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Introducing swoole asynchronous group sending template messages

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2021-03-22 10:41:14 2855browse

Introducing swoole asynchronous group sending template messages


  服务端代码,服务器要先安装swoole拓展,用 php server.php 启动进程监听


run()->send(); //require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../thinkphp/helper.php'; use think\cache\driver\Redis; //use think\Controller; use think\Db; class Swoole { const errcode = array( 43004 => '需要接收者关注', 40037 => '无效模板', 40003 => '需要接收者关注', 43005 => '需要好友关系', 43019 => '需要将接收者从黑名单中移除', 44001 => '多媒体文件为空', 44002 => 'POST 的数据包为空', 44003 => '图文消息内容为空', 44004 => '文本消息内容为空', 45001 => '多媒体文件大小超过限制', 45002 => '消息内容超过限制', 45003 => '标题字段超过限制', 45004 => '描述字段超过限制', 45005 => '链接字段超过限制', 45006 => '图片链接字段超过限制', 45007 => '语音播放时间超过限制', 45008 => '图文消息超过限制', 45009 => '接口调用超过限制', 45010 => '创建菜单个数超过限制', 45011 => 'API 调用太频繁,请稍候再试', ); private $serv; private $redis; private $conn = [ // 数据库类型 'type' => 'mysql', // 服务器地址 'hostname' => '', // 数据库名 'database' => '', // 用户名 'username' => '', // 密码 'password' => '', // 端口 'hostport' => '3306', // 连接dsn 'dsn' => '', // 数据库连接参数 'params' => [], // 数据库编码默认采用utf8 'charset' => 'utf8', // 数据库表前缀 'prefix' => 'shd_', // 数据库调试模式 'debug' => true, // 数据集返回类型 'resultset_type' => 'array', // 自动写入时间戳字段 'auto_timestamp' => false, // 时间字段取出后的默认时间格式 'datetime_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', // 是否需要进行SQL性能分析 'sql_explain' => false, // Builder类 'builder' => '', // Query类 'query' => '\\think\\db\\Query', // 是否需要断线重连 'break_reconnect' => false, // 断线标识字符串 'break_match_str' => [], ]; //初始化配置,监听端口 public function __construct() { //redis $this->redis = new Redis(); $this->serv = new \swoole_server("", 9501); $this->serv->set(array( 'worker_num' => 2, //一般设置为服务器CPU数的1-4倍 'daemonize' => 1, //以守护进程执行 'max_request' => 10000, 'dispatch_mode' => 2, 'task_worker_num' => 8, //task进程的数量 "task_ipc_mode " => 3, //使用消息队列通信,并设置为争抢模式 "log_file" => "taskqueueu.log" ,//日志 )); $this->serv->on('Receive', array($this, 'onReceive')); // bind callback $this->serv->on('Task', array($this, 'onTask')); $this->serv->on('Finish', array($this, 'onFinish')); $this->serv->start(); } //接收客户端的请求并响应 public function onReceive(\swoole_server $serv, $fd, $from_id, $data) { echo "Get Message From Client {$fd}:{$data}\n"; $serv->send($fd, '发送任务已建立,正在发送,请稍后查看发送记录'); // send a task to task worker. $serv->task($data);//投递任务 } public function onTask($serv, $task_id, $from_id, $data) { echo "Task {$task_id} task\n"; $array = json_decode($data, true); $success = 0; $fail = 0; $log = ''; $access_token = $array['access_token']; $openid_list = $this->redis->sMembers($array['appid'].'users');//从redis取出要批量发送的openid $fields = json_decode($array['data'],true); $send_data = array(); $start = time(); //模板消息 foreach ($openid_list as $openid) { $template = array( 'touser' => $openid, 'template_id' => $array['tem_id'], 'url' => $array['url'], 'topcolor' => "#000000", 'data' => $send_data, ); $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token=" . $access_token; $res = $this->send_post($url, $template); $res_arr = json_decode($res, true); if ($res_arr['errcode'] == 0){ ++ $success; }else{ ++ $fail; $log = self::errcode[$res_arr['errcode']]; } } $result = array('success'=>$success,'fail'=>$fail,'tem_id'=>$array['tem_id'],'uid'=>$array['uid'],'data'=>$array['data'],'url'=>$array['url'],'log'=>$log,'start'=>$start); return json_encode($result); } //任务执行完自动回调结束方法 public function onFinish($serv, $task_id, $data) { $array = json_decode($data,true); $fields = json_decode($array['data'],true); //获取当前模板 $list = Db::connect($this->conn)->name('wechat_template')->where('template_id',$array['tem_id'])->where('uid',$array['uid'])->find(); $new_field = $list['field']; $insert['template_id'] = $array['tem_id']; $insert['success'] = $array['success']; $insert['fail'] = $array['fail']; $insert['url'] = $array['url']; $insert['log'] = $array['log']; $insert['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$array['start']); $insert['finish_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); Db::connect($this->conn)->name('wechat_template_log')->insert($insert); echo "Task{$data} {$task_id} finish\n"; } function send_post($url, $post_data) { $postdata=json_encode($post_data,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $options = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postdata, // 'protocol_version' => 1.1, // 'header' => [ // 'Connection: close', // ], 'timeout' => 2 // 超时时间(单位:s) ) ); $context = stream_context_create($options); $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); return $result; } } $server = new Swoole();


function send_tem_to(){ $type = input('type'); // 0 按人头算 1 按标签算 2 全部粉丝 $target = input('target/s'); $field = input('fields/s'); $tem_id = input('tem_id');//模板ID,字符串 $url = input('url',''); $client = new \swoole_client(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP);//创建同步TCP if (!$client->connect('', 9501, 0.5))//链接 { exit("connect failed. Error: {$client->errCode}\n"); } $client->send(json_encode(array('appid'=>$this->appid,'uid'=>$this->uid,'tem_id'=>$tem_id,'data'=>$field))); //发送请求 $rec = $client->recv();//接收返回数据 $client->close();//关闭链接 }

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