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Introducing PHP design related to bargaining activities based on Thinkphp5

2021-06-01 15:37:031724browse

This article introduces to you the design of PHP bargaining activities based on Thinkphp5. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

PHP Design related to bargaining activities based on Thinkphp5

Recently, our company's projects have launched many activities to attract new users, bargaining I am responsible for the activities, and our projects are available for users to browse and access in the WeChat browser.

About description: Enter the bargain activity list page and select the desired product. Users can click on the product picture to see the price and detailed parameters of the products sold in the WEB mall. Click on the corresponding product logo in the list. 'Buy now' can enter the bargaining page. There are two main buttons on this page, one is 'ask rich people for help' (click to guide and share), 'buy, buy, buy' (you can buy after reaching a certain price), and the second Including price progress bar and other information, the user shares it in the circle of friends to attract friends to help bargain. When the bargain button is triggered, if the friend who helps is not a user of this site, the friend who helps will become a member of this site and will also It is the subordinate of the sharing user, and then based on the discussion of each product based on product operation and procurement, the active price and the lowest price to be bargained will be defined for the product, as well as the price range that can be reduced each time and the number of people to participate. Do calculations, for example (the original price of the product is 3,000, the lowest price is 1,000, then the price that can be cut off is 2,000, and the number of participants is 500, then on average each person will cut off 4 yuan, and the range can be set to 1 to 7 yuan , to set the ups and downs of bargaining, to increase the user's interest in participating). When the user reaches the specified price range and purchases, he will jump to the order confirmation page, and then place an order and pay for a series of processes.

Page screenshot:

Introducing PHP design related to bargaining activities based on Thinkphp5

Introducing PHP design related to bargaining activities based on Thinkphp5

Implementation related:

I guessed it by seeing a few pictures I hope everyone will also consider the relevant information involved.

If I want to publish products participating in the event, I will have a product differentiation representation. In the design of the database, I did not modify the product table to add a differentiated field, but created a new data table to specifically place the information related to pricing activities.

Let’s take a look at the backend front-end display. This is how I designed it. I didn’t go through professional front-end work. I just copied the backend product list module code and made a simple layout myself.

Introducing PHP design related to bargaining activities based on Thinkphp5

My data table design:

CREATE TABLE `hp_activity_bargain` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',
  `product_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '商品ID',
  `product_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '商品名称',
  `activity_money` decimal(7,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '活动价',
  `bargain_section` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '砍价区间',
  `bargain_section2` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '砍价区间2【用户线上砍价(新用户砍价区间)】',   #忽略,此处是迭代后期地推而加上的
  `join_count` smallint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '参与人数',
  `product_desc` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '活动商品描述',
  `attr1_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'attr1属性',
  `attr2_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'attr2属性',
  `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0是线上,1是地推',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `product_id` (`product_id`),
  KEY `attr2_id` (`attr2_id`),
  KEY `attr1_id` (`attr1_id`),
  KEY `type` (`type`)
CREATE TABLE `hp_activity_bargainirg` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键ID',
  `activity_bargain_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'activity_prodcuts主键id',
  `product_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '参与活动的商品',
  `attr1_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'attr1属性id',
  `attr2_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'attr2属性id',
  `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '砍价商品发起的用户ID',
  `bargain_count` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '被砍价次数',
  `deal_money` decimal(7,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '最终交易价格',
  `create_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '发起时间',
  `is_addorder` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否下单(0:未下单,1已下单)',
  `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0是线上,1是地推',    #可以忽略,后期地推加上去的
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `activity_bargain_id` (`activity_bargain_id`),
  KEY `attr1_id` (`attr1_id`),
  KEY `attr2_id` (`attr2_id`),
  KEY `product_id` (`product_id`),
  KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
  KEY `is_addorder` (`is_addorder`)
CREATE TABLE `hp_activity_bargain_list` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键ID',
  `bargain_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'activity_bargainirg表主键id',
  `assistor_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '帮助者ID',
  `create_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '参与时间',
  `bargain_money` decimal(5,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '砍掉价格',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `assistor_id` (`assistor_id`),
  KEY `bargain_id` (`bargain_id`)

