Commonly used design patterns in java: 1. Singleton mode; 2. Factory mode; 3. Builder mode; 4. Observer mode; 5. Adapter mode; 6. Agent mode; 7. Decoration mode.
The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, java8 version, DELL G3 computer.
Basic concept: Ensure that a class has only one instance and provide a global access point to access it.
Common writing:
hunger style
public class Singleton{ private static Singleton singleton = new Singleton(); private Singleton(){ } public static Singleton getInstance(){ return singleton; } }
lazy man style
public class Singleton { /* 持有私有静态实例,防止被引用,此处赋值为null,目的是实现延迟加载 */ private static Singleton instance = null; /* 私有构造方法,防止被实例化 */ private Singleton() {} /* 1:懒汉式,静态工程方法,创建实例 */ public static Singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Singleton(); } return instance; } protected void method() { System.out.println("SingletonInner"); } }
Advantages: Delayed loading (loading only when needed), suitable for single-threaded operation
Disadvantages: Thread unsafe, it is easy to be out of sync in multi-threads , such as when frequent read and write operations are performed on database objects.
Dual thread check mode
public class SingletonInner { private static volatile SingletonInner sInst = null; // <<< 这里添加了 volatile /** * 私有的构造函数 */ private SingletonInner() {} public static SingletonInner getInstance() { if (inst == null) { synchronized (SingletonInner.class) {if (inst == null) { sInst = new SingletonInner(); } } } return sInst; } protected void method() { System.out.println("SingletonInner"); } }
Advantages: thread safety, support delayed loading, high calling efficiency
Disadvantages: The writing method is complicated and not concise
Implementation of internal classes
public class SingletonInner { /** * 内部类实现单例模式 * 延迟加载,减少内存开销 */ private static class SingletonHolder { private static SingletonInner instance = new SingletonInner(); } /** * 私有的构造函数 */ private SingletonInner() {} public static SingletonInner getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.instance; } protected void method() { System.out.println("SingletonInner"); } }
Advantages: delayed loading, thread safety (when loading class in java Mutually exclusive), also reduces memory consumption, it is recommended to use the inner class method.
Basic concept: Provide a transition interface for creating objects, so as to shield and isolate the specific process of creating objects to achieve the purpose of improving flexibility.
is divided into three categories:
Simple factory modelSimple Factory
: Not conducive to the production of series products;
Factory Method PatternFactory Method
: Also known as Polymorphic Factory;
Abstract Factory PatternAbstract Factory
: Also known as The toolbox generates product families, but is not conducive to generating new products;
These three modes are gradually abstracted from top to bottom and are more general. In the book "Design Patterns", GOF divides the factory pattern into two categories: Factory Method pattern (Factory Method) and Abstract Factory pattern (Abstract Factory). Think of the Simple Factory pattern as a special case of the Factory Method pattern, and the two are classified into the same category.
Simple Factory Pattern
Simple Factory Pattern is also calledStatic Factory Method Pattern. It can be seen from the renaming that this mode must be very simple. Its purpose is simple: to define an interface for creating objects.
In the simple factory pattern, a factory class is at the center of the call to product class instantiation. It determines which product class should be instantiated, just like a traffic policeman standing in the flow of passing vehicles. It is the same as deciding which direction to let vehicles flow in.
Let’s take a look at its composition first:
Sample code:
public class Factory{ //getClass 产生Sample 一般可使用动态类装载装入类。 public static Sample creator(int which){ if (which==1) return new SampleA(); else if (which==2) return new SampleB(); } }
Another popular norm is to name the static factory methodvalueOf
: The instance returned by this method has the same value as its parameter, for example:
Integer a=Integer.valueOf(100); //返回取值为100的Integer对象
public class Complex { private final float re; private final float im; private Complex(float re, float im){ = re; = im; } public static Complex valueOf(float re, float im){ return new Complex(re, im); } public static Complex valueOfPolar(float r, float theta){ return new Complex((float)(r * Math.cos(theta)), (float)(r * Math.sin(theta))); } }
As can be seen from the above code, the valueOf() method can be executed Type conversion operation, in this example, converts basic data of type int into Integer objects.
