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A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API

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A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API

The goal of this article is to provide a quick guide on how to create a secureNode.jsGraphQL API. [Video tutorial recommendation:node js tutorial]

You may have some questions in mind:

  • What is the purpose of using GraphQL API?
  • What is GraphQL API?
  • What is GraphQL query?
  • What are the benefits of GraphQL?
  • Is GraphQL better than REST?
  • Why do we use Node.js?

These questions are all meaningful, but before answering, we should have a deeper understanding of the current state of web development:

  • Almost all solutions are now used Some kind of application programming interface (API).
  • Even if you only use social networks (such as Facebook or Instagram), you will still use the front end using the API.
  • If you are curious, you will find that almost all online entertainment services use different types of APIs, including Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, etc.

You will find that in almost every case there will be an API that you don't need to know in detail, for example, you don't need to know how they are built, and you don't need to use the same technology as them You can integrate it into your own system. APIs allow you to provide a way to communicate on a common standard between server and client communication without having to rely on a specific technology stack.

With a well-structured API, you can have a reliable, maintainable, and scalable API that can serve a variety of client and front-end applications.

What is GraphQL API?

GraphQL is a query language used by APIs, developed by Facebook and used for its internal projects, and released to the public in 2015. It supports operations such as reading, writing, and real-time updates. It is also open source and is often compared with REST and other architectures. In short, it is based on:

  • GraphQL queries- allowing clients to read and control how data is received.
  • GraphQL modification- Describes how to write data on the server. GraphQL conventions on how to write data to the system.

While this article should show a simple but realistic scenario of how to build and use a GraphQL API, we will not go into detail about GraphQL. Because the GraphQL team provides comprehensive documentation and lists several best practices inIntroduction to GraphQL.

What is GraphQL query?

As mentioned above, queries are a way for clients to read and manipulate data from the API. You can pass the type of object and select the field types to receive. Here is a simple query:

query{ users{ firstName, lastName } }

We try to query all users from the user database, but only receivefirstNameandlastName. The results of this query will look like:

{ "data": { "users": [ { "firstName": "Marcos", "lastName": "Silva" }, { "firstName": "Paulo", "lastName": "Silva" } ] } }

The client is very simple to use.

What is the purpose of using GraphQL API?

The purpose of creating an API is to enable your software to be integrated with other external services. Even if your program is used by a single front-end program, you can treat this front-end as an external service, for which you will be able to work in different projects while providing communication between the two through an API.

If you are working on a large team, you can split it into creating front-end and back-end teams, allowing them to use the same technology and making their jobs easier.

In this article, we will focus on how to build a framework that uses GraphQL API.

Is GraphQL better than REST?

GraphQL is an approach suitable for many situations. REST is an architectural approach. Today, there are tons of articles explaining why one is better than the other, or why you should just use REST instead of GraphQL. Additionally, you can use GraphQL internally in a variety of ways and maintain your API endpoints as a REST-based architecture.

What you should do is understand the benefits of each approach, analyze the solution you are creating, assess your team’s comfort level using the solution, and assess whether you can coach your team to master these technologies quickly .

This article is more focused on practical guidance rather than a subjective comparison of GraphQL and REST. If you want to see a detailed comparison between the two, I recommend you check out our other article,Why GraphQL is the future of APIs.

In today’s article, we will focus on how to create a GraphQL API with Node.js.

Why use Node.js?

GraphQL has several different support libraries available. For the purposes of this article, we decided to use the library in the Node.js environment because it is widely used and Node.js allows developers to use their familiar front-end syntax for server-side development.


我们将为自己的 GraphQL API 设计一个构思的框架,在开始之前,你需要了解Node.js和Express的基础知识。这个GraphQL示例项目的源代码可以在这里找到(https://github.com/makinhs/no...)。


  • Users,处理基本的CRUD。
  • Products, 我们对它的介绍会详细一点,以展示GraphQL更多的功能。

Users 包含以下字段:

  • id
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • email
  • password
  • permissionLevel

Products 包含以下字段:

  • id
  • name
  • description
  • price





让我们创建一个名为node-graphql的新文件夹,并在终端或Git CLI控制台下使用以下命令:npm init



{ "name": "node-graphql", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "dist/index.js", "scripts": { "tsc": "tsc", "start": "npm run tsc && node ./build/app.js" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "@types/express": "^4.16.1", "@types/express-graphql": "^0.6.2", "@types/graphql": "^14.0.7", "express": "^4.16.4", "express-graphql": "^0.7.1", "graphql": "^14.1.1", "graphql-tools": "^4.0.4" }, "devDependencies": { "tslint": "^5.14.0", "typescript": "^3.3.4000" } }

