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A brief analysis of how to elegantly implement modularization in small programs?

2021-12-29 10:21:432796browse

How to modularize elegantly in small programs? This article will teach you how to elegantly modularize small programs. I hope it will be helpful to you!

A brief analysis of how to elegantly implement modularization in small programs?

This article talks about how to elegantly implement modular processing in WeChat mini programs. Through a condensed summary of some recent development experiences, we will explore some methods that can improve the efficiency of WeChat applet development and reduce mental burden.

Selection of ES6 and commonJS

First of all, both ES6 and commonJS are supported in the WeChat mini program. In traditional web projects, I am personally accustomed to using ES6 modular syntax for development.

At the beginning, I also extracted all the common methods in the mini program into separate files, and used export or export default to export, and used import Introduction.


But! In actual development, the js file of the mini program does not support the introduction of absolute paths ! This means that if you need to introduce a public method into your page, you must use the ../../../xxx/xxx.js method. When you introduce multiple When it comes to modules, this way of writing will definitely dampen your enthusiasm for development.


So how do we solve such a long import path? In web projects, we often use path aliases Methods, such as webpack or resolve.alias in vite to shorten the imported path.

alias: {"@src":path.resolve("src"),

But in the native WeChat applet, although some front-end engineering tools such as gulp or webpack can be used to make some modifications to the applet, as a I hope that the startup process of an open source project does not require too much additional configuration. It is best to use native syntax to implement it.

In the end, I chose to add a new require method in app.js to introduce the module. In this way, when introducing the module into the page, we only need to use the instance of the app to introduce the module. , so that you can use the relative path to the app.js file to import the file.

// app.js
        return path

Usage method

// 使用基于app.js的相对路径来引入文件,这样就避免了写很多"../"
const app = getApp()
const upload = app.require("lib/upload")

Of course, this is not particularly convenient, first of allThe code prompt is not perfect. If you use the above method, the prompts for parameters or some return values ​​may not be in place, but the impact will not be big. If I find other better implementation methods in the future, I will write an article to analyze it. Secondly, the modular syntax of commonJS must be used globally, but this is not a big problem.

Single page modularization

There is no special modularization method provided in the mini program. The more common method is to extract some methods into separate js files, and then Reintroduction. If you want to avoid a page file whose code is too long, the best way is to componentize it. However, in small programs, writing components is really unpleasant.

The mini program component has its own life cycle, and must be defined in advance in the page json when introduced. Since the component is hung on the shadow root node, if If you want to share styles with the page, such as the global style of colorUI, you also need to write the separate configuration item styleIsolation. The overall development experience is relatively fragmented compared to vue.

Based on some of the above personal opinions, I rarely use components when writing small programs. If I need to extract wxml or js, I usually use the following method.

wxml modularization

In small programs, I usually use template for abstraction and reuse, 微信小programTEMPLATEdoc Compared with components, templates only extract part of the page, and do not include the extraction of functional parts.

The following is a template I extracted. This is a list item of an article. It does not have any independent function, but the code is very longand is was reused in many pages, so I extracted it. Write the styles using inline styles, so that the same styles are introduced wherever they are introduced.

<!-- 文章列表项 -->
<import src=&#39;./avatar&#39; />
<template name="post-item">
<view class="margin padding-sm bg-white radius flex shadow " style="position: relative;height: 350rpx;border-radius: 10rpx;">
        <!-- 背景蒙版 -->
        <view style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;border-radius: 10rpx;">
                <image style="filter:blur(2px) grayscale(80%) opacity(80%)" lazy-load="{{true}}" src="{{imgList[0]}}" mode="aspectFill"></image>
        <view style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;background-color: rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8);border-radius: 10rpx;">

        <view style="z-index: 10;width: 100%;" class="text-white">
                <!-- 文章标题 -->
                <view class="text-xl  ">
                        <text class="cu-tag margin-right-sm bg-color radius">{{topic}}</text>
                        <text class="text-bold">{{title}}</text>
                <!-- 文章内容 -->
                <view class="margin-top-xs text-sm text-cut">{{content}}</view>

                <view class="flex align-end justify-between margin-top">
                        <!-- 文章图片 -->
                        <view class="flex align-center">
                                <view class="margin-xs" style="width: 120rpx;height: 120rpx;" wx:for="{{imgList}}" wx:key="{{index}}" wx:if="{{index < 3}}">
                                        <image class="radius" src="{{item}}" mode="aspectFill"></image>

                        <!-- 浏览量-点赞数 -->
                        <view class="bg-color flex align-center text-white text-sm radius" style="padding: 4px 12px;">
                                <view class="cuIcon-attention "></view>
                                <view class="margin-left-xs">{{viewNum||0}}</view>
                                <view class="cuIcon-like margin-left"></view>
                                <view class="margin-left-xs">{{favorNum||0}}</view>

