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An in-depth analysis of the interface interface in golang

2021-01-28 17:36:451907browse

The following tutorial column of golang will give you an in-depth analysis of the interface interface in golang. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!

An introduction to the interface

If gorountine and channel are the cornerstones that support the concurrency model of the Go language, let the Go language Nowadays, the era of clustering and multi-core has become a beautiful scenery, so interfaces are the cornerstone of the entire type series of Go language, allowing Go language to reach unprecedented heights in the exploration of basic programming philosophy. The Go language is a reformist rather than a reformist in programming philosophy. This is not because Go language has gorountine and channel, but more importantly because of the type system of Go language, and even more because of the interface of Go language. The programming philosophy of Go language tends to be perfect because of interfaces. C, Java uses "intrusive" interfaces, mainly because the implementation class needs to explicitly declare that it implements a certain interface. This mandatory interface inheritance method is a feature that has been subject to considerable doubts in the development of object-oriented programming ideas. Go language uses a "non-intrusive interface". The interface of Go language has its own uniqueness: as long as the public method of type T fully meets the requirements of interface I, objects of type T can be used where interface I is required. The so-called public methods of type T fully meet the requirements of interface I, that is, type T implements a set of members specified by interface I. The scientific name of this approach is Structural Typing, and some people also regard it as a kind of static Duck Typing.

You want this value to implement the interface method.

type Reader interface { 
 Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) 
// Writer 是包裹了基础 Write 方法的接口。 
type Writer interface { 
 Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) 
var r io.Reader 
r = os.Stdin 
r = bufio.NewReader(r) 
r = new(bytes.Buffer)

One thing must be clear, no matter what value r saves, the type of r is always io.Reader, Go is a static type, and the static type of r is io .Reader. An extremely important example of an interface type is the empty interface interface{}, which represents an empty method set. Since any value has zero or more methods, any value can satisfy it. Some people also say that Go's interface is dynamically typed, but this is a misunderstanding. They are statically typed: variables of interface type always have the same static type, and the value always satisfies the empty interface, but the value stored in the interface variable may be changed at runtime. All of this must be treated with caution, since reflection and interfaces are closely related.

2 Interface type memory layout

There is an important category among types, which is the interface type, which expresses a fixed A collection of methods. An interface variable can store any actual value (non-interface), as long as the value implements the interface's method. The interface actually consists of two members in memory, as shown in the figure below, tab points to the virtual table, and data points to the actual referenced data. The virtual table depicts the actual type information and the set of methods required by the interface.

type Stringer interface { 
 String() string 
type Binary uint64 
func (i Binary) String() string { 
 return strconv.FormatUint(i.Get(), 2) 
func (i Binary) Get() uint64 { 
 return uint64(i) 
func main() { 
 var b Binary = 32 
 s := Stringer(b) 

Observe the structure of itable, first some metadata describing the type information, and then a list of function pointers that satisfy the Stringger interface (note that this is not the actual type Binary function pointer set). Therefore, if we make a function call through the interface, the actual operation is actually s.tab->fun[0](s.data) . Is it similar to C's virtual table? But they are fundamentally different. Let’s look at C first. It creates a method set, that is, a virtual table for each class. When a subclass overrides the virtual function of the parent class, it changes the corresponding function pointer in the table to the function implemented by the subclass itself. If not, then Pointing to the implementation of the parent class, when facing multiple inheritance, there will be multiple virtual table pointers in the C object structure, and each virtual table pointer points to a different part of the method set. Let's look at the implementation of golang. Like C, golang also creates a method set for each type. The difference is that the virtual table of the interface is specially generated at runtime, while the virtual table of c is generated at compile time. (But the polymorphism shown by the c virtual function table is determined at runtime). For example, when the statement s := Stringer(b) is encountered for the first time in the example, golang will generate the Stringer interface Corresponds to the virtual table of Binary type and caches it. So why doesn't go use c to implement it? This c is related to the object memory layout of golang.



