People call computers with large-scale integrated circuits as the basic hardware components the fourth-generation computers; the fourth-generation computers refer to the use of large-scale integrated circuits and very large-scale integrated circuits as the main electronic devices after 1970. Computers made from microprocessors; another important branch of it is microprocessors and microcomputers developed based on large-scale and ultra-large-scale integrated circuits.
The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.
People call computers with large-scale integrated circuits as the basic hardware components the fourth-generation computers.
The fourth generation of computers:
Large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits appeared in 1967 and 1977 respectively. Computers assembled from large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits are called fourth-generation electronic computers. The American ILLIAC-IV computer is the first computer to fully use large-scale integrated circuits as logic components and memory. It marks the fourth generation of computer development. In 1975, the American Amul Company developed the 470V/6 computer, and then the Japanese Fujitsu Company produced the M-190 machine, which is a relatively representative fourth-generation computer. The University of Manchester in the UK began developing the fourth-generation aircraft in 1968. In 1974, the ICL2900 computer was successfully developed, and in 1976, the DAP series of computers was successfully developed. In 1973, Germany's Siemens, France's International Information Corporation and the Netherlands' Philips jointly established Unified Data Corporation. Jointly developed the Unidata7710 series of machines.
Features of the Fourth Generation
The fourth generation computer refers to the use of large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) and very large-scale integrated circuits (VLSI) as the main electronics since 1970. Computers made from devices. For example, the 80386 microprocessor can integrate approximately 320,000 transistors on a single chip with an area of approximately 10mm × 10mm.
Another important branch of the fourth generation of computers is microprocessors and microcomputers developed based on large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits.
The four stages of the 4th generation computer
The first stage is from 1971 to 1973, with microprocessors including 4004, 4040 and 8008 . In 1971, Intel developed the MCS4 microcomputer (CPU 4040, four-bit machine). Later, the MCS-8 model with 8008 as the core was launched.
The second stage is from 1973 to 1977, the development and improvement stage of microcomputers. Microprocessors include 8080, 8085, M6800, and Z80. The initial product is Intel's MCS-80 (CPU is 8080, eight-bit machine). Later, there were TRS-80 type (CPU is Z80) and APPLE-II type (CPU is 6502), which were once popular in the world in the early 1980s.
The third stage is from 1978 to 1983, the development stage of sixteen-bit microcomputers. Microprocessors include 8086, 8088, 80186, 80286, M68000, and Z8000. The representative product of microcomputer is IBM-PC (CPU is 8086). The pinnacle products of this stage were APPLE's Macintosh (1984) and IBM's PC/AT286 (1986) microcomputers.
The fourth stage is the development stage of 32-bit microcomputers starting from 1983. Microprocessors have successively launched 80386 and 80486. 386 and 486 microcomputers are initial products. In 1993, Intel introduced the Pentium or P5 (Chinese translation as "Pentium") microprocessor, which has a 64-bit internal data channel. The Pentium III (also known as P7) microprocessor has become a mainstream product, and the Pentium IV was launched in October 2000.
It can be seen that the performance of a microcomputer mainly depends on the performance of its core device - the microprocessor (CPU).
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