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An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript

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2022-03-30 11:43:56 2412browse

This article will introduce you to threads and processes, and understand the execution context and execution mechanism inJavaScript. I hope it will be helpful to you!

An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript

About the execution context, execution stack, and execution mechanism (synchronous tasks, asynchronous tasks, microtasks, macrotasks, and event loops) injsThe interview is a high-frequency test point, and some friends may be confused when asked, so the author will summarize it today, hoping it can be helpful to you in front of the screen. [Related recommendations:javascript learning tutorial]

Threads and processes

talk about the execution context andjsexecution injsBefore the mechanism, let’s talk about threads and processes

What is a thread

In official termsThreadisCPUThe smallest unit of scheduling.

What is a process

In official termsProcessisCPUResource allocation the smallest unit.

The relationship between threads and processes

Threadis a program run based onprocessUnit, a popular explanationThreadis an execution flow in the program. Aprocesscan have one or morethreads.

There is only one execution flow in aprocesscalledsingle thread, that is, when the program is executed, the program paths taken are arranged in consecutive order, and the previous ones must be processed Okay, the rest will be executed.

Multiple execution streams in aprocessare calledmultithreads, that is, multiple differentthreadscan be run simultaneously in one program. To perform different tasks, that is to say, a single program is allowed to create multiplethreadsexecuted in parallel to complete their respective tasks.

The author will give a simple example below. For example, if we openqqMusicto listen to music,qqMusiccan be understood as a process. InqqMusic# In ## we can download while listening to music. This is multi-threading. Listening to music is a thread and downloading is a thread. If we openvscodeagain to write code, it will be another process.

Processes are independent of each other, but some resources are shared between threads under the same process.

The life cycle of a thread

The life cycle of a thread will go through five stages.

  • New state: After using the

    newkeyword and theThreadclass or its subclass to create a thread object, the thread object is in the new state. state. It remains in this state until the programstart()this thread.

  • Ready state: When the thread object calls the

    start()method, the thread enters the ready state. The thread in the ready state is in the ready queue and can be run immediately as long as it obtains the right to useCPU.

  • Running state: If the thread in the ready state obtains the

    CPUresource, it can executerun(), and the thread is in the running state. . The thread in the running state is the most complex, it can become blocked, ready and dead.

  • Blocking state: If a thread executes

    sleep (sleep),suspend (suspend),wait (wait)and other methods, after losing the occupied resources, the thread will enter the blocking state from the running state. The ready state can be re-entered after the sleep time has expired or device resources have been obtained. It can be divided into three types:

    • Waiting blocking: The thread in the running state executes the

      wait()method to enter the waiting blocking state.

    • Synchronization blocking: The thread failed to acquire the

      synchronizedsynchronization lock (because the synchronization lock is occupied by other threads).

    • Other blocking: An

      I/Orequest was made by calling the thread'ssleep()orjoin(), the thread will enter the blocking state. When thesleep()status times out,join()waits for the thread to terminate or times out, orI/Ois processed, the thread re-enters the ready state.

  • Death state: When a running thread completes its task or other termination conditions occur, the thread switches to the terminated state.

An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript

Is js single-threaded or multi-threaded?

JSis single-threaded.JSAs a browser scripting language, its main purpose is to interact with users and operateDOM. This determines that it can only be single-threaded, otherwise it will cause very complex synchronization problems. For example, supposeJavaScripthas two threads at the same time. One thread adds content to a certainDOMnode, and the other thread deletes the node. At this time, which thread should the browser use as the allow?

Execution context and execution stack

What is execution context

When theJSengine parses an executable code fragment (usually When it is the function calling stage), some preparatory work before execution will be done first. This"preparation work"is called"execution context (referred to asEC)"Or it can also be calledexecution environment.

Execution context classification

javascriptThere are three types of execution context, namely:

  • Global execution contextThis is the default or most basic execution context. There will only be one global context in a program, which will exist during the execution of the entirejavascriptscript's life cycle. The bottom of the stack will not be destroyed by stack popping. The global context will generate a global object (taking the browser environment as an example, this global object iswindow), and bind thethisvalue to this global object.

  • Function execution contextWhenever a function is called, a new function execution context is created (regardless of whether the function is called repeatedly).

  • Eval function execution contextThe code executed inside theevalfunction will also have its own execution context, but because it is not often Useeval, so no analysis is done here.