Several methods of the controller:

    public function bargainirgAction() 
        $type = 0;
        $way = input('param.way', '','string');
        if (is_not_empty_string($way) && $way == 'live') {
            $type = 1;
        $pageSize = 10;
        if (Request::isAjax()) {
            $page = input('post.page', 0, 'intval');
            $product_list = Hmodel\Activity::getActivityBargainProducts($type, $pageSize,  $page * $pageSize);
            if (is_not_empty_array($product_list)) {
                return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'info' => $product_list]);    
            } else {
                return json_encode(['status' => 0]);
        $product_list = Hmodel\Activity::getActivityBargainProducts($type, 10, 0);
        $view = new view();
        if ($type == 0) {
            return $view->fetch('bargainirg');
        } else {
            return $view->fetch('bargainirg_live');

    public function bargaindetailAction() 

        $uid = session('userinfo.uid');
        // $uid = 3;
        $seting_id = input('param.id',0,'int');
        $seting_info = Hmodel\Activity::getActivityProductsSeting($seting_id);  //砍价活动商品设置
        $bargain_section2 = !empty($seting_info['bargain_section2']) ? $seting_info['bargain_section2'] : 'no seting';
        if (!is_not_empty_array($seting_info)) notFund(); 

        $bargain_progress = Hmodel\Activity::returnProgressData( $seting_id, $seting_info['product_id'], $uid, $seting_info['attr1_id'],$seting_info['attr2_id'], 
        if (!is_not_empty_array($bargain_progress) || $bargain_progress['user_id'] != $uid) notFund();
        $username       = session('userinfo.username');
        $user_info      = Hmodel\User::getuser_info($uid);
        $invite_code    = $user_info['invite_code'];
        $encrypt_code   = encrypt_hopeband($bargain_progress['id'] . '(&)' .$bargain_progress['activity_bargain_id'] . '(&)' .$uid . '(&)' . $invite_code . '(&)' 
. $seting_info['product_id'] . '(&)' . $seting_info['activity_money'] . '(&)' . $seting_info['bargain_section'] .  '(&)' . $seting_info['bargain_section2'] .'(&)' 
. $seting_info['join_count'] . '(&)'. $bargain_progress['type'], 'E', 'Hp_HopeBand_Bargainirg');

        // $is_addorder    = Hmodel\Activity::checkIsAddorder($bargain_progress['id']);
        $is_addorder    = $bargain_progress['is_addorder'];

        $assistor_list = Hmodel\Activity::getAssistorList($bargain_progress['id']);

        $view = new view();
            'bar_code'           => $encrypt_code,
            'seting_info'        => $seting_info,
            'bargain_progress'   => $bargain_progress,
            'assistor_list'      => $assistor_list,
            'seting'             => $seting_id,
            'is_addorder'        => $is_addorder
        return $view->fetch();


    public function bargainirgingAction ()
        $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $encrypt_code = substr(substr($url,29),0,strpos(substr($url,29), '?invite_code'));

        $bargain_param = self::retrunBargainCode($encrypt_code);
        $bargain_id          = $bargain_param['bargain_id'];
        $bargainInfo         = Hmodel\Activity::getBargainirgProgress($bargain_id);
        if ( !is_not_empty_array($bargain_param) || !is_not_empty_array($bargainInfo)) {

        $is_addorder = $bargainInfo['is_addorder'] == 1 ? true : false;
        $uid = session('userinfo.uid');
        $activity_product_id = $bargain_param['activity_product_id'];

         if ($bargain_param['sponsor_uid'] == $uid) {
            $this->redirect('bargaindetail',['id' => $activity_product_id]);
        $product_id          = $bargain_param['product_id'];
        $bargain_list        = Hmodel\Activity::getActivityBargainProducts($bargain_param['type'], 999); //所有参与砍价活动的商品

        foreach ($bargain_list as $v) {
            if ( $v['id'] == $activity_product_id) {
                $product_info = $v;

        if (!is_not_empty_array($product_info)) notFund();
        $type = $bargain_param['type'];
        $activity_bargain_url = url('activity/bargainirg') ;

