Home>Article>PHP Framework> Don’t miss the freshly released Laravel cheat sheet!
The following tutorial column ofLaravelwill introduce you to the freshly released Laravel cheat sheet. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!
Laravel Cheat Sheet
Project Commands
// 创建新项目 $ laravel new projectName // 运行 服务/项目 $ php artisan serve // 查看指令列表 $ php artisan list // 帮助 $ php artisan help migrate // Laravel 控制台 $ php artisan tinker // 查看路由列表 $ php artisan route:list
Public Commands
// 数据库迁移 $ php artisan migrate // 数据填充 $ php artisan db:seed // 创建数据表迁移文件 $ php artisan make:migration create_products_table // 生成模型选项: // -m (migration), -c (controller), -r (resource controllers), -f (factory), -s (seed) $ php artisan make:model Product -mcf // 生成控制器 $ php artisan make:controller ProductsController // 表更新字段 $ php artisan make:migration add_date_to_blogposts_table // 回滚上一次迁移 php artisan migrate:rollback // 回滚所有迁移 php artisan migrate:reset // 回滚所有迁移并刷新 php artisan migrate:refresh // 回滚所有迁移,刷新并生成数据 php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Create and Update Data Tables
// 创建数据表 $ php artisan make:migration create_products_table // 创建数据表(迁移示例) Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) { // 自增主键 $table->id(); // created_at 和 updated_at 字段 $table->timestamps(); // 唯一约束 $table->string('modelNo')->unique(); // 非必要 $table->text('description')->nullable(); // 默认值 $table->boolean('isActive')->default(true); // 索引 $table->index(['account_id', 'created_at']); // 外键约束 $table->foreignId('user_id')->constrained('users')->onDelete('cascade'); }); // 更新表(迁移示例) $ php artisan make:migration add_comment_to_products_table // up() Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->text('comment'); }); // down() Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn('comment'); });
// 模型质量指定列表排除属性 protected $guarded = []; // empty == All // 或者包含属性的列表 protected $fillable = ['name', 'email', 'password',]; // 一对多关系 (一条帖子对应多条评论) public function comments() { return $this->hasMany(Comment:class); } // 一对多关系 (多条评论在一条帖子下) public function post() { return $this->belongTo(Post::class); } // 一对一关系 (作者和个人简介) public function profile() { return $this->hasOne(Profile::class); } // 一对一关系 (个人简介和作者) public function author() { return $this->belongTo(Author::class); } // 多对多关系 // 3 张表 (帖子, 标签和帖子-标签) // 帖子-标签:post_tag (post_id, tag_id) // 「标签」模型中... public function posts() { return $this->belongsToMany(Post::class); } // 帖子模型中... public function tags() { return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class); }
// 例子: database/factories/ProductFactory.php public function definition() { return [ 'name' => $this->faker->text(20), 'price' => $this->faker->numberBetween(10, 10000), ]; } // 所有 fakers 选项 : https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker
// 例子: database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php public function run() { Product::factory(10)->create(); }
Running Seeders
$ php artisan db:seed // 或者 migration 时执行 $ php artisan migrate --seed
Eloquent ORM
// 新建 $flight = new Flight; $flight->name = $request->name; $flight->save(); // 更新 $flight = Flight::find(1); $flight->name = 'New Flight Name'; $flight->save(); // 创建 $user = User::create(['first_name' => 'Taylor','last_name' => 'Otwell']); // 更新所有: Flight::where('active', 1)->update(['delayed' => 1]); // 删除 $current_user = User::Find(1) $current_user.delete(); // 根据 id 删除: User::destroy(1); // 删除所有 $deletedRows = Flight::where('active', 0)->delete(); // 获取所有 $items = Item::all(). // 根据主键查询一条记录 $flight = Flight::find(1); // 如果不存在显示 404 $model = Flight::findOrFail(1); // 获取最后一条记录 $items = Item::latest()->get() // 链式 $flights = App\Flight::where('active', 1)->orderBy('name', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); // Where Todo::where('id', $id)->firstOrFail() // Like Todos::where('name', 'like', '%' . $my . '%')->get() // Or where Todos::where('name', 'mike')->orWhere('title', '=', 'Admin')->get(); // Count $count = Flight::where('active', 1)->count(); // Sum $sum = Flight::where('active', 1)->sum('price'); // Contain? if ($project->$users->contains('mike'))