: The returned instance matches the parameters, for example:
Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance(Locale.CHINA); //返回符合中国标准的日历
Factory method pattern
The factory method pattern is simple Further abstraction and promotion of the factory pattern, in the factory method pattern, it is no longer just a factory class that determines which product class should be instantiated. This decision is left to the subclasses of the abstract factory.
Let’s take a look at its composition:
工厂方法模式使用继承自抽象工厂角色的多个子类来代替简单工厂模式中的“上帝类”。正如上面所说,这样便分担了对象承受的压力;而且这样使得结构变得灵活 起来——当有新的产品(即暴发户的汽车)产生时,只要按照抽象产品角色、抽象工厂角色提供的合同来生成,那么就可以被客户使用,而不必去修改任何已有的代 码。可以看出工厂角色的结构也是符合开闭原则的!
//抽象产品角色 public interface Moveable { void run(); } //具体产品角色 public class Plane implements Moveable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("plane...."); } } //具体产品角色 public class Broom implements Moveable { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("broom....."); } } //抽象工厂 public abstract class VehicleFactory { abstract Moveable create(); } //具体工厂 public class PlaneFactory extends VehicleFactory{ public Moveable create() { return new Plane(); } } //具体工厂 public class BroomFactory extends VehicleFactory{ public Moveable create() { return new Broom(); } } //测试类 public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { VehicleFactory factory = new BroomFactory(); Moveable m = factory.create();; } }
可以看出工厂方法的加入,使得对象的数量成倍增长。当产品种类非常多时,会出现大量的与之对应的工厂对象,这不是我们所希望的。因为如果不能避免这种情 况,可以考虑使用简单工厂模式与工厂方法模式相结合的方式来减少工厂类:即对于产品树上类似的种类(一般是树的叶子中互为兄弟的)使用简单工厂模式来实 现。
工厂方法模式和简单工厂模式在定义上的不同是很明显的。工厂方法模式的核心是一个抽象工厂类,而不像简单工厂模式, 把核心放在一个实类上。工厂方法模式可以允许很多实的工厂类从抽象工厂类继承下来, 从而可以在实际上成为多个简单工厂模式的综合,从而推广了简单工厂模式。
反过来讲,简单工厂模式是由工厂方法模式退化而来。设想如果我们非常确定一个系统只需要一个实的工厂类, 那么就不妨把抽象工厂类合并到实的工厂类中去。而这样一来,我们就退化到简单工厂模式了。
//抽象工厂类 public abstract class AbstractFactory { public abstract Vehicle createVehicle(); public abstract Weapon createWeapon(); public abstract Food createFood(); } //具体工厂类,其中Food,Vehicle,Weapon是抽象类, public class DefaultFactory extends AbstractFactory{ @Override public Food createFood() { return new Apple(); } @Override public Vehicle createVehicle() { return new Car(); } @Override public Weapon createWeapon() { return new AK47(); } } //测试类 public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { AbstractFactory f = new DefaultFactory(); Vehicle v = f.createVehicle();; Weapon w = f.createWeapon(); w.shoot(); Food a = f.createFood(); a.printName(); } }
在抽象工厂模式中,抽象产品 (AbstractProduct) 可能是一个或多个,从而构成一个或多个产品族(Product Family)。 在只有一个产品族的情况下,抽象工厂模式实际上退化到工厂方法模式。
What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?是一步一步创建一个复杂的对象,它允许用户可以只通过指定复杂对象的类型和内容就可以构建它们。用户不知道内部的具体构建细节。What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?是非常类似抽象工厂模式,细微的区别大概只有在反复使用中才能体会到。
上图是Strategy 模式的结构图,让我们可以进行更方便的描述:
因为一个复杂的对象,不但有很多大量组成部分,如汽车,有很多部件:车轮、方向盘、发动机,还有各种小零件等等,部件很多,但远不止这些,如何将这些部件装配成一辆汽车,这个装配过程也很复杂(需要很好的组装技术),What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?就是为了将部件和组装过程分开。
首先假设一个复杂对象是由多个部件组成的,What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?是把复杂对象的创建和部件的创建分别开来,分别用Builder类和Director类来表示。
public interface Builder { //创建部件A 比如创建汽车车轮void buildPartA(); //创建部件B 比如创建汽车方向盘void buildPartB(); //创建部件C 比如创建汽车发动机void buildPartC(); //返回最后组装成品结果 (返回最后装配好的汽车) //成品的组装过程不在这里进行,而是转移到下面的Director类中进行. //从而实现了解耦过程和部件 Product getResult(); }
public class Director { private Builder builder; public Director( Builder builder ) { this.builder = builder; } // 将部件partA partB partC最后组成复杂对象 //这里是将车轮 方向盘和发动机组装成汽车的过程 public void construct() { builder.buildPartA(); builder.buildPartB(); builder.buildPartC(); } }
