This article will help you understand the transaction isolation level in MySQL through four cases. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!
Many friends have always been confused about the isolation level of MySQL. In fact, this problem is not difficult at all. The key depends on how you explain it! Just looking at the theory will definitely make you dizzy, but if we demonstrate it through a few actual SQLs, everyone will find that this thing is so simple! [Related recommendations:mysql video tutorial]
Today Brother Song would like to demonstrate the transaction isolation level issue in MySQL through a few simple cases.
There are four types of transaction isolation levels in MySQL, as follows:
Four different The meanings of the isolation levels are as follows:
If the isolation level is serialization, users pass one after another Execute current transactions sequentially. This isolation level provides maximum isolation between transactions.
In repeatable read at this isolation level, transactions are not considered a sequence. However, the changes in the currently executing transaction are still not visible to the outside. That is to say, if the user executes the same SELECT statement several times in another transaction, the result will always be the same. (Because the data changes caused by the executing transaction cannot be seen by the outside world).
##READ COMMITTED isolation level is less secure than REPEATABLE READ isolation level. Transactions at READ COMMITTED level can see modifications to data by other transactions. That is, multiple SELECT statements for the same transaction may return different results if other transactions modify the corresponding tables during the transaction.
In the MySQL database, the default transaction isolation level is REPEATABLE READ
2. SQL practice
Used before MySQL8 Run the following command to view the MySQL isolation level:
SELECT @@GLOBAL.tx_isolation, @@tx_isolation;
The query results are as shown in the figure:
As you can see, the default isolation level is REPEATABLE-READ, the global isolation level This is true for both the current session isolation level and the current session isolation level.
Starting from MySQL8, use the following command to view the MySQL default isolation level:
SELECT @@GLOBAL.transaction_isolation, @@transaction_isolation;The keywords have changed, and everything else is the same.
The isolation level can be modified through the following command (it is recommended that developers modify the current session isolation level when modifying, without modifying the global isolation level):
The above SQL indicates that the current The database isolation level of the session is set to READ UNCOMMITTED. After the setting is successful, the isolation level is queried again and it is found that the isolation level of the current session has changed, as shown in Figure 1-2:
Note that if you only modify the isolation level of the current session, after changing the session, the isolation level will return to the default isolation level, so when we test, just modify the isolation level of the current session.2.2 READ UNCOMMITTED
