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A brief analysis of checking port occupancy and killing in Wind and Linux (with code)

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In the previous article "An article explaining common terminal commands in MacOS (with code)", we learned about an article explaining common terminal commands in MacOS. The following article will teach you how to check port occupancy and kill in Wind and Linux. Let's see how to do it.

A brief analysis of checking port occupancy and killing in Wind and Linux (with code)

Port occupancy and Kill(Window & Linux)

Windows use


  • -adisplays all connecting and listening ports.

  • -nDisplay the address and port number in numerical form.

  • #-oDisplays the owned processIDassociated with each connection.

View all port occupancy

netstat -ano

View the PID corresponding to the occupied port 3306

netstat -ano | findstr 3306

View the PID process of the specified port 3306

tasklist | findstr 3306

End the process

Force (/F parameter) to kill all processes with a pid of 12345, including Child process (/T parameter):

taskkill /T /F /PID 12345



-t (tcp)Display onlytcprelated options

-u (ucp)Display onlyucprelated options-nRefuse to display aliases, convert all numbers that can be displayed into numbers

-lOnly list those inListen(listening) Service status

-pDisplay the name of the program that establishes the relevant link

See all currently used ports

netstat -nultp

Check the usage of a certain port

netstat -anp |grep 3306

Use thelsofcommand

  • Default : No options,lsoflists all open files of active processes

  • Combinations: Options can be combined together, such as-abc, But be careful which options require arguments

  • ##-a: the result is ANDed (not ORed)

  • -l: Display userIDin output instead of username

  • -h: Get help

  • -t: Get only the processID

  • -U: Get theUNIXsocket address

  • -F: Format the output result for other commands. Can be formatted in many ways, such as-F pcfn(for processid, command name, file descriptor, file name, and terminated with null)

  • lsof -i:3306

Commonly used

  • ##lsof abc.txt

    Display the open fileabc.txtProcess

  • lsof -i :22

    Know what program is running on port22

  • lsof -c abc

    Display the files currently opened by theabcprocess

  • lsof -g gid

    Display ownershipgidProcess status

  • ##lsof d /usr/local/
  • Display the files opened by the process in the directory

  • lsof D /usr/local/
  • Same as above, but the directory under the directory will be searched, which takes a longer time

  • lsof -d 4
  • Display Use

    fdas the process of4

  • lsof -i
  • to display the process status that meets the conditions

  • lsof -p 12
  • See which files are opened by the process with process number


  • lsof |-r [t]
  • Control

    lsofto be executed repeatedly, the default is15srefresh

  • lsof -r, lsof
  • will continue to execute forever until an interrupt signal is received

  • lsof r, lsof
  • will continue to execute until no files are displayed

  • lsof -s
  • List the size of open files, if there is no size, leave blank

  • lsof -u username
  • List open files with


  • ps

Command parameters:

    Display all processes
  • -a
  • Display the same All programs under the terminal
  • -A
  • Display all processes
  • c
  • Display the real name of the process
  • -N
  • Reverse selection
  • ##-e

    is equal to "
  • -A
  • e

    Display environment variables
  • f

    Display the relationship between programs
  • -H

    Display the tree structure
  • r

    Display the processes of the current terminal
  • T

    Display all programs of the current terminal
  • u

    All processes of the specified user
  • -au

    Show more detailed information
  • -aux

    Show all trips that include other users
  • -C99a2c3ea6fd7e6f38f79ffc1b9e66846列出指定命令的状况

  • --lines1dcc53fc8cc7b2478796660caa67152b每页显示的行数

  • --width43fcd4448ba0fb0354190e42ef7c7dd3每页显示的字符数

  • --help显示帮助信息

  • --version显示版本显示


ps -ef|grep ssh


chuchur@linux:~/share$ ps -ef|grep bash chuchur 9448 79650 0 06:05 pts/4 00:00:00 grep --color=auto bash chuchur 79650 79575 0 03:49 pts/4 00:00:00 bash



ps aux | egrep '(nginx|python)'


root 951 0.0 0.3 425268 27680 ? Ssl 2020 9:48 /usr/libexec/platform-python -Es /usr/sbin/tuned -l -P root 212828 0.0 0.1 135300 13924 ? Ss 2020 0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx root 2488443 0.0 0.1 164676 14892 ? S Mar06 0:00 nginx: worker process



  • -1 (HUP):重新加载进程。

  • -9 (KILL):杀死一个进程。

  • -15 (TERM):正常停止一个进程。

  • -KILL强制杀死进程

kill -9 65300 #彻底干掉pid为65530的进程 kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep guest) #干掉guest 用户进程 #or kill -u guest


The above is the detailed content of A brief analysis of checking port occupancy and killing in Wind and Linux (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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