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Creation and use of indexes in Oracle (summary sharing)

2021-12-31 18:53:5211847browse

This article brings you knowledge about the creation and use of indexes in Oracle. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Creation and use of indexes in Oracle (summary sharing)

OLTP system index creation

Creation The role of index

1. By creating a unique index, the uniqueness of each row of data in the database table can be guaranteed.

2. It can greatly speed up data retrieval, which is also the main reason for creating an index.

3. It can speed up the connection between tables, which is particularly meaningful in achieving referential integrity of data.

4. When using grouping and sorting clauses for data retrieval, the time for grouping and sorting in queries can also be significantly reduced.

5. By using indexes, you can use optimization hiders during the query process to improve system performance.

How to choose index columns

1. Index columns should be built Features

1) On columns that often need to be searched, it can speed up searches;

2) On columns that serve as primary keys, it enforces the uniqueness of the column and organizes the data in the table Arrangement structure;

3) In columns that are often used in connections, these columns are mainly foreign keys, which can speed up the connection;

4) In cases where it is often necessary to search based on range Create an index on the column, because the index has been sorted, and its specified range is continuous;

5) Create an index on the column that often needs to be sorted, because the index has been sorted, so that the query can take advantage of the sorting of the index, Speed ​​up sorting query time;

6) Create indexes on columns frequently used in WHERE clauses to speed up the judgment of conditions.

2. Characteristics of columns that should not be indexed

1) Indexes should not be created for columns that are rarely used or referenced in queries. This is because, since these columns are rarely used, indexing or not indexing does not improve query speed. On the contrary, due to the addition of indexes, the maintenance speed of the system is reduced and the space requirements are increased.

2) Indexes should not be increased for columns with few data values. This is because, since these columns have very few values, such as the gender column of the personnel table, in the query results, the data rows in the result set account for a large proportion of the data rows in the table, that is, the data that needs to be searched in the table The proportion of rows is huge. Increasing the index does not significantly speed up retrieval.

3) Indexes should not be added to columns that are defined as blob data types. This is because the data volume of these columns is either quite large or has very few values.

4) When the modification performance is far greater than the retrieval performance, the index should not be created. This is because modification performance and retrieval performance are contradictory to each other. When adding indexes, retrieval performance will be improved, but modification performance will be reduced. When reducing indexes, modification performance will increase and retrieval performance will decrease. Therefore, when modification performance is much greater than retrieval performance, indexes should not be created. (The amount of data is huge, consider creating a partitioned index)

Index creation syntax

CREATEUNIUQE | BITMAP INDEX <schema>.<index_name>
ON <schema>.<table_name>
(<column_name> | <expression> ASC | DESC,
<column_name> | <expression> ASC | DESC,...)
TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>
STORAGE <storage_settings>

Related instructions

1) UNIQUE | BITMAP: Specify UNIQUE as a unique value index, and BITMAP is Bitmap index, omitted as B-Tree index.

2) f4c55dd52f1b37a9debd48ac1ff8dbb5 |41256fb142f22f4bfc3f76fe922f5535 ASC | DESC: Multiple columns can be jointly indexed, when it is expression, it is a function-based index

3) TABLESPACE: Specify The table space where the index is stored (it is more efficient when the index and the original table are not in the same table space)

4) STORAGE: You can further set the storage parameters of the table space

5) LOGGING | NOLOGGING: Whether Generate redo logs for indexes (try to use NOLOGGING for large tables to reduce space and improve efficiency)

6) COMPUTESTATISTICS: collect statistical information when creating a new index

7) NOCOMPRESS | COMPRESS3d7242a4fb043913c01e717913c52b04: Whether to use "key compression" (using key compression can delete duplicate values ​​​​appearing in a key column)

8) NOSORT | REVERSE: NOSORT means creating the index in the same order as in the table, REVERSE means the opposite Store index values ​​sequentially

9) PARTITION | NOPARTITION: The created index can be partitioned on partitioned tables and unpartitioned tables

Misunderstandings in index usage

Restricted indexes

Limiting indexes is one of the mistakes often made by inexperienced developers. There are many traps in SQL that can make some indexes unusable. Some common problems are discussed below:

1. Use the inequality operator (a8093152e673feb7aba1828c43532094, !=)

The following query even though there is a value in the cust_rating column Index, query statement still performs a full table scan.

    select cust_Id,cust_name from customers wherecust_rating<> &#39;aa&#39;;

Change the above statement to the following query statement, so that the index will be used when using the rule-based optimizer instead of the cost-based optimizer (more intelligent).

   select cust_Id,cust_name fromcustomers where cust_rating<&#39;aa&#39; orcust_rating > &#39;aa&#39;;

Special note: By changing the inequality operator to an OR condition, you can use an index to avoid a full table scan.