                <!-- 发布时间 -->
                <view class="margin-top-xs flex align-center text-sm text-gray justify-between padding-lr-xs">
                        <view class="flex align-center">
                                <template is="avatar" data="{{size:45,avatarUrl:user.avatarUrl}}" />
                                <view class="margin-left-xs">{{user.nickName}}</view>



It needs to be introduced in advance when used in the page. Since multiple templates can be introduced, you need to use the

is attribute to declare which template is used. The data can be passed# The ##data attribute is passed in. The example here is that I deconstruct the traversed item and then assign it to it.

<!-- 某个页面 -->
<import src=&#39;../../template/post-item&#39; />

<template data="{{...item}}" is="post-item" />
Of course, the template code that uses template for modularization and extraction cannot contain too much functional logic. The specific use still needs to be based on the business.

js modularity


// lib/upload.js
// 上传方法
module.exports = async function upload(path) {
	return await wx.cloud.uploadFile({
		cloudPath: new Date().getTime() + path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".")),
		filePath: path,
// pages/form/form.js
const app = getApp()
const upload = app.require("lib/upload")
async submit() {
            mask: true,
            title: "发布中"
    const imgList = []
    for (let img of this.data.form.imgList) {
            const uploadRes = await upload(img)
    // ...其他业务代码

当然以上的办法对于通用方法来说很方便,但是对于与 页面操作的逻辑耦合性 很高的一些业务代码,这样子抽离并不方便。

在vue2中我们可以使用mixin的方法模块化代码,在vue3中我们可以使用hook的方式模块化代码,但是在小程序中并没有以上两者的支持,最初我想仿照 vue3的hook 方式进行页面js封装改造,但最终实现的效果不理想,于是选择了实现一个模仿vue2 mixin 的方法来实现模块化。


// mixin.js
// 保存原生的 Page 函数
const originPage = Page
// 定义小程序内置的属性/方法
const prop = [&#39;data&#39;, &#39;properties&#39;, &#39;options&#39;]
const methods = [&#39;onLoad&#39;, &#39;onReady&#39;, &#39;onShow&#39;, &#39;onHide&#39;, &#39;onUnload&#39;, &#39;onPullDownRefresh&#39;, &#39;onReachBottom&#39;, &#39;onShareAppMessage&#39;, &#39;onPageScroll&#39;, &#39;onTabItemTap&#39;]

Page = (options) => {
  if (Array.isArray(options.mixins)) {
    const mixins = options.mixins
    delete options.mixins
    mixins.forEach((mixin) => {
      for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(mixin)) {
        if (prop.includes(key)) {
          // 混入属性
          options[key] = {
        } else if (methods.includes(key)) {
          // 混入原生方法
          const originFunc = options[key]
          options[key] = function (...args) {
            value.call(this, ...args)
            return originFunc && originFunc.call(this, ...args)
        } else {
          // 混入普通方法
          options = {




// app.js
// ...其他代码


// pages/form/form.js
const app = getApp()
const upload = app.require("lib/upload")
const to = app.require("lib/awaitTo")
const db = wx.cloud.database()
	mixins: [require("./mixins/topic")],
	data: {
		user: wx.getStorageSync(&#39;user&#39;),
		form: {
			title: "",
			topic: "",
			content: "",
			imgList: []
	chooseImg() {
			count: 9 - this.data.form.imgList.length,
			sizeType: [&#39;original&#39;], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
			sourceType: [&#39;album&#39;, &#39;camera&#39;], //从相册选择
			success: (res) => {
				res.tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths
				if (this.data.form.imgList.length != 0) {
					this.setData({ "form.imgList": this.data.form.imgList.concat(res.tempFilePaths) })
				} else {
					this.setData({ "form.imgList": res.tempFilePaths })
	async delImg(e) {
		const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
		const temp = this.data.form.imgList
		temp.splice(index, 1)
		this.setData({ "form.imgList": temp })

由于 topic 内都是关联性较强的属性与方法,因此就可以抽离出来,这样页面的js就会更加精简啦,如果有更多的代码就根据自己对于功能的判断进行抽离,然后放在页面对于mixin目录中即可!

// // pages/form/mixin/topic.js
const db = wx.cloud.database()
module.exports =  {
    onLoad(options) {
    async getTopic(){
		const res = await db.collection("topic").get()
		const flag = e.currentTarget.dataset.flag




The above is the detailed content of A brief analysis of how to elegantly implement modularization in small programs?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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