        $view = new view();
            'bar_code'      => $encrypt_code,   //邀请码
            'bargainInfo'   => $bargainInfo,    //当前砍价进度
            'product_info'  => $product_info,   //商品详情
            'bargain_list'  => $bargain_list,   //底部相关推荐 
            'is_addorder'   => $is_addorder,     //是否入库
            'activity_bargain_url' => $activity_bargain_url
        return $view->fetch();


    public function goBargainAction () 
        if (Request::isAjax()) {

            $uid = session('userinfo.uid');
            $username = session('userinfo.username');
            $encrypt_code  = input('post.bar_code', '', 'string');
            if (empty($uid) || empty($username)) {
            $bargain_param = self::retrunBargainCode($encrypt_code);
            if (!is_not_empty_array($bargain_param)) {
                echo json_encode(array('status' => -3, 'info' => '不明错误,请联系客服'));die;

            $seting_info = Hmodel\Activity::getActivityProductsSeting($bargain_param['activity_product_id']);  //砍价活动商品设置
            $stock = Hmodel\CategoryAttr::getproductstockbyidsonattr($seting_info['product_id'],$seting_info['attr1_id'],$seting_info['attr2_id']);

            if ($stock['category_sum']  -1, 'info' => '已抢光!']);die;

            $userinfo = Hmodel\User::getuser_info($uid);
            $register_time = $userinfo['create_time']; 
            $is_new_user = false;           //用户状态[default:老用户]
            if (($register_time + (60 * 60 * 8)) > time() && Hmodel\Activity::checkUserIsbargainEd($uid) === false) {
                $is_new_user  = true;       //是新用户
            $sponsor_uid   = $bargain_param['sponsor_uid'];              //发起者id
            $bargain_id    = $bargain_param['bargain_id'];               //[activity_bargainirg]表主键id
            $join_count    = $bargain_param['join_count'];               //设置砍价次数 
            $section       = $bargain_param['bargain_section'];          //砍价区间(老用户)
            $section2      = $bargain_param['bargain_section2'];         //砍价区间(新用户)
            $type          = $bargain_param['type'] == $seting_info['type'] ? $bargain_param['type'] : ''; //0:线上;  1:地推
            $activity_money= $bargain_param['activity_money'];           //活动最低价
            if (!is_not_empty_string($type)) {
                echo json_encode(array('status' => -3, 'info' => '不明错误,请联系客服'));die;

            if ($uid == $sponsor_uid) {
                echo json_encode(array('status' => -1, 'info' => '不能给自己砍价'));die;

            $state = Hmodel\Activity::checkPartBargain($bargain_id, $uid);  //是否帮伙伴砍过当前参与的进度

            if ( $state !== false) {
                echo  json_encode(array('status' => -2, 'info' => '您已帮伙伴砍掉' . $state . '元啦,不要再砍啦!'));die;
            if ($type == 1 && $is_new_user === false) {
                echo json_encode(array('status' => -4, 'info' => '抱歉,该活动仅限新用户参加!'));die;
            $state = Hmodel\Activity::givePartBargain($bargain_id, $sponsor_uid, $uid, $section, $section2, $join_count, $is_new_user,
            $activity_money, $type);
            if ($state == -1) {
                 echo json_encode(array('status' => -3, 'info' => '已经最低价啦,不能再砍啦!'));die;
            if ($state === false) {
                echo json_encode(array('status' => -3, 'info' => '哎呀,失败了!稍后帮我砍一次!'));die;
            } else {
                if ($is_new_user === true) {
                    echo json_encode(array('status' => 2, 'info' => '砍掉了' . $state .'元', 'deal_money' => $state));die;
                } else {
                    echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '成功帮伙伴砍掉' . $state .'元!', 'deal_money' => $state));die; 

    public static function retrunBargainCode( $encrypt_str = '') 
        $data   = [];
        $code_str     = encrypt_hopeband($encrypt_str, 'D', 'Hp_HopeBand_Bargainirg');