Using ISNULL or ISNOT NULL will also limit the use of indexes. Because the NULL value is not defined.

在 SQL语句中使用NULL会有很多的麻烦。因此建议开发人员在建表时,把需要索引的列设成NOT NULL。如果被索引的列在某些行中存在NULL值,就不会使用这个索引(除非索引是一个位图索引,关于位图索引在稍后在详细讨论)。


如果不使用基于函数的索引,那么在 SQL语句的 WHERE子句中对存在索引的列使用函数时,会使优化器忽略掉这些索引。 下面的查询不会使用索引(只要它不是基于函数的索引)

select empno,ename,deptno from emp where trunc(hiredate)=&#39;01-MAY-81&#39;;


select empno,ename,deptno from emp where hiredate<(to_date(&#39;01-MAY-81&#39;)+0.9999);


也是比较难于发现的性能问题之一。 注意下面查询的例子,account_number是一个VARCHAR2类型,在 account_number字段上有索引。


select bank_name,address,city,state,zip from banks whereaccount_number = 990354;

Oracle 可以自动把 where子句变成to_number(account_number)=990354,这样就限


select bank_name,address,city,state,zip from banks where account_number=&#39;990354&#39;;

特别注意: 不匹配的数据类型之间比较会让Oracle自动限制索引的使用,即便对这个查询执行ExplainPlan也不能让您明白为什么做了一次―全表扫描。


查 询 DBA_INDEXES视 图 可 得 到 表 中 所 有 索 引 的 列表 , 注 意 只 能 通 过USER_INDEXES的方法来检索模式(schema)的索引。访问 USER_IND_COLUMNS视图可得到一个给定表中被索引的特定列。

6、 组合索引

当某个索引包含有多个已索引的列时,称这个索引为组合(concatented)索引。在Oracle9i引入跳跃式扫描的索引访问方法之前,查询只能在有限条件下使用该索引。比如:表 emp 有一个组合索引键,该索引包含了 empno、 ename和 deptno。在Oracle9i之前除非在 where之句中对第一列(empno)指定一个值,否则就不能使用这个索引键进行一次范围扫描。





  •    B树索引(默认类型)

  •     位图索引

  •    HASH索引

  •     索引组织表索引

  •     反转键(reverse key)索引

  •     基于函数的索引

  •     分区索引(本地和全局索引)

  •     位图连接索引

B树索引 (默认类型)


在下图的例子中,B树索引位于雇员表的last_name列上。这个索引的二元高度为3;接下来,Oracle会穿过两个树枝块(branch block),到达包含有ROWID的树叶块。在每个树枝块中,树枝行包含链中下一个块的ID号。





  • 适合与大量的增、删、改(OLTP)

  •     不能用包含OR操作符的查询;

  •     适合高基数的列(唯一值多)

  •     典型的树状结构;

  •     每个结点都是数据块;

  •     大多都是物理上一层、两层或三层不定,逻辑上三层;

  •     叶子块数据是排序的,从左向右递增;

  •     在分支块和根块中放的是索引的范围;


位图索引非常适合于决策支持系统(Decision Support System,DSS)和数据仓库,它们不应该用于通过事务处理应用程序访问的表。它们可以使用较少到中等基数(不同值的数量)的列访问非常大的表。




适合与决策支持系统;做 UPDATE代价非常高

非常适合 OR操作符的查询;基数比较少的时候才能建位图索引;

技巧:对于有较低基数的列需要使用位图索引。性别列就是这样一个例子,它有两个可能值:男或女(基数仅为2)。位图对于低基数(少量的不同值)列来说非常快,这是因为索引的尺寸相对于B树索引来说小了很多。因为这些索引是低基数的  B  树索引,所以非常小,因此您可以经常检索表中超过半数的行,并且仍使用位图索引。



下面来看一个示例表PARTICIPANT,该表包含了来自个人的调查数据。列Age_Code、Income_Level、Education_Level和Marital_Status都包括了各自的位图索引。 下图显示了每个直方图中的数据平衡情况,以及对访问每个位图索引的查询的执行路径。图中的执行路径显示了有多少个位图索引被合并,可以看出性能得到了显著的提高。