public class ConcreteBuilder implements Builder { Part partA, partB, partC; public void buildPartA() { //这里是具体如何构建 } public void buildPartB() { //这里是具体如何构建 } public void buildPartC() { //这里是具体如何构建 } public Product getResult() { //返回最后组装成品结果 } }
public interface Product { }
public interface Part { }
我们看看如何调用What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?:
ConcreteBuilder builder = new ConcreteBuilder(); Director director = new Director( builder ); director.construct(); Product product = builder.getResult();
What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?的应用
在Java实际使用中,我们经常用到"池"(Pool)的概念,当资源提供者无法提供足够的资源,并且这些资源需要被很多用户反复共享时,就需要使用池。"池"实际是一段内存,当池中有一些复杂的资源的"断肢"(比如数据库的连接池,也许有时一个连接会中断),如果循环再利用这些"断肢",将提高内存使用效率,提高池的性能。修改What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?中Director类使之能诊断"断肢"断在哪个部件上,再修复这个部件。
基本概念:What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?定义了一种一对多的依赖关系,让多个观察者对象同时监听某一主题对象。这个主题对象在状态发生变化时,会通知所有观察者对象,使它们能够自动更新自己。What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?又叫发布-订阅(Publish/Subscribe)模式。
上图是Observer 模式的结构图,让我们可以进行更方便的描述:
/** * Subject(目标,Subject): * 目标知道它的观察者。可以有任意多个观察者观察同一个目标。 * 提供注册和删除观察者对象的接口。 */ public interface Subject { public void attach(Observer mObserver); public void detach(Observer mObserver); public void notice(); }
/** * Observer(观察者,Observer): * 为那些在目标发生改变时需要获得通知的对象定义一个更新接口。 */ public interface Observer { public void update(); }
/** * ConcreteSubject(具体目标,Teacher) * 将有关状态存入各ConcreteObserve对象。 * 当他的状态发生改变时,向他的各个观察者发出通知。 */ public class Teacher implements Subject{ private String phone; private Vector students; public Teacher(){ phone = ""; students = new Vector(); } @Override public void attach(Observer mObserver) { students.add(mObserver); } @Override public void detach(Observer mObserver) { students.remove(mObserver); } @Override public void notice() { for(int i=0;i创建ConcreteObserver类:
/** * ConcreteObserver(具体观察者, Student): * 维护一个指向ConcreteSubject对象的引用。 * 存储有关状态,这些状态应与目标的状态保持一致。 * 实现Observer的更新接口以使自身状态与目标的状态保持一致。 */ public class Student implements Observer{ private String name; private String phone; private Teacher mTeacher; public Student(String name,Teacher t){ = name; mTeacher = t; } public void show(){ System.out.println("Name:"+name+"\nTeacher'sphone:" + phone); } @Override public void update() { phone = mTeacher.getPhone(); } }客户端测试:
/** * 观察者(Observer)模式测试类 */ public class ObserverClient { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector students = new Vector(); Teacher t = new Teacher(); for(int i= 0;i<10;i++){ Student st = new Student("Andy.Chen"+i,t); students.add(st); t.attach(st); } System.out.println("Welcome to Andy.Chen Blog!" +"\n" +"Observer Patterns." +"\n" +"-------------------------------"); t.setPhone("12345678"); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) ((Student)students.get(i)).show(); t.setPhone("87654321"); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) ((Student)students.get(i)).show(); } }程序运行结果如下:
Welcome to Andy.Chen Blog! Observer Patterns. ------------------------------- Name:Andy.Chen0 Teacher'sphone:12345678 Name:Andy.Chen1 Teacher'sphone:12345678 Name:Andy.Chen2 Teacher'sphone:12345678 Name:Andy.Chen0 Teacher'sphone:87654321 Name:Andy.Chen1 Teacher'sphone:87654321 Name:Andy.Chen2 Teacher'sphone:87654321总结
What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?何时适用?