What is the execution stack?

We mentioned earlier thatjswill create an execution context when running, but the execution context needs to be stored, so what is used to store it? You need to use the stack data structure.

The stack is a first-in, last-out data structure.

An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript

So in summaryThe execution context used to store the execution context created when the code is running is the execution stack.

js execution process

When executing a piece of code, theJSengine will first create an execution stack to store the execution context.

ThenJSthe engine will create a global execution context andpushto the execution stack. In this processJSthe engine will create a global execution context for this code All variables in allocate memory and assign an initial value (undefined). After the creation is completed, theJSengine will enter the execution phase. In this process, theJSengine will execute the code line by line, that is Assign values (real values) to the variables that have been allocated memory one by one.

If there is a call tofunctionin this code, then theJSengine will create a function execution context andpushto the execution stack , its creation and execution process is the same as the global execution context.

When an execution stack is completed, the execution context will be popped from the stack, and then it will enter the next execution context.

The author will give an example below. If there is the following code in our program

console.log("Global Execution Context start"); function first() { console.log("first function"); second(); console.log("Again first function"); } function second() { console.log("second function"); } first(); console.log("Global Execution Context end");

Let’s briefly analyze the above example

  • First of all An execution stack will be created

  • Then a global context will be created and the execution contextpushwill be added to the execution stack

  • Start execution, outputGlobal Execution Context start

  • Encounter thefirstmethod, execute the method, create a function execution context andpushTo the execution stack

  • Executefirstexecution context, outputfirst function

  • ##Encounter the

    secondmethod, execute the method, create a function execution context andpushto the execution stack

  • execute

    secondExecution context, outputsecond function

  • secondThe execution context is completed, popped from the stack, and enters the next execution ContextfirstExecution context

  • firstExecution context continues execution, outputAgain first function

  • firstAfter the execution of the execution context is completed, it is popped from the stack and enters the next execution context. Global execution context

  • Global execution context continues execution. Output

    Global Execution Context end

We use a picture to summarize

An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript










  • 同步和异步任务分别进入不同的执行"场所",同步的进入主线程,只有前一个任务执行完毕,才能执行后一个任务。异步任务不进入主线程而是进入Event Table并注册函数。

  • 当指定的事情完成时,Event Table会将这个函数移入Event QueueEvent Queue是队列数据结构,所以满足先进先出规则。

  • 主线程内的任务执行完毕为空,会去Event Queue读取对应的函数,进入主线程执行。

上述过程会不断重复,也就是常说的Event Loop(事件循环)


An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript


function test1() { console.log("log1"); setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTimeout 1000"); }, 1000); setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTimeout 100"); }, 100); console.log("log2"); } test1(); // log1、log2、setTimeout 100、setTimeout 1000
  • 我们知道在js中会优先执行同步任务再执行异步任务,所以上面的例子会先输出log1、log2

  • 同步任务执行完后会执行异步任务,所以延迟100毫秒的回调函数会优先执行输出setTimeout 100

  • 延迟1000毫秒的回调函数会后执行输出setTimeout 1000


function test2() { console.log("log1"); setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTimeout 1000"); }, 1000); setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTimeout 100"); }, 100); new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log("new promise"); resolve(); }).then(() => { console.log("promise.then"); }); console.log("log2"); } test2();





  • 主代码块

  • setTimeout()

  • setInterval()

  • setImmediate() - Node

  • requestAnimationFrame() - 浏览器


  • Promise.then()

  • process.nextTick() - Node


  • 首先,整体的script(作为第一个宏任务)开始执行的时候,会把所有代码分为同步任务、异步任务两部分,同步任务会直接进入主线程依次执行,异步任务会进入异步队列然后再分为宏任务和微任务。

  • 宏任务进入到Event Table中,并在里面注册回调函数,每当指定的事件完成时,Event Table会将这个函数移到Event Queue

  • 微任务也会进入到另一个Event Table中,并在里面注册回调函数,每当指定的事件完成时,Event Table会将这个函数移到Event Queue

  • 当主线程内的任务执行完毕,主线程为空时,会检查微任务的Event Queue,如果有任务,就全部执行,如果没有就执行下一个宏任务


An in-depth analysis of execution context and execution mechanism in JavaScript


  • 我们知道在js中会优先执行同步任务再执行异步任务,所以上面的例子会先输出log1、new promise、log2。这里需要注意new promise里面是同步的

