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A brief analysis of the methods of customizing components in WeChat mini programs

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2022-03-25 11:33:35 6095browse

How to customize components in WeChat mini program? The following article will introduce to you how to customize components in WeChat mini programs. I hope it will be helpful to you!

A brief analysis of the methods of customizing components in WeChat mini programs

During the development process of WeChat applet, some page modules that may be used on multiple pages can be encapsulated into a component to improve development efficiency. Although we can introduce the entire component library such as weui, vant, etc., sometimes considering the package size limit of WeChat applet, it is usually more controllable to encapsulate it as a custom component.

And for some business modules, we can encapsulate them as components for reuse. This article mainly talks about the following two aspects:

  • Declaration and use of components
  • Component communication

Declaration and use of components

The bottom layer of the component system of the WeChat mini program is implemented through theExparsercomponent framework, which is built into the basic library of the mini program. All components in the mini program include built-in components and custom components. All managed by the Exparser organization.

Custom components include the following files just like writing pages:

  • index.json
  • index.wxml
  • index.wxss
  • index.js
  • index.wxs

Take writing atabcomponent as an example: When writing a custom component, you need to set thecomponentfield in thejsonfile totrue:

{ "component": true }

injsIn the file, the basic library provides two constructors, Page and Component. The page corresponding to Page is the page root component, and the Component corresponds to:

Component({ options: { // 组件配置 addGlobalClass: true, // 指定所有 _ 开头的数据字段为纯数据字段 // 纯数据字段是一些不用于界面渲染的 data 字段,可以用于提升页面更新性能 pureDataPattern: /^_/, multipleSlots: true // 在组件定义时的选项中启用多slot支持 }, properties: { vtabs: {type: Array, value: []}, }, data: { currentView: 0, }, observers: { // 监测 activeTab: function(activeTab) { this.scrollTabBar(activeTab); } }, relations: { // 关联的子/父组件 '../vtabs-content/index': { type: 'child', // 关联的目标节点应为子节点 linked: function(target) { this.calcVtabsCotentHeight(target); }, unlinked: function(target) { delete this.data._contentHeight[target.data.tabIndex]; } } }, lifetimes: { // 组件声明周期 created: function() { // 组件实例刚刚被创建好时 }, attached: function() { // 在组件实例进入页面节点树时执行 }, detached: function() { // 在组件实例被从页面节点树移除时执行 }, }, methods: { // 组件方法 calcVtabsCotentHeight(target) {} } });

If you have friends who know Vue2, you will find this statement very familiar. .

When the mini program is started, the constructor will

write the properties, data, methods and other definition sections set by the developer into the component registry of Exparser. When this component is referenced by other components, it can create instances of custom components based on these registration information.

Template file wxml:


Style file:

.vtabs {}

To use external page components, you only need to introduceinto thejson

file of the page
{ "navigationBarTitleText": "商品分类", "usingComponents": { "vtabs": "../../../components/vtabs", } }

When initializing the page, Exparser will create an instance of the page root component, and other components used will also respond by creating component instances (this is a recursive process):

The process of component creation There are roughly the following points:

  • According to the component registration information, create theJSobject of the component node from the component prototype, that is, the component'sthis

  • Copy thedatain the component registration information as the component data, that is,this.data;

  • Combine this data with the componentWXML, and create aShadow Tree(node tree of the component), becauseShadow Treemay reference other components, so this will recursively trigger the creation process of other components;

  • SpliceShadowTreetoComposed Tree(finally spliced page node tree), and generate some cache data to optimize component update performance;

  • trigger thecreatedlife cycle function of the component;

  • If it is not the page root component, you need to set the attribute value of the component according to the attribute definition on the component node;

  • When the component instance is displayed on the page When up, theattachedlife cycle function of the component is triggered. If there are other components inShadow Tree, their life cycle functions are also triggered one by one.

Component communication

Due to business responsibilities, we often need to split a large page into multiple components. Data communication is required between them.

For cross-generation component communication, global state management can be considered. Here we only discuss common parent-child component communication:

Method 1 WXML data binding

Used by the parent component to set data to the specified properties of the child component.

Child declaration properties

Component({ properties: { vtabs: {type: Array, value: []}, // 数据项格式为 `{title}` } })

Parent component call:

Method 2 event

Use For child components to pass data to parent components, any data can be passed.