两种不同的形式。What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?:
- 目标(Target)角色:这就是所期待得到的接口。注意:由于这里讨论的是What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?,因此目标不可以是类。
- 源(Adapee)角色:现在需要适配的接口。
- 适配器(Adaper)角色:适配器类是本模式的核心。适配器把源接口转换成目标接口。显然,这一角色不可以是接口,而必须是具体类。
What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?模式:
public interface Target { /** * 这是源类Adaptee也有的方法 */ public void sampleOperation1(); /** * 这是源类Adapteee没有的方法 */ public void sampleOperation2(); }public class Adaptee { public void sampleOperation1(){} }适配器类:
public class Adapter { private Adaptee adaptee; public Adapter(Adaptee adaptee){ this.adaptee = adaptee; } /** * 源类Adaptee有方法sampleOperation1 * 因此适配器类直接委派即可 */ public void sampleOperation1(){ this.adaptee.sampleOperation1(); } /** * 源类Adaptee没有方法sampleOperation2 * 因此由适配器类需要补充此方法 */ public void sampleOperation2(){ //写相关的代码 } }类适配器和What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?的权衡
- 类适配器使用对象继承的方式,是静态的定义方式;而What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?使用对象组合的方式,是动态组合的方式。
对于类适配器由于适配器直接继承了Adaptee,使得适配器不能和Adaptee的子类一起工作,因为继承是静态的关系,当适配器继承了Adaptee后,就不可能再去处理 Adaptee的子类了。
对于What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?一个适配器可以把多种不同的源适配到同一个目标。换言之,同一个适配器可以把源类和它的子类都适配到目标接口。因为What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?采用的是对象组合的关系,只要对象类型正确,是不是子类都无所谓。
对于What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?要重定义Adaptee的行为比较困难,这种情况下,需要定义Adaptee的子类来实现重定义,然后让适配器组合子类。虽然重定义Adaptee的行为比较困难,但是想要增加一些新的行为则方便的很,而且新增加的行为可同时适用于所有的源。
对于What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?,需要额外的引用来间接得到Adaptee。
建议尽量使用What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?的实现方式,多用合成或聚合、少用继承。当然,具体问题具体分析,根据需要来选用实现方式,最适合的才是最好的。
Num6:What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?
- 如果那个对象是一个是很大的图片,需要花费很长时间才能显示出来,那么当这个图片包含在文档中时,使用编辑器或浏览器打开这个文档,打开文档必须很迅速,不能等待大图片处理完成,这时需要做个图片Proxy来代替真正的图片。
- 如果那个对象在Internet的某个远端服务器上,直接操作这个对象因为网络速度原因可能比较慢,那我们可以先用Proxy来代替那个对象。
在Forum中陈列了有关论坛操作的主要行为,如论坛名称,论坛描述的获取和修改,帖子发表删除编辑等,在ForumPermissions中定义了各种级别权限的用户:public class ForumPermissions implements Cacheable { /** * Permission to read object. */ public static final int READ = 0; /** * Permission to administer the entire sytem. */ public static final int SYSTEM_ADMIN = 1; /** * Permission to administer a particular forum. */ public static final int FORUM_ADMIN = 2; /** * Permission to administer a particular user. */ public static final int USER_ADMIN = 3; /** * Permission to administer a particular group. */ public static final int GROUP_ADMIN = 4; /** * Permission to moderate threads. */ public static final int MODERATE_THREADS = 5; /** * Permission to create a new thread. */ public static final int CREATE_THREAD = 6; /** * Permission to create a new message. */ public static final int CREATE_MESSAGE = 7; /** * Permission to moderate messages. */ public static final int MODERATE_MESSAGES = 8; public boolean isSystemOrForumAdmin() { return (values[FORUM_ADMIN] || values[SYSTEM_ADMIN]); } //相关操作代码 }因此,Forum中各种操作权限是和ForumPermissions定义的用户级别有关系的,作为接口Forum的实现:ForumProxy正是将这种对应关系联系起来。比如,修改Forum的名称,只有论坛管理者或系统管理者可以修改,代码如下:
public class ForumProxy implements Forum { private ForumPermissions permissions; private Forum forum; this.authorization = authorization; public ForumProxy(Forum forum, Authorization authorization,ForumPermissions permissions){ = forum; this.authorization = authorization; this.permissions = permissions; } ..... public void setName(String name) throws UnauthorizedException, ForumAlreadyExistsException{ //只有是系统或论坛管理者才可以修改名称 if (permissions.isSystemOrForumAdmin()) { forum.setName(name); } else { throw new UnauthorizedException(); } } ... }而DbForum才是接口Forum的真正实现,以修改论坛名称为例:
