The implementation steps are as follows:
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1. Import dependencies alipay-sdk-java 4.9.5.ALL
2. Configuration parameters
3. Implementation method
@ApiOperation(value = "企业转账到支付宝", httpMethod = "POST", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8") @ApiImplicitParams(value = {@ApiImplicitParam(value = "*用户token", name = "token",defaultValue ="", dataType = "String",paramType="header"), @ApiImplicitParam(value = "支付宝会员id", name = "aliuserId",defaultValue ="", dataType = "int",paramType="query",example = "0"), @ApiImplicitParam(value = "金额", name = "money",defaultValue ="", dataType = "String",paramType="query") }) @PostMapping("/alipay/transfer") public Result getMoney(HttpServletRequest servletRequest,BigDecimal money,@NotNull(message = "支付宝会员id不能为空")String aliuserId){ try { String out_biz_no = "R-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ((long) ((Math.random() * 9 + 1) * 100000000L) + "").substring(0, 8); //构造client CertAlipayRequest certAlipayRequest = new CertAlipayRequest(); //设置网关地址 certAlipayRequest.setServerUrl(""); //设置应用AppId certAlipayRequest.setAppId(appid); //设置应用私钥 certAlipayRequest.setPrivateKey(zzpri); certAlipayRequest.setFormat("json"); //设置字符集 certAlipayRequest.setCharset("UTF-8"); //设置签名类型 certAlipayRequest.setSignType("RSA2"); //设置应用公钥证书路径 certAlipayRequest.setCertPath(appcertpath); //设置支付宝公钥证书路径 certAlipayRequest.setAlipayPublicCertPath(alicertpath); //设置支付宝根证书路径 certAlipayRequest.setRootCertPath(rootcertpath); //构造Client AlipayClient alipayClient = null; try { alipayClient = new DefaultAlipayClient(certAlipayRequest); } catch (AlipayApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //实例化接口 AlipayFundTransUniTransferRequest request=new AlipayFundTransUniTransferRequest(); request.setBizContent("{" + "\"out_biz_no\":\""+out_biz_no+"\"," + "\"trans_amount\":\""+money+"\"," + "\"product_code\":\"TRANS_ACCOUNT_NO_PWD\"," + "\"biz_scene\":\"DIRECT_TRANSFER\"," + "\"order_title\":\"转账\"," + "\"payee_info\":{" + "\"identity\":\""+aliuserId+"\"," + "\"identity_type\":\"ALIPAY_USER_ID\"," + " }," + "\"remark\":\"单笔转账\"" + " }"); AlipayFundTransUniTransferResponse response=null; response = alipayClient.certificateExecute(request); if (response.isSuccess()){ if("10000".equals(response.getCode())){ return Result.ok("转账成功"); } else { return,response.getSubMsg()); } }else { return,response.getSubMsg()); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return Result.error(901,"支付宝转账失败!"); } }
Note: This function requires Alipay to be implemented first The authorization function obtains the Alipay member ID. The Alipay member ID starts with 2088. If you use the customer's mobile phone number to withdraw cash, you will also need to enter the customer's real name.
Only some parameters are different when using the customer’s mobile phone number. The code is as follows:
request.setBizContent("{" + "\"out_biz_no\":\""+out_biz_no+"\"," + "\"trans_amount\":\""+money+"\"," + "\"product_code\":\"TRANS_ACCOUNT_NO_PWD\"," + "\"biz_scene\":\"DIRECT_TRANSFER\"," + "\"order_title\":\"转账\"," + "\"payee_info\":{" + "\"identity\":\""+aliuserId+"\"," + "\"identity_type\":\"ALIPAY_USER_ID\"," + "\"name\":\"ALIPAY_USER_ID\"" + " }," + "\"remark\":\"姓名\"" + " }");
Related recommendations:java introductory tutorial
The above is the detailed content of Use Java to realize the function of withdrawing cash to Alipay account. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!