三 空接口

接口类型的一个极端重要的例子是空接口:interface{} ,它表示空的方法集合,由于任何值都有零个或者多个方法,所以任何值都可以满足它。 注意,[]T不能直接赋值给[]interface{}

//t := []int{1, 2, 3, 4} wrong 
//var s []interface{} = t 
t := []int{1, 2, 3, 4} //right 
s := make([]interface{}, len(t)) 
for i, v := range t { 
 s[i] = v 
str, ok := value.(string) 
if ok { 
 fmt.Printf("string value is: %q\n", str) 
} else { 
 fmt.Printf("value is not a string\n") 

在Go语言中,我们可以使用type switch语句查询接口变量的真实数据类型,语法如下:

type Stringer interface { 
  String() string 
var value interface{} // Value provided by caller. 
switch str := value.(type) { 
case string: 
  return str //type of str is string 
case Stringer: //type of str is Stringer 
  return str.String() 

也可以使用“comma, ok”的习惯用法来安全地测试值是否为一个字符串:

str, ok := value.(string) 
if ok { 
  fmt.Printf("string value is: %q\n", str) 
} else { 
  fmt.Printf("value is not a string\n") 

四 接口赋值

package main 
import ( 
type LesssAdder interface { 
  Less(b Integer) bool 
  Add(b Integer) 
type Integer int 
func (a Integer) Less(b Integer) bool { 
  return a < b 
func (a *Integer) Add(b Integer) { 
  *a += b 
func main() { 
  var a Integer = 1 
  var b LesssAdder = &a 
  //var c LesssAdder = a 
  //Error:Integer does not implement LesssAdder  
  //(Add method has pointer receiver) 


func (a Integer) Less(b Integer) bool


func (a *Integer) Less(b Integer) bool

这样,类型*Integer就既存在Less()方法,也存在Add()方法,满足LessAdder接口。 而根据

func (a *Integer) Add(b Integer)


func(a Integer) Add(b Integer) { 

因为(&a).Add()改变的只是函数参数a,对外部实际要操作的对象并无影响(值传递),这不符合用户的预期。所以Go语言不会自动为其生成该函数。因此类型Integer只存在Less()方法,缺少Add()方法,不满足LessAddr接口。(可以这样去理解:指针类型的对象函数是可读可写的,非指针类型的对象函数是只读的)将一个接口赋值给另外一个接口 在Go语言中,只要两个接口拥有相同的方法列表(次序不同不要紧),那么它们就等同的,可以相互赋值。 如果A接口的方法列表时接口B的方法列表的子集,那么接口B可以赋值给接口A,但是反过来是不行的,无法通过编译。

五 接口查询


var file1 Writer = ...
if file5,ok := file1.(two.IStream);ok {



var file1 Writer = ...
if file6,ok := file1.(*File);ok {


slice := make([]int, 0)
slice = append(slice, 1, 2, 3)

var I interface{} = slice

if res, ok := I.([]int);ok {
  fmt.Println(res) //[1 2 3]


func Sort(array interface{}, traveser Traveser) error {

  if array == nil {
    return errors.New("nil pointer")
  var length int //数组的长度
  switch array.(type) {
  case []int:
    length = len(array.([]int))
  case []string:
    length = len(array.([]string))
  case []float32:
    length = len(array.([]float32))

    return errors.New("error type")

  if length == 0 {
    return errors.New("len is zero.")


  return nil


Summary: The usage of querying whether the object pointed to by the interface is of a certain type can be considered a special case of interface query. An interface is an abstraction of the public characteristics of a group of types, so the difference between querying the interface and querying the specific type is like the difference between the following two questions:

Are you a doctor?


You are Momomo


The first question queries a group, which is the query interface; and the second question queries The two questions have reached specific individuals and are query specific types.

In addition, reflection can also be used for type query, which will be introduced in detail in reflection.

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