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What are the basic data types of javascript?

2021-09-01 14:29:2012511browse

Javascript has 5 basic data types, namely: 1. Undefined type; 2. Null type; 3. Boolean type; 4. Number type; 5. String type.

What are the basic data types of javascript?

The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, JavaScript version 1.8.5, DELL G3 computer.

What are the basic data types of js? There are 5 simple data types (also called basic data types) in

ECMAScript: Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number and String. There is also 1 complex data type——Object, Object is essentially composed of a set of unordered name-value pairs.

Among them, Undefined, Null, Boolean, and Number all belong to basic types. Object, Array and Function are reference types. String is somewhat special and will be analyzed below.


ECMAScript uses the var keyword to define variables, because js is weakly typed, so it cannot Determine what value the variable will store, so you don't know what type the variable will be, and the type of the variable can change at any time.

This is why ECMAScript is a loose type. The so-called loose type can be used to save any type of data.

es6 has added the let command to declare variables, const The command declares a read-only constant. The usage of

let is similar to var, but the variables declared are only in the code where the let command is located Valid within the block.

#constOnce declared, the value of a constant cannot be changed.

About let, const will not be discussed here.

typeof operator

Since the variables in js are loosely typed, it provides a way to detect the data type of the current variable, and also It is the typeof keyword.
Through the typeof keyword, the following values ​​will be returned for the five data types (displayed in string form)
undefined --- ------- If the value is undefined                   Undefined

boolean                                                       ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ s ’ ’ s ‐ to Boolean ‐ ‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Boolean

string ---------- If the value is a string String


---------- If this value is a numeric type Number##object

------------ If This value is an object or

null ObjectIt should be noted that typeof null

is returned as

object because of the special value null is considered a null object reference. The Undefined


type has only one value, the special

undefined. When a variable is declared using var but is not initialized, the value of the variable is undefined. However, it is generally recommended to initialize variables as much as possible, but in early js versions, the value undefined was not specified, so in some frameworks, in order to be compatible with older browsers, windowObject adds undefined value. The

window['undefined'] = window['undefined'];  
window.undefined = window.undefined;


type is the second data type with only one value. This special value is

null. From a logical point of view, the null value represents a null object pointer, which is why using the typeof operator to detect null will return object s reason.

  var car = null;
  console.log(typeof car); // "object"
If the defined variable is going to be used to hold objects in the future, it is best to initialize the variable to null rather than to another value. In this way, as long as the

null value is directly detected, you can know whether the corresponding variable has saved a reference to an object. For example: <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">  if(car != null){     //对car对象执行某些操作   }</pre>In fact, the undefined value is derived from the null value, so ECMA-262 stipulates that their equality test should return true.

console.log(undefined == null); //true
Although null and undefined have this relationship, their uses are completely different. Under no circumstances is it necessary to explicitly set the value of a variable to undefined, but the same rule does not apply to null. In other words, as long as a variable that is intended to hold an object does not actually hold an object, you should explicitly let the variable hold a null value. Doing so not only reflects the convention of null as a null object pointer, but also helps to further distinguish null and undefined.




    var message = 'Hello World';
    var messageAsBoolean = Boolean(message);


数据类型 转换为true的值 转换为false的值
Boolean true false
String 任何非空的字符串 ""(空字符串)
Number 任何非0数值(包括无穷大) 0和NAN
Object 任何对象 null
Undefined 不适用 undefined
    var message = 'Hello World';
        alert("Value is true");




var foo;  
var o={flag:true};  
var test=!!o.flag;//等效于var test=o.flag||false;  




这种类型用来表示整数和浮点数值,还有一种特殊的数值,即NaN(非数值 Not a Number)。这个数值用于表示一个本来要返回数值的操作数未返回数值的情况(这样就不会抛出错误了)。例如,在其他编程语言中,任何数值除以0都会导致错误,从而停止代码执行。但在JavaScript中,任何数值除以0会返回NaN,因此不会影响其他代码的执行。


alert(NaN == NaN);    //false





Boolean、Number、String 这三个是Javascript中的基本包装类型,也就是这三个其实是一个构造函数,他们是Function的实例,是引用类型,至于这里的String与以上说的String是同名,是因为其实上文说的String是指字符串,这里的String指的是String这个构造函数,上面那么写,是为了更好的理解,因为Javascript是松散类型的。我们可以看下String实例化的例子:

var name = String("jwy");
alert(typeof name);//"string"
var x=new String('12345')
typeof x //object
typeof x //string
var author = "Tom";
alert(typeof name);//"string"


注意,typeof 变量  如果值是"string" 的话,也就是这个变量是字符串,在Javascript中,字符串是基本类型,而在C#或Java中,字符串是引用类型,但是Javascript中的String是引用类型,因为它是Javascript中定义好的基本包装类型,在C#中,String跟string其实是一样的。


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