To dispatch events from a subcomponent, first bind the click event of the subcomponent in the wxml structure:

Then dispatch the event in the js file. The event name can be customized. The second parameter can pass the data object, and the third parameter is the event option.

handleClick(e) { this.triggerEvent( 'tabclick', { index }, { bubbles: false, // 事件是否冒泡 // 事件是否可以穿越组件边界,为 false 时,事件只在引用组件的节点树上触发, // 不进入其他任何组件的内部 composed: false, capturePhase: false // 事件是否拥有捕获阶段 } ); }, handleChange(e) { this.triggerEvent('tabchange', { index }); },

Finally, listen in the parent component and use:

Method three selectComponent to get the component instance object

Pass# The ##selectComponentmethod can obtain the instance of the subcomponent and thus call the method of the subcomponent.

The wxml of the parent component


The js of the parent component

Page({ reCalcContentHeight(index) { const goodsContent = this.selectComponent(`#goods-content${index}`); }, })

selector is similar to the CSS selector, but only supports the following syntax.

  • ID选择器:#the-id(笔者只测试了这个,其他读者可自行测试)
  • class选择器(可以连续指定多个):.a-class.another-class
  • 子元素选择器:.the-parent > .the-child
  • 后代选择器:.the-ancestor .the-descendant
  • 跨自定义组件的后代选择器:.the-ancestor >>> .the-descendant
  • 多选择器的并集:#a-node,.some-other-nodes

方法四 url 参数通信

A brief analysis of the methods of customizing components in WeChat mini programs


  • 在「下单页面 A」填写基本信息,需要下钻到「详细页面B」填写详细信息的情况。比如一个寄快递下单页面,需要下钻到货物信息页面填写更详细的信息,然后返回上一个页面。
  • 在「下单页面 A」下钻到「货物页面B」,需要回显「货物页面B」的数据。

微信小程序由一个App()实例和多个Page()组成。小程序框架以栈的方式维护页面(最多10个) 提供了以下 API 进行页面跳转,页面路由如下

  • wx.navigateTo(只能跳转位于栈内的页面)

  • wx.redirectTo(可跳转位于栈外的新页面,并替代当前页面)

  • wx.navigateBack(返回上一层页面,不能携带参数)

  • wx.switchTab(切换 Tab 页面,不支持 url 参数)

  • wx.reLaunch(小程序重启)

可以简单封装一个 jumpTo 跳转函数,并传递参数:

export function jumpTo(url, options) { const baseUrl = url.split('?')[0]; // 如果 url 带了参数,需要把参数也挂载到 options 上 if (url.indexof('?') !== -1) { const { queries } = resolveUrl(url); Object.assign(options, queries, options); // options 的优先级最高 } cosnt queryString = objectEntries(options) .filter(item => item[1] || item[0] === 0) // 除了数字 0 外,其他非值都过滤 .map( ([key, value]) => { if (typeof value === 'object') { // 对象转字符串 value = JSON.stringify(value); } if (typeof value === 'string') { // 字符串 encode value = encodeURIComponent(value); } return `${key}=${value}`; } ).join('&'); if (queryString) { // 需要组装参数 url = `${baseUrl}?${queryString}`; } const pageCount = wx.getCurrentPages().length; if (jumpType === 'navigateTo' && pageCount < 5) { wx.navigateTo({ url, fail: () => { wx.switch({ url: baseUrl }); } }); } else { wx.navigateTo({ url, fail: () => { wx.switch({ url: baseUrl }); } }); } }

jumpTo 辅助函数:

export const resolveSearch = search => { const queries = {}; cosnt paramList = search.split('&'); paramList.forEach(param => { const [key, value = ''] = param.split('='); queries[key] = value; }); return queries; }; export const resolveUrl = (url) => { if (url.indexOf('?') === -1) { // 不带参数的 url return { queries: {}, page: url } } const [page, search] = url.split('?'); const queries = resolveSearch(search); return { page, queries }; };


jumpTo({ url: 'pages/consignment/index', { sender: { name: 'naluduo233' } } });

在「货物信息页面B」获得 URL 参数:

const sender = JSON.parse(getParam('sender') || '{}');

url 参数获取辅助函数

// 返回当前页面 export function getCurrentPage() { const pageStack = wx.getCurrentPages(); const lastIndex = pageStack.length - 1; const currentPage = pageStack[lastIndex]; return currentPage; } // 获取页面 url 参数 export function getParams() { const currentPage = getCurrentPage() || {}; const allParams = {}; const { route, options } = currentPage; if (options) { const entries = objectEntries(options); entries.forEach( ([key, value]) => { allParams[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } ); } return allParams; } // 按字段返回值 export function getParam(name) { const params = getParams() || {}; return params[name]; }

参数过长怎么办?路由 api 不支持携带参数呢?