// 基础闭包路由 Route::get('/greeting', function () { return 'Hello World'; }); // 视图路由快捷方式 Route::view('/welcome', 'welcome'); // 路由到控制器 use App\Http\Controllers\UserController; Route::get('/user', [UserController::class, 'index']); // 仅针对特定 HTTP 动词的路由 Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/', function () { // }); // 响应所有 HTTP 请求的路由 Route::any('/', function () { // }); // 重定向路由 Route::redirect('/clients', '/customers'); // 路由参数 Route::get('/user/{id}', function ($id) { return 'User '.$id; }); // 可选参数 Route::get('/user/{name?}', function ($name = 'John') { return $name; }); // 路由命名 Route::get( '/user/profile', [UserProfileController::class, 'show'] )->name('profile'); // 资源路由 Route::resource('photos', PhotoController::class); GET /photos index photos.index GET /photos/create create photos.create POST /photos store photos.store GET /photos/{photo} show photos.show GET /photos/{photo}/edit edit photos.edit PUT/PATCH /photos/{photo} update photos.update DELETE /photos/{photo} destroy photos.destroy // 完整资源路由 Route::resource('photos.comments', PhotoCommentController::class); // 部分资源路由 Route::resource('photos', PhotoController::class)->only([ 'index', 'show' ]); Route::resource('photos', PhotoController::class)->except([ 'create', 'store', 'update', 'destroy' ]); // 使用路由名称生成 URL $url = route('profile', ['id' => 1]); // 生成重定向... return redirect()->route('profile'); // 路由组前缀 Route::prefix('admin')->group(function () { Route::get('/users', function () { // Matches The "/admin/users" URL }); }); // 路由模型绑定 use App\Models\User; Route::get('/users/{user}', function (User $user) { return $user->email; }); // 路由模型绑定(id 除外) use App\Models\User; Route::get('/posts/{post:slug}', function (Post $post) { return view('post', ['post' => $post]); }); // 备选路由 Route::fallback(function () { // });
// 路由缓存 php artisan route:cache // 获取或保存(键,存活时间,值) $users = Cache::remember('users', now()->addMinutes(5), function () { return DB::table('users')->get(); });
// 设置校验规则 protected $rules = [ 'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255', 'name' => 'required|min:6', 'email' => 'required|email', 'publish_at' => 'nullable|date', ]; // 校验 $validatedData = $request->validate($rules) // 显示 404 错误页 abort(404, 'Sorry, Post not found') // Controller CRUD 示例 Class ProductsController { public function index() { $products = Product::all(); // app/resources/views/products/index.blade.php return view('products.index', ['products', $products]); } public function create() { return view('products.create'); } public function store() { Product::create(request()->validate([ 'name' => 'required', 'price' => 'required', 'note' => 'nullable' ])); return redirect(route('products.index')); } // 模型注入方法 public function show(Product $product) { return view('products.show', ['product', $product]); } public function edit(Product $product) { return view('products.edit', ['product', $product]); } public function update(Product $product) { Product::update(request()->validate([ 'name' => 'required', 'price' => 'required', 'note' => 'nullable' ])); return redirect(route($product->path())); } public function delete(Product $product) { $product->delete(); return redirect("/contacts"); } } // 获取 Query Params www.demo.html?name=mike request()->name //mike // 获取 Form data 传参(或默认值) request()->input('email', 'no@email.com')
@yield('content') @extends('layout') @section('content') … @endsection @include('view.name', ['name' => 'John']) {{ var_name }} { !! var_name !! } @foreach ($items as $item) {{ $item.name }} @if($loop->last) $loop->index @endif @endforeach @if ($post->id === 1) 'Post one' @elseif ($post->id === 2) 'Post two!' @else 'Other' @endif
Accessing the database without using a model
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; $user = DB::table('users')->first(); $users = DB::select('select name, email from users'); DB::insert('insert into users (name, email, password) value(?, ?, ?)', ['Mike', 'mike@hey.com', 'pass123']); DB::update('update users set name = ? where id = 1', ['eric']); DB::delete('delete from users where id = 1');
Helper function
