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Detailed introduction to JavaScript to improve learning ES6

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This article brings you relevant knowledge about es6, including strict mode, higher-order functions, closures, recursion and other related issues. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Detailed introduction to JavaScript to improve learning ES6

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Detailed introduction to JavaScript to improve learning ES6

1. Strict Mode

  • JavaScript In addition to providing normal mode In addition, it also providesstrict mode
  • ES5’s strict mode is a way to adopt restrictive JavaScript variants, that is, to run JS code under strict conditions
  • Strict mode will only be supported in IE10 or above browsers, and older browsers will be ignored
  • Strict mode makes some changes to normal JavaScript semantics:
    • Eliminates Javascript syntax Some unreasonable and imprecise aspects have been reduced, and some weird behaviors have been reduced.
    • Eliminate some unsafe aspects of code running and ensure the safety of code running.
    • Improve compiler efficiency and increase running speed.
    • Disable some syntax that may be defined in future versions of ECMAScript to pave the way for new versions of Javascript in the future. For example, some reserved words such as: class, enum, export, extends, import, super cannot be used as variable names
##1.1. Turn on strict mode

    Strict mode can be applied to
  • the entire scriptorto individual functions.
  • Therefore, when using it, we can divide the strict mode into two situations:
  • Turning on strict mode for scriptsandTurning on strict mode for functions
1.1.2. Enable strict mode for the script

  • To enable strict mode for the entire script file, you need to

    put a specific statement before all statements

  • "use strict"or'use strict'

  • because
"use strict "

is enclosed in quotation marks, so older browsers will ignore it as an ordinary string.Some scripts are basically in strict mode, and some scripts are in normal mode. This is not conducive to file merging, so the entire script file can be placed in an anonymous function that is executed immediately. This creates a scope independently without affecting other script files.

1.1.2. Enable strict mode for a function

If you want to enable strict mode for a function, you need to change
    "use strict"
  • or'use strict'The statement is placed before all statements in the function body
    "use strict"
  • on the first line of the function body, then The entire function runs in "strict mode".
  • 2. Changes in strict mode

Strict mode has made some changes to the syntax and behavior of JavaScript
  • 2.1. Variable regulations

In normal mode, if a variable is assigned a value without being declared, the default is a global variable
  • Strict mode prohibits this usage, and variables must be declared with the var command first. Then use
  • It is strictly prohibited to delete declared variables. For example, ``delete x` syntax is wrong
  • 2.2. This points to the problem in strict mode

  1. in the global scope function pointed to thewindowobject
  2. this
  3. in the global scope function in strict mode It isundefinedIt can also be called without adding
  4. new
  5. when constructing the function before. When it is a normal function,thispoints to the global objectIn strict mode, if the constructor is called without
  6. new
  7. ,thispoints toundefined, and if you assign a value to it, an error will be reported
  8. new
  9. The instantiated constructor points to the created object instanceTimer
  10. this
  11. Still points to thewindowevent or object Still pointing to the caller
  12. 2.3. Function changes

Functions cannot have duplicate names
  1. The function must be declared in At the top level, new versions of JavaScript will introduce "block-level scoping" (introduced in ES6). In order to be in line with the new version,
  2. is not allowed to declare functions in non-function code blocks
  3. 3, high-order functions

    A higher-order function
  • is a function that operates on other functions. Itreceives a function as a parameteroroutputs a function as a return value
  • receives a function As a parameter

Use the function as a return value

At this time fn is a higher-order function
  • The function is also a data type and can also be used as a parameter. Passed to another parameter for use. The most typical one is as a callback function
  • Similarly, the function can also be passed back as a return value
  • 4, closure

4.1, variable scope

Variables are divided into two types according to their scope: global variables and local variables

  1. 函数内部可以使用全局变量
  2. 函数外部不可以使用局部变量
  3. 当函数执行完毕,本作用域内的局部变量会销毁。





  1. 打开浏览器,按 F12 键启动 chrome 调试工具。

  2. 设置断点。

  3. 找到 Scope 选项(Scope 作用域的意思)。

  4. 当我们重新刷新页面,会进入断点调试,Scope 里面会有两个参数(global 全局作用域、local 局部作用域)。

  5. 当执行到 fn2() 时,Scope 里面会多一个 Closure 参数 ,这就表明产生了闭包。

Detailed introduction to JavaScript to improve learning ES6


  • 延伸变量的作用范围



  • 榴莲
  • 臭豆腐
  • 鲱鱼罐头
  • 大猪蹄子

Detailed introduction to JavaScript to improve learning ES6


  • 榴莲
  • 臭豆腐
  • 鲱鱼罐头
  • 大猪蹄子

Detailed introduction to JavaScript to improve learning ES6



简单理解: 函数内部自己调用自己,这个函数就是递归函数

由于递归很容易发生"栈溢出"错误,所以必须要加退出条件 return


  1. 浅拷贝只是拷贝一层,更深层次对象级别的只拷贝引用
  2. 深拷贝拷贝多层,每一级别的数据都会拷贝
  3. Object.assign(target,....sources)ES6新增方法可以浅拷贝


// 浅拷贝只是拷贝一层,更深层次对象级别的只拷贝引用var obj = { id: 1, name: 'andy', msg: { age: 18 }};var o = {}for(var k in obj){ // k是属性名,obj[k]是属性值 o[k] = obj.[k];}console.log(o);// 浅拷贝语法糖Object.assign(o,obj);