        $code_arr     = explode('(&)', $code_str);
        if (is_not_empty_array($code_arr) && count($code_arr) == 10) {
            $data['bargain_id']             = $code_arr[0];             //砍价活动表主键id
            $data['activity_product_id']    = $code_arr[1];
            $data['sponsor_uid']            = $code_arr[2];             //砍价活动发起者uid
            $data['sponsor_invite_code']    = $code_arr[3];             //砍价活动发起者邀请码
            $data['product_id']             = $code_arr[4];             //砍价活动发起的商品id
            $data['activity_money']         = $code_arr[5];             //活动最低价格
            $data['bargain_section']        = $code_arr[6];             //老用户砍价区间
            $data['bargain_section2']       = $code_arr[7];             //新用户砍价区间
            $data['join_count']             = $code_arr[8];             //设置砍价次数
            $data['type']                   = $code_arr[9];             //设置砍价次数


        return $data;
public function checkOrder2PayAction()
        if (!Request::isAjax()) { notFund(); }
        $seting_id = input('post.seting',0,'intval');
        $user_id   = session('userinfo.uid');
        $BargainPayData = Hmodel\Activity::getBargainResult2Pay($seting_id, $user_id);
        $stock = Hmodel\CategoryAttr::getproductstockbyidsonattr($BargainPayData['product_id'],$BargainPayData['attr1_id'],$BargainPayData['attr2_id']);
        if ($stock['category_sum']  -2, 'info' => '已抢光!']);die;
        if ($BargainPayData['is_addorder'] == 1) {
             return json_encode(['status' => -2, 'info' => '此商品已经购买过,不能重复购买!']);die;
        if (!is_not_empty_array( $BargainPayData)) {
            return json_encode(['status' => -1, 'info' => '不明错误,请联系客服!']);die;

        $product_id = $BargainPayData['product_id'];

        $attr1_name = '';
        $attr2_name = '';
        if (is_not_empty_array($attr1_info = Hmodel\Activity::getAttr1NameByAttrId($BargainPayData['attr1_id'], $product_id))){
            $attr1_name = $attr1_info['attr'];
        if (is_not_empty_array($attr2_info = Hmodel\Activity::getAttr2NameByAttrId($BargainPayData['attr2_id'], $product_id))){
            $attr2_name = $attr2_info['attr'];
        $data = [
            'product_id'  => $product_id,
            'prodcut_num' => 1,
            'attr1'       => $attr1_name,
            'attr2'       => $attr2_name,
            'seting_id'   => $seting_id
        return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'info' => $data]);

    public function createActivityOrderAction ()

        $uid = session('userinfo.uid');

        $product_num = 1;
        $attr1 = input("param.attr1", "" , "trim,string");
        $attr2 = input("param.attr2", "" , "trim,string");
        $seting_id = intval(input('param.seting_id', 0, 'intval'));
        $product_id  = intval(input("param.product_id", "" , "intval"));

        $pay_price_money = Hmodel\Activity::returnPayMoney($product_id, $seting_id, $uid);

        $type = $pay_price_money['type'];

        if (!is_not_empty_array($pay_price_money)) notFund();
        Cookie::set('ready_finish_bargain', encrypt_hopeband($pay_price_money['id'] . '(&)', 'E', 'hp_ready_bargain_pay'));
        $pay_info = $this->calculateFromProduct($product_id, $product_num, $attr1, $attr2, $uid , $pay_price_money['deal_money'], $type);
        $def_address = Hmodel\UserAddress::getDefAddress($uid);
        $view = new View();



        return $view->fetch('createorder');

Some methods of the Model layer:

    public static function getActivityProductsSeting( $id = 0) {
        $data = [];
        if (!is_positive_integer($id)) {
            return $data;
        $sql = "SELECT a.`id`,a.`product_id`,a.`activity_money`,a.`bargain_section`,a.`join_count`,a.`product_desc`,a.`product_name`,
                FROM `hp_activity_bargain` AS a
                LEFT JOIN `hp_category_attr` AS b
                ON a.`attr1_id` = b.`attr1_son_id` AND a.`attr2_id` = b.`attr2_son_id` AND a.`product_id` = b.`category_id`
                WHERE a.`id` = $id
                LIMIT 1";
        $res = Db::query($sql);
        if (is_not_empty_array($res)) {
            $data = $res[0];
        return $data;
    public static function getBargainirgProgress($id = 0) {
        $data = [];
        $sql = "SELECT `id`,`activity_bargain_id`,`product_id`,`attr1_id`,`attr2_id`,`user_id`,`bargain_count`,`deal_money`,`is_addorder` 
                FROM `hp_activity_bargainirg` 
                WHERE `id` = $id LIMIT 1";
        $res = self::query($sql);
        if (is_not_empty_array($res)) {
            $data = $res[0];
        return $data;
    public static function returnProgressData($a_b_id = 0, $product_id = 0, $user_id = 0, $attr1_son_id = 0, $attr2_son_id = 0, $deal_money= 0){
        $data = [];
        $sql = "SELECT `id`,`activity_bargain_id`,`product_id`,`attr1_id`,`attr2_id`,`user_id`,`bargain_count`,`deal_money`,`is_addorder`
                FROM `hp_activity_bargainirg` 
                WHERE `activity_bargain_id` = $a_b_id AND `attr1_id` = $attr1_son_id AND `attr2_id` = $attr2_son_id AND `product_id` = $product_id AND `user_id` = $user_id 
                LIMIT 1";

