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Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code)

2022-01-20 19:29:503430browse

How to create a pie chart with CSS? The following article will teach you step by step how to use CSS to create a dynamic pie chart. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code)

Pie charts are common components that allow you to show parts of a whole, and you can use them in many different scenarios. You'll find a lot of articles about building such a component, but they usually rely on either SVG or a lot of HTML elements. In this article, I will show you how to create a pie chart using CSS and just one element.

Next we make a static pie chart, an animated pie chart, and we can also have rounded corners. Yet all this is done with just one <div> element. <p>Besides that, we can easily adjust different values ​​using CSS variables, so we don’t have to worry about changing CSS code. </p> <h2 data-id="heading-0">HTML structure of the pie chart</h2> <p>As I mentioned above, we have a single <code><div> to which we add the percentage value (the progress of the pie chart) As main content: <pre class="brush:html;toolbar:false;">&lt;div class=&quot;pie&quot; style=&quot;--p:60;--b:10px;--c:purple;&quot;&gt;60%&lt;/div&gt;</pre><p> We also add CSS variables as inline styles. </p> <ul> <li> <code>--p: This variable should contain the percentage value as a number (without the % sign). It should be the same as the content.

  • --b: This variable will define the thickness of the border.
  • --c: This variable will define the main color.
  • For the sake of this article and demonstration, I used single-character variables to keep the code short. But when using code in a production environment, it's better to think about more explicit variables. Examples: --percentage, --border-thickness, and --main-color.

    CSS Settings for Pie Chart

    We start by styling our content. This part is easy, the code is as follows:

    .pie {
      --w: 150px;
      width: var(--w);
      aspect-ratio: 1;
      display: inline-grid;
      place-content: center;
      margin: 5px;
      font-size: 25px;
      font-weight: bold;
      font-family: sans-serif;

    I define the element as inline-grid using place-content: center. We aspect-ratio: 1 is used to ensure that the element remains square. We could also use height: var(--w), but it’s always good to learn and use new CSS properties.

    You may be wondering why I use a variable to define the width instead of simply setting width: 150px. I need to know the value of the width for future use, so I define it as a variable .

    All the rest of the CSS is very basic text styling. Feel free to update it.

    Let's move on to the fun part - the main shape of our component. To do this, we will use a pseudo-element with the following style:

      content: "";
      position: absolute;
      border-radius: 50%;
      inset: 0;
      background: conic-gradient(var(--c) calc(var(--p)*1%),#0000 0);

    A pseudo-element that covers all areas, position: absolute This is done thanks to inset: 0 . Yes, it is a new CSS property, which is the abbreviation of top, right, bottom, and right.

    You can read more here


    Then we turn it into a circle ( border-radius: 50%) and apply a conic-gradient(). Note that we defined the style as inline Usage of CSS variables (--c for color and --p for percentage).

    So far this will give us the following results:

    Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code)

    We are getting closer! This conic-gradient() gives us a two-color gradient. Primary color from 0% to p%, the rest is transparent color (defined with hexadecimal value #0000).

    In order to keep only the border part, we will use amask to hide the middle part. This time we will use radial-gradient():

    radial-gradient(farthest-side,red calc(99% - var(--b)),blue calc(100% - var(--b)))

    The above as a background application will provide us with the following information:

    Note the use of variables that define the border thickness--b (shown in blue above).

    Now imagine that the red part is the invisible part and the blue part is the visible part. If we use the same gradient for the properties, this is what we will get:

    Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code)Our pie chart contains one element and a few lines of CSS code .

    .pie {
      width: var(--w);
      aspect-ratio: 1;
      position: relative;
      display: inline-grid;
      place-content: center;
      margin: 5px;
      font-size: 25px;
      font-weight: bold;
      font-family: sans-serif;
    .pie:before {
      content: "";
      position: absolute;
      border-radius: 50%;
      inset: 0;
      background: conic-gradient(var(--c) calc(var(--p)*1%),#0000 0);
      -webkit-mask:radial-gradient(farthest-side,#0000 calc(99% - var(--b)),#000 calc(100% - var(--b)));
              mask:radial-gradient(farthest-side,#0000 calc(99% - var(--b)),#000 calc(100% - var(--b)));

    And HTML:

    <div class="pie" style="--p:60;--b:10px;--c:purple;">60%</div>

    How to add rounded edgesFor this I will add an extra gradient layer to round the edge, and add a pseudo element to round the other edge. Here is an illustration to understand the trick:

    Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code)(1) Code for dome edge:

    .pie:before {
        radial-gradient(farthest-side,var(--c) 98%,#0000) top/var(--b) var(--b) no-repeat,
        conic-gradient(var(--c) calc(var(--p)*1%),#0000 0);



    We also added a radial-gradient() placed at the top with a size equal to the border thickness defined by --b. (2) Code for rounding the other side: <pre class="brush:css;toolbar:false;">.pie:after { content: &quot;&quot;; position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; inset: calc(50% - var(--b)/2); background: var(--c); transform: rotate(calc(var(--p)*3.6deg)) translate(calc(50% - var(--w)/2)); }</pre><p>该<code>inset属性将伪元素的大小设置为等于--b。请记住,它是top,rightbottom的简写left。如果我们有

    left = right = 50% - b/2

    这意味着我们从每一边移动到中心减去等于的偏移量b/2- 所以我们最终的宽度等于2*b/2 = b。高度的逻辑相同。

    现在我们需要正确放置我们的元素,这就是我们使用 transform 属性的原因。我们的元素最初放置在中心,所以我们需要先旋转它。有了百分比,我们使用“三规则”来获得角度:

    angle = percentage*360deg/100

    然后我们进行平移,这里我们需要宽度,因为我们必须执行一半宽度的平移 ( w/2)。


    Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code)



    静态饼图很好,但动画饼图更好!为此,我们将动画百分比值--p0定义值。默认情况下,我们无法为 CSS 变量设置动画,但由于有了新@property功能,它现在可以实现了。


    @property --p{
      syntax: &#39;<number>&#39;;
      inherits: true;
      initial-value: 0;


    @keyframes p {
      from {--p:0}

    请注意,我们只需要指定from. 这样做,默认情况下,浏览器将to等于我们定义的值 ( <div class="pie" style="--p:60;">60%</div>)。


    animation: p 1s .5s both;

    注意:这种技术并未得到广泛支持。你可以在基于 Chromium 的浏览器(Chrome 和 Edge)上对其进行测试,但在 Firefox 和 Safari 上会失败。您可以查看Can I Use以跟踪支持。


    The above is the detailed content of Teach you step by step how to use CSS to create dynamic pie charts (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

    firefox css chrome safari html edge class Property var position border 伪元素 transform https
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