-20'), DATE('10/20/2002'), TIME('12:00:00')Currently DB2 V8 also supports to_char and to_date, V9 version has added to_number
7. String conversion Different date methods (To_Number/cast)
Oracle: select to_number('123') from dual; select cast('123' as integer) from dual; DB2 : select cast('123' as integer) from sysibm.sysdummy1; select cast(current time as char(8)) from sysibm.sysdummy1;8. Subquery
Oracle: 直接用子查询 Db2:WITH语句 WITH a1 AS(SELECT max(id) AS aa1 FROM test )SELECT id ,aa1 FROM test ,a19. Recursive query (hierarchical query )
Oracle递归查询:CONNECT BY PRIOR ... START WITH ... DB2 递归查询:DB2较难理解,要WITH一个虚拟表Oracle:
//从child是son的数据向上查询出所有的长辈select distinct test_parent from ( select t.test_parent from t_test t connect by prior t.test_parent = t.test_child start with t.test_child = 'son' )
Learn more: Oracle hierarchical query (recursive query): start with …connect by prior and level keywordDB2:
// Db2递归查询写法with par_test(test_child,test_parent) as( select test_child,test_parent from t_test where child='grandchild' -- 设置递归起点 union all select t.test_child,t.test_parent from par_test pt,t_test t where pt.test_parent = t.test_child ----递归的方向为从子向父)select distinct test_parent from par_test
As shown above, query all grandchild starting from grandchild For the parent node of For:
##father |
grandpa |
比较大的差别: 1. char大小对比 Oracle: char 2000 DB2 : char 254 2. 日期类型 Oracle: date datetime DB2 :date(日期) time(时间)timestamp(日期时间)
Oracle中它是由数据库唯一产生的,在程序中可以获得 DB2 在V8版本才有此功能
Oracle: decode方法(decode(条件,值1,翻译值1,值2,翻译值2,...,值n,翻译值n,缺省值)) 【函数用法在下边有链接】 或者 case语句 DB2: 只有case表达式 示例语句: select id,name, case when integer(flag)=0 then '假' when integer(flag)=1 then '真' else '异常' end from test 或者 select id,name, case integer(flag) when 0 then '假' when 1 then '真' else '异常' end from test
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