        $res = self::query($sql);
        if (is_not_empty_array($res)) {
            $data = $res[0];
        } else {
            $data['activity_bargain_id'] = $a_b_id;
            $data['product_id']          = $product_id;
            $data['user_id']             = $user_id;
            $data['deal_money']          = $deal_money; 
            $data['attr1_id']            = $attr1_son_id; 
            $data['attr2_id']            = $attr2_son_id;   
            $data['create_time']         = time(); 
            $data['bargain_count']       = 0; 
            $insertId =  Db::name('activity_bargainirg')->getLastInsID();
            $data['id']                  = $insertId;
            // $data = self::getBargainirgProgress($insert_id);
        return $data;
    //通过 表[activity_products] 主键id 和 user_id 拿到用户购买前要付款的额度和购买商品
    public static function getBargainResult2Pay($a_b_id = 0, $user_id = 0) {
        $data  = [];
        if ( !is_positive_integer($a_b_id) || !is_positive_integer($user_id)) {
            return $data;
        $sql = "SELECT `id`,`deal_money`,`product_id`,`attr1_id`,`attr2_id` FROM `hp_activity_bargainirg`
                WHERE `activity_bargain_id` = $a_b_id AND `user_id` = $user_id
                LIMIT 1";
        $res = Db::query($sql);
        if (is_not_empty_array($res)) {
            $data = $res[0];
        return $data;

    //$bargain_id       [activity_bargainirg]表主键id
    //$assistor_id      帮助砍价者用户id
    public static function checkPartBargain ($bargain_id = 0, $assistor_id = 0) {
        $state = false;
        if (!is_positive_integer($bargain_id) || !is_positive_integer($assistor_id)) {
            return $state;
        $sql = "SELECT `bargain_money` FROM `hp_activity_bargain_list`
                WHERE  `bargain_id` = $bargain_id AND  `assistor_id` = $assistor_id 
                LIMIT 1";

        $res = self::query($sql);

        if (is_not_empty_array($res)) {

            return $res[0]['bargain_money'];
        return $state;


    public static function getAssistorList ( $bargain_id = 0){
        $data = [];
        if (is_positive_integer($bargain_id) && is_positive_integer($assistor_id)) 
            return $data;
        $sql = "SELECT a.`create_time`, a.`bargain_money`, b.`nickname`, b.`headimgurl` 
                FROM `hp_activity_bargain_list` AS a
                LEFT JOIN `hp_user_auths` AS b
                ON a.`assistor_id` = b.`user_id`
                WHERE a.`bargain_id` = $bargain_id
                ORDER BY a.`id` DESC";

        $data = self::query($sql);
        return $data;

    public static function getBeforeMoney ( $bargain_id = 0, $limit = 1) {
        $beforemoney_sum = 0;
        $sql = "SELECT SUM(`bargain_money`) AS beforemoney_sum FROM 
                (SELECT `bargain_money` FROM `hp_activity_bargain_list` 
                WHERE `bargain_id` = $bargain_id
                ORDER BY `id` DESC
                LIMIT $limit) sum";
        $res = Db::query($sql);
        if (is_not_empty_array($res)) {
            $beforemoney_sum = $res[0]['beforemoney_sum'];
        return $beforemoney_sum;
     * 砍价相关数据操作
     *$bargain_id    [activity_bargainirg] 表主键id
     *$sponsor_id    砍价发起者id
     *$assistor_id   帮助砍价者id
     *$min           最小值
     *$max           最大值
     *$join_count    设置要参与砍价的人数
     *return bool
    public static function givePartBargain($bargain_id = 0, $sponsor_id = 0, $assistor_id = 0, $min = 0, $max = 0,$join_count = 0) {
        $state = false;
        if (is_positive_integer($assistor_id) && $bargain_id > 0 && is_positive_integer($sponsor_id)) {
            $bargainirg_info = Db::name('activity_bargainirg')->find($bargain_id);

            if ( !$bargainirg_info ) {
                return $state;

