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A brief discussion on how to implement shared memory in the Node.js multi-process model (detailed code explanation)

2021-08-05 10:26:034302browse

This article will discuss with youNode.jsUsing the multi-core method-the multi-threading model provided by the worker_threads module, we will introduce the method of realizing shared memory in the Node.js multi-process model.

A brief discussion on how to implement shared memory in the Node.js multi-process model (detailed code explanation)

Node.js Due to its single-threaded model design, a Node process (the main thread) can only utilize one CPU core. However, today’s machines basically Multi-core, this causes a serious waste of performance. Generally speaking, if you want to take advantage of multiple cores, you generally have the following methods:

  • Write a C plug-in for Node to expand the thread pool, and delegate CPU time-consuming tasks to it in the JS code Other thread processing.

  • Use the multi-threading model provided by the worker_threads module (still experimental).

  • Use the multi-process model provided by the child_process or cluster module. Each process is an independent Node.js process.

From the perspective of ease of use, code intrusion, and stability, the multi-process model is usually the first choice. [Recommended learning: "nodejs Tutorial"]

Problems with the Node.js cluster multi-process model

in In the multi-process model provided by the cluster module, each Node process is an independent and complete application process, with its own memory space that cannot be accessed by other processes. Therefore Although all Worker processes have consistent status and behavior when the project is started, there is no guarantee that their status will remain consistent during subsequent runs.

For example, when the project is started, there are two Worker processes, process A and process B. Both processes declare the variable a=1. But then the project received a request, and the Master process assigned it to process A for processing. This request changed the value of a to 2. At this time, a=2 in the memory space of process A, but a=2 in the memory space of process B. Still 1. At this time, if there is a request to read the value of a, the results read when the Master process dispatches the request to process A and process B are inconsistent, which causes a consistency problem.

The cluster module did not provide a solution when designing, but required that the Worker process be stateless, that is, programmers should not be allowed to modify the values ​​​​in memory when processing requests when writing code. To ensure the consistency of all Worker processes. However, in practice, there are always various situations that require writing to memory, such as recording the user's login status. In the practice of many enterprises, usually record these status data externally, such as database, redis, Message queues, file systems, etc. will read and write external storage space each time a stateful request is processed.

This is an effective approach, However, this requires the introduction of an additional external storage space, and at the same time, it must handle the consistency issue under concurrent access by multiple processes and maintain the life cycle of the data by itself (because The Node process and the data maintained externally are not created and destroyed synchronously), and there is an IO performance bottleneck in the case of high concurrent access (if it is stored in a non-memory environment such as a database). In fact, essentially, we just need a space that can be shared and accessed by multiple processes. We do not need persistent storage. The life cycle of this space is best strongly bound to the Node process, so that we can save a lot of time when using it. Less hassle. Therefore, cross-process shared memory has become the most suitable method for use in this scenario.

Shared memory of Node.js

Unfortunately, Node itself does not provide an implementation of shared memory, so we can take a look at the npm repository Implementation of third-party libraries. Some of these libraries are implemented through C plug-ins that extend Node's functions, and some are implemented through the IPC mechanism provided by Node. Unfortunately, their implementations are very simple and do not provide mutually exclusive access, object monitoring and other functions, which makes using The author must carefully maintain this shared memory, otherwise it will cause timing problems.

I looked around and couldn’t find what I wanted. . . Forget it, I'll write one myself.

The design of shared memory

First of all, we must clarify what kind of shared memory is needed. I started based on my own needs (in order to use it in the project It stores state data accessed across processes), while taking into account versatility, so the following points will be first considered:

  • Using JS objects as the basic unit for read and write access.

  • #Can provide mutually exclusive access between processes. When one process accesses, other processes are blocked.

  • Can monitor objects in shared memory, and the monitoring process can be notified when the object changes.

  • #On the premise of meeting the above conditions, the implementation method should be as simple as possible.

It can be found that in fact we do not need shared memory at the operating system level. We only need to be able to have multiple Node processes access the same object. Then we can use Node Implemented on the mechanism provided by itself. You can use a memory space of the Master process as a shared memory space. The Worker process delegates read and write requests to the Master process through IPC, and the Master process reads and writes, and then returns the results to the Worker process through IPC.

In order to make the use of shared memory consistent in the Master process and the Worker process, we can abstract the operation of the shared memory into an interface, and implement this interface in the Master process and the Worker process respectively. . The class diagram is as shown below, using a SharedMemory class as the abstract interface, and declaring the object in the server.js entry file. It is instantiated as a Manager object in the Master process and as a Worker object in the Worker process. The Manager object maintains shared memory and handles read and write requests to shared memory, while the Worker object sends read and write requests to the Master process.

A brief discussion on how to implement shared memory in the Node.js multi-process model (detailed code explanation)

You can use an attribute in the Manager class as a shared memory object. The way to access the object is the same as the way to access ordinary JS objects, and then Create a layer of encapsulation to expose only basic operations such as get, set, remove, etc. to prevent the property from being modified directly.