  • 主代码块作为宏任务执行完后会执行此宏任务所产生的所有微任务,所以会输出promise.then

  • 所有微任务执行完毕后会再执行一个宏任务,延迟100毫秒的回调函数会优先执行输出setTimeout 100

  • 此宏任务没有产生微任务,所以没有微任务需要执行

  • 继续执行下一个宏任务,延迟1000毫秒的回调函数会优执行输出setTimeout 1000

所以test2方法执行后会依次输出log1、new promise、log2、promise.then、setTimeout 100、setTimeout 1000




function test3() { console.log(1); setTimeout(function () { console.log(2); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(3); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(4); }); console.log(5); }, 1000); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(6); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(7); setTimeout(function () { console.log(8); }); }); setTimeout(function () { console.log(9); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(10); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(11); }); }, 100); console.log(12); } test3();


  • 首先js整体代码块作为一个宏任务最开始执行,依次输出1、6、12

  • 整体代码块宏任务执行完毕后产生了一个微任务和两个宏任务,所以宏任务队列有两个宏任务,微任务队列有一个微任务。

  • 宏任务执行完毕后会执行此宏任务所产生的的所有微任务。因为只有一个微任务,所以会输出7。此微任务又产生了一个宏任务,所以宏任务队列目前有三个宏任务。

  • 三个宏任务里面没有设置延迟的最先执行,所以输出8,此宏任务没有产生微任务,所以没有微任务要执行,继续执行下一个宏任务。

  • 延迟100毫秒的宏任务执行,输出9、10,并产生了一个微任务,所以微任务队列目前有一个微任务

  • 宏任务执行完毕后会执行该宏任务所产生的所有微任务,所以会执行微任务队列的所有微任务,输出11

  • 延迟1000毫秒的宏任务执行输出2、3、5,并产生了一个微任务,所以微任务队列目前有一个微任务

  • 宏任务执行完毕后会执行该宏任务所产生的所有微任务,所以会执行微任务队列的所有微任务,输出4




async function test4() { console.log(1); setTimeout(function () { console.log(2); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(3); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(4); }); console.log(5); }, 1000); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(6); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(7); setTimeout(function () { console.log(8); }); }); const result = await async1(); console.log(result); setTimeout(function () { console.log(9); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(10); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(11); }); }, 100); console.log(12); } async function async1() { console.log(13) return Promise.resolve("Promise.resolve"); } test4();



function test4() { console.log(1); setTimeout(function () { console.log(2); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(3); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(4); }); console.log(5); }, 1000); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(6); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(7); setTimeout(function () { console.log(8); }); }); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(13); return resolve("Promise.resolve"); }).then((result) => { console.log(result); setTimeout(function () { console.log(9); new Promise(function (resolve) { console.log(10); resolve(); }).then(function () { console.log(11); }); }, 100); console.log(12); }); } test4();


  • 首先js整体代码块作为一个宏任务最开始执行,依次输出1、6、13

  • 整体代码块宏任务执行完毕后产生了两个微任务和一个宏任务,所以宏任务队列有一个宏任务,微任务队列有两个微任务。

  • 宏任务执行完毕后会执行此宏任务所产生的的所有微任务。所以会输出7、Promise.resolve、12。此微任务又产生了两个宏任务,所以宏任务队列目前有三个宏任务。

  • 三个宏任务里面没有设置延迟的最先执行,所以输出8,此宏任务没有产生微任务,所以没有微任务要执行,继续执行下一个宏任务。

  • 延迟100毫秒的宏任务执行,输出9、10,并产生了一个微任务,所以微任务队列目前有一个微任务

  • 宏任务执行完毕后会执行该宏任务所产生的所有微任务,所以会执行微任务队列的所有微任务,输出11

  • 延迟1000毫秒的宏任务执行输出2、3、5,并产生了一个微任务,所以微任务队列目前有一个微任务

  • 宏任务执行完毕后会执行该宏任务所产生的所有微任务,所以会执行微任务队列的所有微任务,输出4



setTimeout(fn, 0)





function test5() { setTimeout(function () { console.log("setTimeout"); }, 100); let i = 0; while (true) { i++; } } test5();






宏任务 -> 微任务 -> GUI渲染 -> 宏任务 -> ...


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