The color model used by computer monitors is the RGB model. The RGB model, also known as the additive color mixing model, uses the brightness of the three primary colors of red, green, and blue to quantitatively represent colors. The RGB three-color light is superimposed on each other to achieve color mixing, so it is suitable for the display of luminous bodies such as monitors.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.
RGB is a commonly used way to express color information. It uses the brightness of the three primary colors of red, green, and blue to quantitatively express color. This model is also called the additive color mixing model. It is a method of mixing RGB three-color light by superimposing each other to achieve color mixing. Therefore, it is suitable for the display of luminous bodies such as monitors. The color mixing rule is: when equal amounts of red, green, and blue primary color lights are mixed.
RGB can be regarded as a unit cube in the three-dimensional rectangular coordinate color system. Any color in RGB color space can be represented by a point in three-dimensional space. In the RGB color space, when the brightness value of any primary color is zero, that is, at the origin, it appears black. When all three primary colors reach their highest brightness, they appear white. On the diagonal line connecting black and white, there is a gray mixture of three primary colors with equal brightness. This line is called a gray line.
If two of the three primary colors of light (note, not pigments) are mixed in equal proportions, then the result will be three colors of yellow, cyan, and purple.
Red and Green=Yellow
Red and Blue=Purple (bright purple)
Green and Blue=Green
Red, Green and Blue=White
All three primary colors = black
This is the mixing of colors and lights, called the additive color mixing method.
The color mixing rules of the additive color method can be represented by diagrams.
The color matching equation description:
F (object color) = R (percentage of red) G (percentage of green) B (percentage of blue)
If it is If these three pigments are mixed, then, generally speaking, red and green = dark gray red; red and blue = purple; green and blue = turquoise.
This is color mixing, called subtractive color mixing.
Remember, color mixing and pigment mixing are different in nature.
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