Since the Master process will be created prior to all Worker processes, you can create the Worker process after declaring the shared memory space in the Master process to ensure that each Worker process can access the shared memory immediately after it is created. .

For simplicity of use, we can design SharedMemory as a singleton, so that there is only one instance in each process, and it can be importSharedMemory Use it directly after .

Code implementation

Read and write control and IPC communication

First implement the external interfaceSharedMemory class, here we do not use the method of letting Manager and Worker inherit SharedMemory, but let SharedMemory be instantiated When you return an instance of Manager or Worker, you can automatically select a subclass.

In Node 16, isPrimary replaces isMaster. Two writing methods are used here for compatibility.

// shared-memory.js
class SharedMemory {
  constructor() {
    if (cluster.isMaster || cluster.isPrimary) {
      return new Manager();
    } else {
      return new Worker();

Manager is responsible for managing the shared memory space. We directly add the __sharedMemory__ attribute to the Manager object because it is also JS Objects will be included in the garbage collection management of JS, so we do not need to perform operations such as memory cleaning and data migration, making the implementation very simple. Then define standard operations such as set, get, remove in __sharedMemory__ to provide access methods.

We listen to the creation event of the worker process through cluster.on('online', callback), and immediately use worker.on('message', callback ) to monitor the IPC communication from the worker process and hand the communication message to the handle function for processing. The

handle function is responsible for distinguishing what kind of operation the worker process wants to perform, and taking out the parameters of the operation and entrusting them to the corresponding set, get, remove function (note that it is not set, get, remove in __sharedMemory__) for processing, and Return the processed results to the worker process.

// manager.js
const cluster = require('cluster');

class Manager {
  constructor() {
    this.__sharedMemory__ = {
      set(key, value) {
        this.memory[key] = value;
      get(key) {
        return this.memory[key];
      remove(key) {
        delete this.memory[key];
      memory: {},

    // Listen the messages from worker processes.
    cluster.on('online', (worker) => {
      worker.on('message', (data) => {
        this.handle(data, worker);
        return false;

  handle(data, target) {
    const args = data.value ? [data.key, data.value] : [data.key];
    this[data.method](...args).then((value) => {
      const msg = {
        id: data.id, // workerId
        uuid: data.uuid, // communicationID

  set(key, value) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.__sharedMemory__.set(key, value);

  get(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {

  remove(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {

Worker Use process.on since the object was created to monitor the return message from the Master process (after all, you can’t wait for the message to be sent before listening, then That's too late). As for the role of the __getCallbacks__ object, we will talk about it later. At this point the Worker object is created.

Later, when the project runs somewhere, if you want to access the shared memory, Worker's set, get,# will be called. ##remove function, they will call the handle function to send the message to the master process through process.send. At the same time, the operations to be performed when the return result is obtained are recorded in __getCallbacks__ in. When the result returns, it will be monitored by the previous function in process.on, and the corresponding callback function will be taken out from __getCallbacks__ and executed.


// worker.js
const cluster = require('cluster');
const { v4: uuid4 } = require('uuid');

class Worker {
  constructor() {
    this.__getCallbacks__ = {};

    process.on('message', (data) => {
      const callback = this.__getCallbacks__[data.uuid];
      if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
      delete this.__getCallbacks__[data.uuid];

  set(key, value) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('set', key, value, () => {

  get(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('get', key, null, (value) => {

  remove(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('remove', key, null, () => {

  handle(method, key, value, callback) {
    const uuid = uuid4(); // 每次通信的uuid
      id: cluster.worker.id,
    this.__getCallbacks__[uuid] = callback;

一次共享内存访问的完整流程是:调用Workerset/get/remove函数 -> 调用Workerhandle函数,向master进程通信并将回调函数记录在__getCallbacks__ -> master进程监听到来自worker进程的消息 -> 调用Managerhandle函数 -> 调用Managerset/get/remove函数 -> 调用__sharedMemory__set/get/remove函数 -> 操作完成返回Managerset/get/remove函数 -> 操作完成返回handle函数 -> 向worker进程发送通信消息 -> worker进程监听到来自master进程的消息 -> 从__getCallbacks__中取出回调函数并执行。



时间 进程A 进程B 共享内存中变量x的值

t1 读取x(x=0)
t2 x1=x+1(x1=1) 读取x(x=0) 0
t3 将x1的值写回x x2=x+1(x2=1) 1
将x2的值写回x 1





// manager.js
const { v4: uuid4 } = require('uuid');

class Manager {
  constructor() {
    this.__sharedMemory__ = {
      locks: {},
      lockRequestQueues: {},

  getLock(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.__sharedMemory__.lockRequestQueues[key] =
        this.__sharedMemory__.lockRequestQueues[key] ?? [];

  releaseLock(key, lockId) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      if (lockId === this.__sharedMemory__.locks[key]) {
        delete this.__sharedMemory__.locks[key];

  handleLockRequest(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      if (
        !this.__sharedMemory__.locks[key] &&
        this.__sharedMemory__.lockRequestQueues[key]?.length > 0
      ) {
        const callback = this.__sharedMemory__.lockRequestQueues[key].shift();
        const lockId = uuid4();
        this.__sharedMemory__.locks[key] = lockId;