如上图图所示,优化器依次使用4个单独的位图索引,这些索引的列在WHERE子句中被引用。每个位图记录指针(例如0或1),用于示表中的哪些行包含位图中的已知值。有了这些信息后,Oracle就执行BITMAP AND操作以查找将从所有4个位图中返回哪些行。该值然后被转换为ROWID值,并且查询继续完成剩余的处理工作。注意,所有4个列都有非常低的基数,使用索引可以非常快速地返回匹配的行。



SQL> select index_name, index_type from user_indexes;
 ------------------------------ ----------------------
 TT_INDEX           NORMAL

B 树索引作为NORMAL列出;而位图索引的类型值为BITMAP。






当执行  ALTER TABLE语句并修改包含有位图索引的列时,会使位图索引失效。位图索引不包含任何列数据,并且不能用于任何类型的完整性检查。位图索引不能被声明为唯一索引。位图索引的最大长度为30。

Tip: Do not use bitmap indexes in heavy OLTP environments

HASH index

Using HASH indexes must use a HASH cluster. When a cluster or HASH cluster is established, a cluster key is also defined. This key tells Oracle how to store the table in the cluster. When storing data, all rows related to this cluster key are stored on a database block.

If the data is all stored on the same database block, and the HASH index is used as an exact match in the WHERE clause, Oracle can access the data by executing a HASH function and I/O - and by using A B-tree index with a binary height of 4 to access the data requires 4 I/Os when retrieving the data.

As shown in the figure below, the query is an equivalent query, used to match the HASH column and the exact value.

Oracle can quickly use this value to determine the physical storage location of the row based on the HASH function.

HASH index may be the fastest way to access data in the database, but it also has its own shortcomings. The number of distinct values ​​on the cluster key must be known before creating a HASH cluster. This value needs to be specified when creating a HASH cluster. Underestimating the number of different cluster key values ​​may cause cluster conflicts (two cluster keys with the same hash value). This kind of conflict is very resource intensive. Conflicts can cause the buffer used to store extra rows to overflow, which in turn causes extra I/O. If the number of different hash values ​​has been underestimated, you must change this value after rebuilding the cluster.

The ALTER CLUSTER command cannot change the number of HASH keys. HASH clusters can also waste space. If you cannot determine how much space is required to maintain all rows on a cluster key, you may waste space. If additional space cannot be allocated for future growth of the cluster, a HASH cluster may not be the best choice.

If the application frequently performs full table scans on the clustered table, HASH clustering may not be the best choice. Full table scans can be very resource intensive due to the need to allocate the remaining space in the cluster for future growth.

Be careful before implementing HASH cluster. You need to look at the application thoroughly to ensure that you understand a lot about the tables and data before implementing this option. Generally, HASH is very effective for some static data containing ordered values.

Tips: HASH indexes are very useful when there are restrictions (need to specify a certain value rather than a value range)

#Index organization table

Index organization The table will change the storage structure of the table to a B-tree structure and sort by the primary key of the table. This special table, like other types of tables, can execute all DML and DDL statements on the table. Due to the special structure of the table, ROWID is not associated with the rows of the table.

For some statements involving exact matches and range searches, index-organized tables provide a fast key-based data access mechanism. Performance of UPDATE and DELETE statements based on primary key values ​​is also improved because the rows are physically ordered.

Since the values ​​of the key columns are not repeated in the table and index, the space required for storage is also reduced. If data will not be queried frequently against the primary key column, you will need to create secondary indexes on other columns in the index-organized table. Applications that do not frequently query a table based on its primary key will not see the full benefits of using an index to organize a table. For tables that are always accessed through an exact match of the primary key or a range scan, consider using an index to organize the table.

Tip: You can create a secondary index on an index-organized table.

Reverse key index

When loading some ordered data, the index will definitely encounter some bottlenecks related to I/O. During data loading, some parts of the index and disk are bound to be used much more frequently than others. To solve this problem, the index table space can be stored on a disk architecture that can physically split the files across multiple disks.

To solve this problem, Oracle also provides a method to reverse the key index. If data is stored with a reversed key index, the values ​​of the data will be the opposite of the values ​​originally stored. In this way, data 1234, 1235 and 1236 are stored as 4321, 5321 and 6321. The result is that the index updates a different index block for each newly inserted row.

Tip: If you have limited disk capacity and are performing a large number of ordered loads, you can use an inverted key index.