public class DbForum implements Forum, Cacheable { ... public void setName(String name) throws ForumAlreadyExistsException { .... = name; //这里真正将新名称保存到数据库中 saveToDb(); .... } ... }凡是涉及到对论坛名称修改这一事件,其他程序都首先得和ForumProxy打交道,由ForumProxy决定是否有权限做某一样事情,ForumProxy是个名副其实的"网关","安全代理系统"。
Num7:What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?
基本概念:What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?(Decorator),动态地给一个对象添加一些额外的职责,就增加功能来说,What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?比生成子类更为灵活。
上图是Decorator 模式的结构图,让我们可以进行更方便的描述:
public interface Component { void show(); }创建一个具体的 ConcreteComponent 来实现 Component 接口
public class Person implements Component{ private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public Person(String name){ = name; } @Override public void show() { System.out.println("装扮的" + name); } }创建装饰类 Decorator 实现 Component 接口
public class Decorator implements Component{ private Component mComponent; public void decoratorObj(Component component){ mComponent = component; } @Override public void show() { if(mComponent != null){; } } }分别创建具体的装饰类 ,, ...等等,分别继承 类
/** 牛仔裤 */ public class Jeans extends Decorator { @Override public void show(){ System.out.println("穿牛仔裤");; } }客户端测试类
/** * What are the commonly used design patterns in Java?测试客户端 */ public class DecoratorClient { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Welcome to Andy.Chen Blog!" +"\n" +"Decorator Patterns." +"\n"); Person mPerson = new Person("Andy"); Sandal mSandal = new Sandal(); Jeans mJeans = new Jeans(); TShirt mShirt = new TShirt(); mShirt.decoratorObj(mPerson); mJeans.decoratorObj(mShirt); mSandal.decoratorObj(mJeans);; } }测试结果
Welcome to Andy.Chen Blog! Decorator Patterns. 穿凉鞋 穿牛仔裤 穿T-Shirt 装扮的Andy总结
More flexible than static inheritance Compared with static inheritance of objects, the Decorator pattern provides a more flexible way to add responsibilities to objects. You can use the add and detach methods, and use decoration to add responsibilities at runtime. and remove responsibilities. Using the inheritance mechanism to add responsibilities requires creating a new subclass. If you need to add functions to all original subclasses, each subclass needs to be rewritten, increasing the complexity of the system. In addition, multiple subclasses can be provided for a specific Component class. Decorator, this kind of mixing and matching is difficult to achieve using inheritance.
Avoid having too many features in classes higher up in the hierarchy. The Decorator pattern provides a "pay-as-you-go" approach to adding responsibilities without trying to create a complex The customizable class supports all foreseeable features. Instead, you can define a simple class and gradually add functions to it using the Decorator class, combining simple components to create complex functions.
Decorator is different from its Component. Decorator is a transparent package. If we start from the perspective of object identification, there is a difference between a decorated component and this component, so Decorators should not be used with object identifiers.
Produces many small objects. System design using the Decorator pattern often produces many small objects that look similar. These objects only differ in the way they are connected to each other.
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