The electronic components used in the fourth generation of electronic computers are large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits. Another important branch of the fourth generation of computers is microprocessors and microcomputers developed based on large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.
The fourth generation of electronic computers uses large-scale and ultra-large-scale integrated circuits as basic electronic components.
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The fourth generation of computers refers to the use of large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) and very large-scale integrated circuits (very large-scale integrated circuits) since 1970. VLSI) is a computer made of major electronic components. For example, the 80386 microprocessor can integrate approximately 320,000 transistors on a single chip with an area of approximately 10mm × 10mm.
Another important branch of the fourth generation of computers is microprocessors and microcomputers developed based on large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits.
One of the earliest personal computers was the Apple II computer of the American Apple Company, which began to be sold on the market in 1977. Then came the TRS-80 (Radio Shack Company) and PET-2001 (Commodore Company). Since then, various personal computers have sprung up one after another. Personal computers at that time were generally based on 8-bit or 16-bit microprocessor chips, with a storage capacity of more than 64KB. They had input and output devices such as keyboards and monitors, and could be equipped with peripheral devices such as small printers, floppy disks, and cassette disks. You can program yourself using a variety of high-level languages.
With the continuous popularity of PCs, IBM also organized a personal computer development team in August 1979. Two years later, the IBM-PC was announced, and in 1983 the expanded model IBM-PC/XT was launched, causing great shock in the computer industry. At that time, the IBM personal computer had a series of characteristics: advanced design (using the Intel 8088 microprocessor), rich software (more than 800 companies used it as a standard to compile software), and complete functions (strong communication capabilities, and can be connected to mainframes) ) and cheap (production is highly automated and the cost is very low). By 1983, IBM-PC quickly occupied the market and replaced Apple, known as the king of American microcomputers.
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