// worker.js
class Worker {
  getLock(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('getLock', key, null, (value) => {

  releaseLock(key, lockId) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('releaseLock', key, lockId, (value) => {



A brief discussion on how to implement shared memory in the Node.js multi-process model (detailed code explanation)


// manager.js
class Manager {
  constructor() {
    this.__sharedMemory__ = {
      listeners: {},

  handle(data, target) {
    if (data.method === 'listen') {
      this.listen(data.key, (value) => {
        const msg = {
          isNotified: true,
          id: data.id,
          uuid: data.uuid,
    } else {

  notifyListener(key) {
    const listeners = this.__sharedMemory__.listeners[key];
    if (listeners?.length > 0) {
          (callback) =>
            new Promise((resolve) => {

  set(key, value) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.__sharedMemory__.set(key, value);

  remove(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {

  listen(key, callback) {
    if (typeof callback === 'function') {
      this.__sharedMemory__.listeners[key] =
        this.__sharedMemory__.listeners[key] ?? [];
    } else {
      throw new Error('a listener must have a callback.');


// worker.js
class Worker {
  constructor() {
    this.__getListenerCallbacks__ = {};

    process.on('message', (data) => {
      if (data.isNotified) {
        const callback = this.__getListenerCallbacks__[data.uuid];
        if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
      } else {

  handle(method, key, value, callback) {
    if (method === 'listen') {
      this.__getListenerCallbacks__[uuid] = callback;
    } else {
      this.__getCallbacks__[uuid] = callback;

  listen(key, callback) {
    if (typeof callback === 'function') {
      this.handle('listen', key, null, callback);
    } else {
      throw new Error('a listener must have a callback.');



// manager.js
const LRU = require('lru-cache');

class Manager {
  constructor() {
    this.defaultLRUOptions = { max: 10000, maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 5 };
    this.__sharedLRUMemory__ = new LRU(this.defaultLRUOptions);

  getLRU(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {

  setLRU(key, value) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.__sharedLRUMemory__.set(key, value);

  removeLRU(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {


// worker.js
class Worker {
  getLRU(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('getLRU', key, null, (value) => {

  setLRU(key, value) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('setLRU', key, value, () => {

  removeLRU(key) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.handle('removeLRU', key, null, () => {


目前共享内存的实现已发到npm仓库(文档和源代码在Github仓库欢迎pull request和报bug),可以直接通过npm安装:

npm i cluster-shared-memory


const cluster = require('cluster');
// 引入模块时会根据当前进程 master 进程还是 worker 进程自动创建对应的 SharedMemory 对象

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  // 在 master 进程中 fork 子进程
  for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
} else {
  const sharedMemoryController = require(&#39;./src/shared-memory&#39;);
  const obj = {
    name: &#39;Tom&#39;,
    age: 10,
  // 写对象
  await sharedMemoryController.set(&#39;myObj&#39;, obj);
  // 读对象
  const myObj = await sharedMemoryController.get(&#39;myObj&#39;);
  // 互斥访问对象,首先获得对象的锁
  const lockId = await sharedMemoryController.getLock(&#39;myObj&#39;);
  const newObj = await sharedMemoryController.get(&#39;myObj&#39;);
  newObj.age = newObj.age + 1;
  await sharedMemoryController.set(&#39;myObj&#39;, newObj);
  // 操作完之后释放锁
  await sharedMemoryController.releaseLock(&#39;requestTimes&#39;, lockId);
  // 或者使用 mutex 函数自动获取和释放锁
  await sharedMemoryController.mutex(&#39;myObj&#39;, async () => {
    const newObjM = await sharedMemoryController.get(&#39;myObj&#39;);
    newObjM.age = newObjM.age + 1;
    await sharedMemoryController.set(&#39;myObj&#39;, newObjM);
  // 监听对象
  sharedMemoryController.listen(&#39;myObj&#39;, (value) => {
    console.log(`myObj: ${value}`);
  await sharedMemoryController.setLRU(&#39;cacheItem&#39;, {user: &#39;Tom&#39;});
  // 读对象
  const cacheItem = await sharedMemoryController.getLRU(&#39;cacheItem&#39;);



  • 不能使用PM2的自动创建worker进程的功能。


  • 传输的对象必须可序列化,且不能太大。

  • 如果使用者在获取锁之后忘记释放,会导致其它进程一直被阻塞,这要求程序员有良好的代码习惯。




The above is the detailed content of A brief discussion on how to implement shared memory in the Node.js multi-process model (detailed code explanation). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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