            $fp = fopen('./bargain_lock.txt','r');
            $try = 5; 
            do {
                $lock = flock($fp,LOCK_EX);
            } while (!$lock && --$try >= 0) ;
            if ($lock) {
                try {
                    $bargain_money = self::returnRandMoney($bargain_id, $min, $max, $join_count);
                    $id  = 0;
                    $sql = "UPDATE `hp_activity_bargainirg` 
                            SET `deal_money` = `deal_money` - $bargain_money,`bargain_count` = `bargain_count`+ 1 
                            WHERE `id` = $bargain_id AND `user_id` = $sponsor_id AND `deal_money` > $bargain_money
                            AND `bargain_count`  0) {
                        $insert_data = [];
                        $insert_data['bargain_id']      = $bargain_id;
                        $insert_data['assistor_id']     = $assistor_id;
                        $insert_data['bargain_money']   = $bargain_money;
                        $insert_data['create_time']     = time();
                        $id = Db::name('activity_bargain_list')->insert($insert_data);
                    if ($id > 0) 
                        $state = true; 
                }catch(\Exception $e){
                    $state = false;

        if ($state !== false ) {
            return $bargain_money;
        return $state;

    public static function returnRandMoney ($bargain_id = 0, $min = 0 ,$max = 0, $join_count = 0 ){
        $randMoney       = self::randomFloat( $min, $max);                  //返回随机价格  
        $prev_Progress   = self::getBargainirgProgress($bargain_id);            
        $prev_bargain_count = $prev_Progress['bargain_count'];              //返回已经被砍价的次数  
        $remainder = $prev_bargain_count % 3; 

        $bout_count = floor($join_count / 3) * 3;  //最后一轮结束的刀数       39
        $last_num = $join_count - $bout_count;
        $avg = ($min + $max) / 2;
        $before_sum  = self::getBeforeMoney($bargain_id, $remainder);

        if ($prev_bargain_count >= $bout_count) {
            if ($last_num == 1){
                return $avg;
            } elseif ($last_num == 2) {
                $end = $join_count - $prev_Progress['bargain_count'] ;
                if ($end == 2) {
                    return $randMoney;
                } elseif($end == 1) {
                    return $avg * 2 - $before_sum;
        // $remainder_num   = $join_count % 3;         //总回合数的余数
        if ($remainder > 0) {
            if ( $remainder == 1) { 
                $point      = $max * 0.8;    //最大额度的80%
                $bout_sum   = 3 * $avg;
                if ($before_sum >= $point) {
                    $randMoney = self::randomFloat($min, ($bout_sum - $before_sum) / 2);
                } else {
                    $randMoney = self::randomFloat(($bout_sum - $before_sum) / 2 , $point);
            if ($remainder == 2) {
                $round_sum_money = 3 * $avg;            
                $randMoney       = $round_sum_money - $before_sum;
        return $randMoney;
    public static function randomFloat($min = 0, $max = 1) {
         return round($min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min),2);

    public static function getActivityBargainProducts ( $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
        $data = [];
        $sql = "SELECT a.`id`,a.`product_id`,a.`activity_money`,a.`bargain_section`,a.`join_count`,a.`product_desc`,a.`product_name`,
                FROM `hp_activity_bargain` AS a
                LEFT JOIN `hp_category_attr` AS b
                ON a.`attr1_id` = b.`attr1_son_id` AND a.`attr2_id` = b.`attr2_son_id` AND a.`product_id` = b.`category_id`
                WHERE 1 = 1
                ORDER BY a.`id` DESC
                LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset";
        $data = self::query($sql);        
        return $data;

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