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How to replace link address in php

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2021-09-22 09:29:03 3451browse

php method to replace the link address: 1. Obtain the current script URL through the "function GetCurUrl(){...}" method; 2. Through the "function url_set_value($url,$key,$value)" {...}" method can be used to implement link replacement.

How to replace link address in php

The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, PHP version 7.1, Dell G3 computer.

How to replace the link address in php?

How to get the current URL and replace parameters or URLs with php

First, PHP gets the URL of the current page:

The code is as follows:

//获得当前的脚本网址 function GetCurUrl() { if(!empty($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { $scriptName = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $nowurl = $scriptName; } else { $scriptName = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; if(empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) { $nowurl = $scriptName; } else { $nowurl = $scriptName."?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; } } return $nowurl; }

The other is to replace the value of a variable in the query part of the URL with PHP. For example, we want to set the key=321 in $url;
There are actually several situations:
$url='www. sina.com/a.php?key=330′;
or $url='www.sina.com/a.php;
or $url='www.sina.com/a.php?cat =2′;
etc. Although there are many situations, it is very simple to handle with PHP, as follows:

The code is as follows:

/* 将URL中的某参数设为某值*/ //【这一段就挺好啊】 function url_set_value($url,$key,$value) { $a=explode('?',$url); $url_f=$a[0]; $query=$a[1]; parse_str($query,$arr); $arr[$key]=$value; return $url_f.'?'.http_build_query($arr); }

But my replacement is written like this. . Of course it sucks. .

The code is as follows:

' ); echo( "字符串参数:" . url::replace( $url , "pid=10,page=2") ); echo( '
' ); echo( "数组型参数:" . url::replace( $url , array('pid'=>10,'page'=>5)) ); //echo( urlReplace( $url , array('pid'=>10,'page'=>5)) ); */ /** * url replace * @param string $url 需要替换的URL字符串,一般为aaa.php?abc=def,也可以带上路径,象http://xxx.com/abc/def.php?aa=bb * @param mixed $options 需要替换的变量,可以是字符串或数组,如果是字符串,格式为"aa=bb,cc=dd",有多个,用","隔开 * @return string $url 替换后的URL */ class url { static function replace ( $url , $options) { $options = self::optInit( $options ); $Query = parse_url( $url , PHP_URL_QUERY ); if($Query){ parse_str( $Query , $GET ); if ( $GET ){ //foreach ( $GET as $_k => $_v ){ // //if( array_key_exists( $_k , $options)){ // $GET[$_k] = $options[$_k]; // //} //} $GET = array_merge($GET,$options); } return str_replace( $Query , http_build_query( $GET ), $url ); } if( !$Query && $options ){ return $url . "?" . http_build_query($options); } return $url; } static private function optInit ( $options ) { if( is_string( $options )){ $optlists = Power::Normalize( $options ); foreach( $optlists as $val){ list($tmpKey,$tmpVal) = Power::Normalize( $val , "="); $opts[$tmpKey] = $tmpVal; } }else{ $opts = $options; } //unset( $options ); return $opts; } }

Although some things have been considered, it is only a very general solution

The following is some supplementary information:
Example : I need to get the current URL address

$url_this = "http://".$_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo $url_this;

and it displays: http://localhost/lu.php

Server variable: $_SERVER
Note: Used in PHP 4.1.0 and later versions. Previous versions, used $HTTP_SERVER_VARS.

$_SERVER is an array containing items such as headers, paths, and script locations. The entities of the array are created by the web server. There is no guarantee that all servers will produce all messages; servers may ignore some messages or generate new messages not listed below. This means that a large number of these variables are specified in the CGI 1.1 specification, so you should study it carefully.

This is a "superglobal", or can be described as an automatic global variable. This just means that it works in all scripts. You do not need to use global $_SERVER; to access it within a function or method, as you would with $HTTP_SERVER_VARS.

$HTTP_SERVER_VARS contains the same information, but is not an automatic global variable. (Note: $HTTP_SERVER_VARS and $_SERVER are different variables, and PHP handles them differently.)

These variables are also available in all scripts if the register_globals directive is set; that is, $_SERVER and $_SERVER are separated $HTTP_SERVER_VARS array. For related information, see the security-related chapter Using Register Globals. These individual global variables are not automatic global variables.

You may find that some of the $_SERVER elements listed below are not available. Note that few of the elements listed below are valid (or have no real meaning) if you run PHP from the command line.

The file name of the currently executing script, related to the document root. For example, using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in a script with the URL address http://example.com/test.php/foo.bar will result in /test.php/foo.bar.

If PHP is run in command line mode, this variable has no effect.

The arguments passed to this script. When the script is run in command-line mode, the argv variable is passed to the program as C-style command-line arguments. When the GET method is called, this variable contains the requested data.

Contains the number of command line arguments passed to the program (if running in command line mode).

The version of the CGI specification used by the server. For example, "CGI/1.1".

The name of the server host where the script is currently running. If the script is running on a virtual host, the name is determined by the value set for that virtual host.

The string identifying the server, given in the header when responding to the request.

The name and version of the communication protocol when requesting the page. For example, "HTTP/1.0".

The request method when accessing the page. For example: "GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT".

The string of query.

The document root directory where the currently running script is located. Defined in the server configuration file.

The content of the Accept: header of the current request.

Contents of the Accept-Charset: header of the current request. For example: "iso-8859-1,*,utf-8".

Contents of the Accept-Encoding: header of the current request. For example: "gzip".

The content of the Accept-Language: header of the current request. For example: "en".

Contents of the Connection: header of the current request. For example: "Keep-Alive".

Contents of the Host: header of the current request.

The URL address of the previous page linked to the current page. Not all user agents (browsers) will set this variable, and some can also modify HTTP_REFERER manually. Therefore, this variable is not always true.

Contents of the User_Agent: header of the current request. This string indicates information about the user agent accessing this page. A typical example is: Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.9 i586). You can also use get_browser() to get this information.

The IP address of the user who is browsing the current page.

The host name of the user who is browsing the current page. Reverse domain name resolution is based on the user's REMOTE_ADDR.

Note: The web server must be configured to create this variable. For example Apache requires HostnameLookups On in httpd.conf. See gethostbyaddr().

The port used by users to connect to the server.

The absolute pathname of the currently executing script.

This value specifies the SERVER_ADMIN parameter in the Apache server configuration file. If the script is running on a virtual host, this value is that of that virtual host.

The port used by the server. Default is "80". If you use an SSL secure connection, this value is the HTTP port you set.

A string containing the server version and virtual host name.

The base path of the file system (not the document root) where the current script is located. This is the result after the server has been imaged from a virtual to real path.

Contains the path of the current script. This is useful when the page needs to point to itself.

The URI required to access this page. For example, "/index.html".

When PHP is running in Apache module mode and the HTTP authentication function is being used, this variable is the username entered by the user.

When PHP is running in Apache module mode and the HTTP authentication function is being used, this variable is the password entered by the user.

When PHP is running in Apache module mode and the HTTP authentication function is being used, this variable is the type of authentication.

Recommended learning: "PHP Video Tutorial"

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