You cannot use inverted key indexes with bitmap indexes or index-organized tables. Because bitmap indexes and index-organized tables cannot be reversed keyed.

Number-based index

You can create function-based indexes in the table. Without a function-based index, any query that performs a function on a column cannot use the index on that column. For example, the following query cannot use an index on the JOB column unless it is a function-based index:

select * from emp where UPPER(job) = &#39;MGR&#39;;

下面的查询使用 JOB列上的索引,但是它将不会返回JOB列具有Mgr或mgr值的行:

select * from emp where job = &#39;MGR&#39;;

可以创建这样的索引,允许索引访问支持基于函数的列或数据。可以对列表达式  UPPER(job)创建索引,而不是直接在JOB列上建立索引,如:

create index EMP$UPPER_JOB on emp(UPPER(job));尽管基于函数的索引非常有用,但在建立它们之前必须先考虑下面一些问题:



注意:对于优化器所使用的基于函数的索引来说,必须把初始参数QUERY_REWRITE _ ENABLED 设定为 TRUE。


select count(*) from sample where ratio(balance,limit) >.5;
Elapsed time: 20.1 minutes
create index ratio_idx1 on sample (ratio(balance, limit));
 select count(*) from sample where ratio(balance,limit) >.5;
Elapsed time: 7 seconds!!!








可以使用与表相同的分区键和范围界限来对本地索引分区。每个本地索引的分区只包含了它所关联的表分区的键和ROWID。本地索引可以是B树或位图索引。如果是  B树索引,它可以是唯一或不唯一的索引。


(1) 有前缀的索引

有前缀的索引包含了来自分区键的键,并把它们作为索引的前导。例如,让我们再次回顾  participant表。在创建该表后,使用survey_id和survey_date这两个列进行范围分区,然后在survey_id列上建立一个有前缀的本地索引,如下图所示。这个索引的所有分区都被等价划分,就是说索引的分区都使用表的相同范围界限来创建。


(2) Unprefixed index

The unprefixed index does not use the leading column of the partition key as the leading column of the index. If you use the same partitioned table with the same partition key (survey_id and survey_date), the index built on the survey_date column is a local unprefixed index, as shown in the figure below. A local unprefixed
index can be created on any column of the table, but each partition of the index contains only the key values ​​for the corresponding partition of the table.

#If you want to set an unprefixed index as a unique index, the index must contain a subset of the partition key.
In this example we have to include
survey and ( or ) survey_id columns are combined (As long as
survey_id# is not the first column of the index, it is a prefixed index ).

Tip: For a unique unprefixed index, it Must contain a subset of the partition key.

Global partition index

A global partitioned index contains keys from multiple table partitions in one index partition. The partition key of a global partitioned index is a distinct or specified range of values ​​in the partitioned table. When creating a global partitioned index, the range and value of the partition key must be defined.

Global indexes can only be B-tree indexes. Oracle does not maintain global partitioned indexes by default. If a partition is truncated, added, split, deleted, etc., the global partition index must be rebuilt unless the UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause of the ALTER TABLE command is specified when modifying the table.

(2) Prefixed indexes Generally, global prefixed indexes are not peer-partitioned in the underlying table.

Nothing can limit the peer partitioning of an index, but Oracle will not take full advantage of peer partitioning when generating query plans or performing partition maintenance operations. If the index is peer-partitioned, it must be created as a local index so that Oracle can maintain the index and use it to remove unnecessary partitions, as shown in the figure below. In this diagram, each of the 3 index partitions contains index entries that point to rows in multiple table partitions.



( 2) 无前缀的索引





create bitmap index FACT_DIM_COL_IDX on FACT(DIM.Descr_Col) from
FACT, DIM where FACT.JoinCol = DIM.JoinCol;

位图连接的语法比较特别,其中包含 FROM子句和WHERE子句,并且引用两个单独的表。索引列通常是维度表中的描述列——就是说,如果维度是


这样的列。如果事实表名为 SALES,可以使用如下的命令创建索引:

create bitmap index SALES_CUST_NAME_IDX
where SALES.Customer_ID=CUSTOMER.Customer_ID;

如果用户接下来使用指定 Customer_Name列值的WHERE子句查询


条件和 Customer_Name条件的行。


1) 只可以索引维度表中的列。

2) 用于连接的列必须是维度表中的主键或唯一约束;如果是复合主键,则


3) 不可以对索引组织表创建位图连接索引,并且适用于常规位图索引的限





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