我们可以使用全局数据记录参数值,同时解决 url 参数过长和路由 api 不支持携带参数的问题。

// global-data.js // 由于 switchTab 不支持携带参数,所以需要考虑使用全局数据存储 // 这里不管是不是 switchTab,先把数据挂载上去 const queryMap = { page: '', queries: {} };


export function jumpTo(url, options) { // ... Object.assign(queryMap, { page: baseUrl, queries: options }); // ... if (jumpType === 'switchTab') { wx.switchTab({ url: baseUrl }); } else if (jumpType === 'navigateTo' && pageCount < 5) { wx.navigateTo({ url, fail: () => { wx.switch({ url: baseUrl }); } }); } else { wx.navigateTo({ url, fail: () => { wx.switch({ url: baseUrl }); } }); } }

url 参数获取辅助函数

// 获取页面 url 参数 export function getParams() { const currentPage = getCurrentPage() || {}; const allParams = {}; const { route, options } = currentPage; if (options) { const entries = objectEntries(options); entries.forEach( ([key, value]) => { allParams[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } ); + if (isTabBar(route)) { + // 是 tab-bar 页面,使用挂载到全局的参数 + const { page, queries } = queryMap; + if (page === `${route}`) { + Object.assign(allParams, queries); + } + } } return allParams; }


// 判断当前路径是否是 tabBar const { tabBar} = appConfig; export isTabBar = (route) => tabBar.list.some(({ pagePath })) => pagePath === route);

按照这样的逻辑的话,是不是都不用区分是否是isTabBar页面了,全部页面都从 queryMap 中获取?这个问题目前后续探究再下结论,因为我目前还没试过从页面实例的options中拿到的值是缺少的。所以可以先保留读取getCurrentPages的值。

方法五 EventChannel 事件派发通信

前面我谈到从「当前页面A」传递数据到被打开的「页面B」可以通过 url 参数。那么想获取被打开页面传送到当前页面的数据要如何做呢?是否也可以通过 url 参数呢?

答案是可以的,前提是不需要保存「页面A」的状态。如果要保留「页面 A」的状态,就需要使用navigateBack返回上一页,而这个 api 是不支持携带 url 参数的。


pageA 页面

// wx.navigateTo({ url: 'pageB?id=1', events: { // 为指定事件添加一个监听器,获取被打开页面传送到当前页面的数据 acceptDataFromOpenedPage: function(data) { console.log(data) }, }, success: function(res) { // 通过eventChannel向被打开页面传送数据 res.eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenerPage', { data: 'test' }) } });

pageB 页面

Page({ onLoad: function(option){ const eventChannel = this.getOpenerEventChannel() eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenedPage', {data: 'test'}); // 监听acceptDataFromOpenerPage事件,获取上一页面通过eventChannel传送到当前页面的数据 eventChannel.on('acceptDataFromOpenerPage', function(data) { console.log(data) }) } })


小程序的栈不超过 10 层,如果当前「页面A」不是第 10 层,那么可以使用navigateTo跳转保留当前页面,跳转到「页面B」,这个时候「页面B」填写完毕后传递数据给「页面A」时,「页面A」是可以监听到数据的。


不过我分析做过的小程序中,栈中很少有10层的情况,5 层的也很少。因为调用wx.navigateBackwx.redirectTo会关闭当前页面,调用wx.switchTab会关闭其他所有非 tabBar 页面。




使用自定义的事件中心 EventBus

除了使用官方提供的 EventChannel 外,我们也可以自定义一个全局的 EventBus 事件中心。 因为这样更加灵活,不需要在调用wx.navigateTo等APi里传入参数,多平台的迁移性更强。

export default class EventBus { private defineEvent = {}; // 注册事件 public register(event: string, cb): void { if(!this.defineEvent[event]) { (this.defineEvent[event] = [cb]); } else { this.defineEvent[event].push(cb); } } // 派遣事件 public dispatch(event: string, arg?: any): void { if(this.defineEvent[event]) {{ for(let i=0, len = this.defineEvent[event].length; i this.defineEvent[event].splice(i, 1), 0); break; } } } } } // once 方法,监听一次 public once(event: string, cb): void { let onceCb = arg => { cb && cb(arg); this.off(event, onceCb); } this.register(event, onceCb); } // 清空所有事件 public clean(): void { this.defineEvent = {}; } } export connst eventBus = new EventBus();

在 PageA 页面监听:

eventBus.on('update', (data) => console.log(data));

在 PageB 页面派发

eventBus.dispatch('someEvent', { name: 'naluduo233'});



  • 组件的声明与使用
  • 组件的通信

如果你使用的是 taro 的话,直接按照 react 的语法自定义组件就好。而其中的组件通信的话,因为 taro 最终也是会编译为微信小程序,所以 url 和 eventbus 的页面组件通信方式是适用的。后续会分析 vant-ui weapp 的一些组件源码,看看有赞是如何实践的。



The above is the detailed content of A brief analysis of the methods of customizing components in WeChat mini programs. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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