// 显示变量内容并终止执行 dd($products) // 将数组转为Laravel集合 $collection = collect($array); // 按描述升序排序 $ordered_collection = $collection->orderBy(‘description’); // 重置集合键 $ordered_collection = $ordered_collection->values()->all(); // 返回项目完整路径 app\ : app_path(); resources\ : resource_path(); database\ :database_path();
Flash and Session
// 闪存(只有下一个请求) $request->session()->flash('status', 'Task was successful!'); // 带重定向的闪存 return redirect('/home')->with('success' => 'email sent!'); // 设置 Session $request->session()->put('key', 'value'); // 获取 session $value = session('key'); If session: if ($request->session()->has('users')) // 删除 session $request->session()->forget('key'); // 在模板中显示 flash @if (session('message')) {{ session('message') }} @endif
HTTP Client
// 引入包 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; // Http get 方式请求 $response = Http::get('www.thecat.com') $data = $response->json() // Http get 带参方式请求 $res = Http::get('www.thecat.com', ['param1', 'param2']) // Http post 带请求体方式请求 $res = Http::post('http://test.com', ['name' => 'Steve','role' => 'Admin']); // 带令牌认证方式请求 $res = Http::withToken('123456789')->post('http://the.com', ['name' => 'Steve']); // 带请求头方式发起请求 $res = Http::withHeaders(['type'=>'json'])->post('http://the.com', ['name' => 'Steve']);
Storage (helper class for storage in local files or cloud services)
// Public 驱动配置: Local storage/app/public Storage::disk('public')->exists('file.jpg')) // S3 云存储驱动配置: storage: 例如 亚马逊云: Storage::disk('s3')->exists('file.jpg')) // 在 web 服务中暴露公共访问内容 php artisan storage:link // 在存储文件夹中获取或者保存文件 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; Storage::disk('public')->put('example.txt', 'Contents'); $contents = Storage::disk('public')->get('file.jpg'); // 通过生成访问资源的 url $url = Storage::url('file.jpg'); // 或者通过公共配置的绝对路径// 删除文件 Storage::delete('file.jpg'); // 下载文件 Storage::disk('public')->download('export.csv');
Install new projects from github
$ git clone {project http address} projectName $ cd projectName $ composer install $ cp .env.example .env $ php artisan key:generate $ php artisan migrate $ npm install
Heroku Deployment
// 本地(MacOs)机器安装 Heroku $ brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku // 登陆 heroku (不存在则创建) $ heroku login // 创建 Profile $ touch Profile // 保存 Profile web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/
API routing (all api routes are prefixed with 'api/')
// routes/api.php Route::get('products', [App\Http\Controllers\ProductsController::class, 'index']); Route::get('products/{product}', [App\Http\Controllers\ProductsController::class, 'show']); Route::post('products', [App\Http\Controllers\ProductsController::class, 'store']);
API resources (The resource layer between the model and the JSON response)
$ php artisan make:resource ProductResource
Resource route definition file
// app/resource/ProductResource.php public function toArray($request) { return [ 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'price' => $this->price, 'custom' => 'This is a custom field', ]; }
API controller (best practice is to place your API controller in app/Http /Controllers/API/v1/中)
public function index() { //$products = Product::all(); $products = Product::paginate(5); return ProductResource::collection($products); } public function show(Product $product) { return new ProductResource($product); } public function store(StoreProductRequest $request) { $product = Product::create($request->all()); return new ProductResource($product); }
First, you need to create a Token for a specific user. [Related recommendations:The latest five Laravel video tutorials]
$user = User::first(); $user->createToken('dev token'); // plainTextToken: "1|v39On3Uvwl0yA4vex0f9SgOk3pVdLECDk4Edi4OJ"
Then you can use this token with one request
GET api/products (Auth Bearer Token: plainTextToken)
Authorization rules
You can use predefined Authorization rules to create tokens
$user->createToken('dev token', ['product-list']); // in controllers if !auth()->user()->tokenCan('product-list') { abort(403, "Unauthorized"); }
Original address: https://dev.to/ericchapman/my-beloved-laravel-cheat-sheet-3l73
Translation address: https ://learnku.com/laravel/t/62150
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