problems, so here we first look at this isolation level, so that everyone can understand what these three problems are.They are introduced separately below.
First create a simple table, preset two pieces of data, as follows:
表的数据很简单,有 javaboy 和 itboyhub 两个用户,两个人的账户各有 1000 人民币。现在模拟这两个用户之间的一个转账操作。
注意,如果读者使用的是 Navicat 的话,不同的查询窗口就对应了不同的 session,如果读者使用了 SQLyog 的话,不同查询窗口对应同一个 session,因此如果使用 SQLyog,需要读者再开启一个新的连接,在新的连接中进行查询操作。
首先打开两个SQL操作窗口,假设分别为 A 和 B,在 A 窗口中输入如下几条 SQL (输入完成后不用执行):
START TRANSACTION; UPDATE account set balance=balance+100 where name='javaboy'; UPDATE account set balance=balance-100 where name='itboyhub';COMMIT;
在 B 窗口执行如下 SQL,修改默认的事务隔离级别为 READ UNCOMMITTED,如下:
接下来在 B 窗口中输入如下 SQL,输入完成后,首先执行第一行开启事务(注意只需要执行一行即可):
接下来执行 A 窗口中的前两条 SQL,即开启事务,给 javaboy 这个账户添加 100 元。
进入到 B 窗口,执行 B 窗口的第二条查询 SQL(SELECT * from user;),结果如下:
可以看到,A 窗口中的事务,虽然还未提交,但是 B 窗口中已经可以查询到数据的相关变化了。
首先打开两个查询窗口 A 和 B ,并且将 B 的数据库事务隔离级别设置为 READ UNCOMMITTED。具体 SQL 参考上文,这里不赘述。
在 B 窗口中输入如下 SQL,然后只执行前两条 SQL 开启事务并查询 javaboy 的账户:
START TRANSACTION;SELECT * from account where name='javaboy';COMMIT;
前两条 SQL 执行结果如下:
START TRANSACTION; UPDATE account set balance=balance+100 where name='javaboy';COMMIT;
4.再次回到 B 窗口,执行 B 窗口的第二条 SQL 查看 javaboy 的账户,结果如下:
javaboy 的账户已经发生了变化,即前后两次查看 javaboy 账户,结果不一致,这就是不可重复读。
和脏读的区别在于,脏读是看到了其他事务未提交的数据,而不可重复读是看到了其他事务已经提交的数据(由于当前 SQL 也是在事务中,因此有可能并不想看到其他事务已经提交的数据)。
在 A 窗口中输入如下 SQL:
START TRANSACTION;insert into account(name,balance) values('zhangsan',1000);COMMIT;
然后在 B 窗口输入如下 SQL:
START TRANSACTION;SELECT * from account;delete from account where name='zhangsan';COMMIT;
首先执行 B 窗口的前两行,开启一个事务,同时查询数据库中的数据,此时查询到的数据只有 javaboy 和 itboyhub。
执行 A 窗口的前两行,向数据库中添加一个名为 zhangsan 的用户,注意不用提交事务。
执行 B 窗口的第二行,由于脏读问题,此时可以查询到 zhangsan 这个用户。
执行 B 窗口的第三行,去删除 name 为 zhangsan 的记录,这个时候删除就会出问题,虽然在 B 窗口中可以查询到 zhangsan,但是这条记录还没有提交,是因为脏读的原因才看到了,所以是没法删除的。此时就产生了幻觉,明明有个 zhangsan,却无法删除。
和 READ UNCOMMITTED 相比,READ COMMITTED 主要解决了脏读的问题,对于不可重复读和幻象读则未解决。
还是两个窗口 A 和 B,将 B 窗口的隔离级别改为READ COMMITTED
然后在 A 窗口输入如下测试 SQL:
START TRANSACTION;insert into account(name,balance) values('zhangsan',1000);COMMIT;
在 B 窗口输入如下测试 SQL:
START TRANSACTION;SELECT * from account;insert into account(name,balance) values('zhangsan',1000);COMMIT;
首先执行 B 窗口的前两行 SQL,开启事务并查询数据,此时查到的只有 javaboy 和 itboyhub 两个用户。
执行 A 窗口的前两行 SQL,插入一条记录,但是并不提交事务。
执行 B 窗口的第二行 SQL,由于现在已经没有了脏读问题,所以此时查不到 A 窗口中添加的数据。
执行 B 窗口的第三行 SQL,由于 name 字段唯一,因此这里会无法插入。此时就产生幻觉了,明明没有 zhangsan 这个用户,却无法插入 zhangsan。
和 READ COMMITTED 相比,REPEATABLE READ 进一步解决了不可重复读的问题,但是幻象读则未解决。
REPEATABLE READ 中关于幻读的测试和上一小节基本一致,不同的是第二步中执行完插入 SQL 后记得提交事务。
由于 REPEATABLE READ 已经解决了不可重复读,因此第二步即使提交了事务,第三步也查不到已经提交的数据,第四步继续插入就会出错。
注意,REPEATABLE READ 也是 InnoDB 引擎的默认数据库事务隔离级别
SERIALIZABLE 提供了事务之间最大限度的隔离,在这种隔离级别中,事务一个接一个顺序的执行,不会发生脏读、不可重复读以及幻象读问题,最安全。
如果设置当前事务隔离级别为 SERIALIZABLE,那么此时开启其他事务时,就会阻塞,必须等当前事务提交了,其他事务才能开启成功,因此前面的脏读、不可重复读以及幻象读问题这里都不会发生。
隔离级别 | 脏读 | 不可重复读 | 幻象读 |
READ UNCOMMITTED | 允许 | 允许 | 允许 |
READ COMMITED | 不允许 | 允许 | 允许 |
REPEATABLE READ | 不允许 | 不允许 | 允许 |
SERIALIZABLE | 不允许 | 不允许 | 不允许 |
好了,这篇文章就和小伙伴们先说这么多,大家不妨写几行 SQL 试一试。
The above is the detailed content of Let you understand the transaction isolation level in MySQL through cases. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!