// 深拷贝拷贝多层,每一级别的数据都会拷贝var obj = { id: 1, name: 'andy', msg: { age: 18 } color: ['pink','red']};var o = {};// 封装函数function deepCopy(newobj,oldobj){ for(var k in oldobj){ // 判断属性值属于简单数据类型还是复杂数据类型 // 1.获取属性值 oldobj[k] var item = obldobj[k]; // 2.判断这个值是否是数组 if(item instanceof Array){ newobj[k] = []; deepCopy(newobj[k],item) }else if (item instanceof Object){ // 3.判断这个值是否是对象 newobj[k] = {}; deepCopy(newobj[k],item) }else { // 4.属于简单数据类型 newobj[k] = item; } }}deepCopy(o,obj);

7、 正则表达式


正则表通常被用来检索、替换那些符合某个模式(规则)的文本,例如验证表单:用户名表单只能输入英文字母、数字或者下划线, 昵称输入框中可以输入中文(匹配)。此外,正则表达式还常用于过滤掉页面内容中的一些敏感词(替换),或从字符串中获取我们想要的特定部分(提取)等 。


  • 实际开发,一般都是直接复制写好的正则表达式
  • 但是要求会使用正则表达式并且根据自身实际情况修改正则表达式



  1. 通过调用 RegExp 对象的构造函数创建

  2. 通过字面量创建

7.2.1、通过调用 RegExp 对象的构造函数创建

通过调用 RegExp 对象的构造函数创建

var 变量名 = new RegExp(/表达式/);



var 变量名 = /表达式/;


7.2.3、测试正则表达式 test

  • test()正则对象方法,用于检测字符串是否符合该规则,该对象会返回truefalse,其参数是测试字符串
  • regexObj写的是正则表达式
  • str我们要测试的文本
  • 就是检测str文本是否符合我们写的正则表达式规范





边界符 说明
^ 表示匹配行首的文本(以谁开始)
$ 表示匹配行尾的文本(以谁结束)

如果^ 和 $ 在一起,表示必须是精确匹配

// 边界符 ^ $ var rg = /abc/; //正则表达式里面不需要加引号,不管是数字型还是字符串型 // /abc/只要包含有abc这个字符串返回的都是true console.log(rg.test('abc')); console.log(rg.test('abcd')); console.log(rg.test('aabcd')); var reg = /^abc/; console.log(reg.test('abc')); //true console.log(reg.test('abcd')); // true console.log(reg.test('aabcd')); // false var reg1 = /^abc$/ // 以abc开头,以abc结尾,必须是abc


  • 字符类表示有一系列字符可供选择,只要匹配其中一个就可以了
  • 所有可供选择的字符都放在方括号内

①[] 方括号

/[abc]/.test('andy'); // true


②[-]方括号内部 范围符


方括号内部加上-表示范围,这里表示a - z26个英文字母都可以

③[^] 方括号内部 取反符 ^

/[^abc]/.test('andy') // false


注意和边界符 ^ 区别,边界符写到方括号外面


/[a-z1-9]/.test('andy') // true

方括号内部可以使用字符组合,这里表示包含a 到 z的26个英文字母和1到9的数字都可以



量词 说明
* 重复零次或更多次
+ 重复一次或更多次
? 重复零次或一次
{n} 重复n次
{n,} 重复n次或更多次
{n,m} 重复n到m次



  1. 如果用户名输入合法, 则后面提示信息为 : 用户名合法,并且颜色为绿色
  2. 如果用户名输入不合法, 则后面提示信息为: 用户名不符合规范, 并且颜色为绿色


  1. 用户名只能为英文字母,数字,下划线或者短横线组成, 并且用户名长度为 6~16位.

  2. 首先准备好这种正则表达式模式 /$[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{6,16}^/

  3. 当表单失去焦点就开始验证.

  4. 如果符合正则规范, 则让后面的span标签添加 right 类.

  5. 如果不符合正则规范, 则让后面的span标签添加 wrong 类.



  1. 大括号 量词符 里面面表示重复次数
  2. 中括号 字符集合 匹配方括号中的任意字符
  3. 小括号 表示优先级
// 中括号 字符集合 匹配方括号中的任意字符 var reg = /^[abc]$/; // a || b || c // 大括号 量词符 里面表示重复次数 var reg = /^abc{3}$/; // 它只是让c 重复3次 abccc // 小括号 表示优先级 var reg = /^(abc){3}$/; //它是让 abc 重复3次




预定类 说明
\d 匹配0-9之间的任一数字,相当于[0-9]
\D 匹配所有0-9以外的字符,相当于[ ^ 0-9]
\w 匹配任意的字母、数字和下划线,相当于[A-Za-z0-9_ ]
\W 除所有字母、数字、和下划线以外的字符,相当于[ ^A-Za-z0-9_ ]
\s 匹配空格(包括换行符,制表符,空格符等),相当于[\t\t\n\v\f]
\S 匹配非空格的字符,相当于[ ^ \t\r\n\v\f]







7.6.1、replace 替换


  1. 第一个参数: 被替换的字符串或者正则表达式
  2. 第二个参数:替换为的字符串
  3. 返回值是一个替换完毕的新字符串
// 替换 replacevar str = 'andy和red';var newStr = str.replace('andy','baby');var newStr = str.replace(/andy/,'baby');




  • g: 全局匹配
  • i:忽略大小写
  • gi: 全局匹配 + 忽略大小写


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