更新package.json后,在终端中执行:npm install


{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES2016", "module": "commonjs", "outDir": "./build", "strict": true, "esModuleInterop": true } }


console.log('Hello Graphql Node API tutorial');

通过前面的配置,现在我们可以运行npm start进行构建和测试了。在终端控制台中,你应该能够看到输出的字符串“Hello Graphql Node API tutorial”。在后台场景中,我们的配置会将 TypeScript 代码编译为纯 JavaScript,然后在build文件夹中执行构建。

现在为GraphQL API配置一个基本框架。为了开始我们的项目,将添加三个基本的导入:

  • Express
  • Express-graphql
  • Graphql-tools


import express from 'express'; import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql'; import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'graphql-tools';


import express from 'express'; import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql'; import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'graphql-tools'; const app: express.Application = express(); const port = 3000; let typeDefs: any = [` type Query { hello: String } type Mutation { hello(message: String) : String } `]; let helloMessage: String = 'World!'; let resolvers = { Query: { hello: () => helloMessage }, Mutation: { hello: (_: any, helloData: any) => { helloMessage = helloData.message; return helloMessage; } } }; app.use( '/graphql', graphqlHTTP({ schema: makeExecutableSchema({typeDefs, resolvers}), graphiql: true }) ); app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Node Graphql API listening on port ${port}!`));


  • 为Express服务器启用端口3000。
  • 定义我们想要用作快速示例的查询和修改。
  • 定义查询和修改的工作方式。


  • typeDefs- 我们可以从查询和修改中获得的模式的定义。
  • Resolvers- 在这里我们定义了查询和修改的功能和行为,而不是想要的字段或参数。
  • Queries- 我们想要从服务器读取的“获取方式”。
  • Mutations- 我们的请求将会影响在自己的服务器上的数据。

现在让我们再次运行npm start,看看我们能得到些什么。我们希望该程序运行后产生这种效果:Graphql API 侦听3000端口。

我们现在可以试着通过访问http://localhost:3000/graphql查询和测试GraphQL API:

A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API


A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API




A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API

现在我们可以用GraphQL Node.js API进行基本的CRUD操作了。接下来开始使用这些代码。




export class Product { private id: Number = 0; private name: String = ''; private description: String = ''; private price: Number = 0; constructor(productId: Number, productName: String, productDescription: String, price: Number) { this.id = productId; this.name = productName; this.description = productDescription; this.price = price; } }


export class ProductsService { public products: any = []; configTypeDefs() { let typeDefs = ` type Product { name: String, description: String, id: Int, price: Int } `; typeDefs += ` extend type Query { products: [Product] } `; typeDefs += ` extend type Mutation { product(name:String, id:Int, description: String, price: Int): Product! }`; return typeDefs; } configResolvers(resolvers: any) { resolvers.Query.products = () => { return this.products; }; resolvers.Mutation.product = (_: any, product: any) => { this.products.push(product); return product; }; } }



export class User { private id: Number = 0; private firstName: String = ''; private lastName: String = ''; private email: String = ''; private password: String = ''; private permissionLevel: Number = 1; constructor(id: Number, firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String, password: String, permissionLevel: Number) { this.id = id; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.email = email; this.password = password; this.permissionLevel = permissionLevel; } }


const crypto = require('crypto'); export class UsersService { public users: any = []; configTypeDefs() { let typeDefs = ` type User { firstName: String, lastName: String, id: Int, password: String, permissionLevel: Int, email: String } `; typeDefs += ` extend type Query { users: [User] } `; typeDefs += ` extend type Mutation { user(firstName:String, lastName: String, password: String, permissionLevel: Int, email: String, id:Int): User! }`; return typeDefs; } configResolvers(resolvers: any) { resolvers.Query.users = () => { return this.users; }; resolvers.Mutation.user = (_: any, user: any) => { let salt = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64'); let hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', salt).update(user.password).digest("base64"); user.password = hash; this.users.push(user); return user; }; } }


现在运行并测试我们的代码。运行npm start,将在端口3000上运行服务器。我们现在可以通过访问http://localhost:3000/graphql来测试自己的GraphQL


A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API


query{ products{ id, name, price } } 将会返回: { "data": { "products": [ { "id": 100, "name": "My amazing product", "price": 400 } ] } }


query{ products{ id, name, description, price } }


mutation{ user(id:200, firstName:"Marcos", lastName:"Silva", password:"amaz1ingP4ss", permissionLevel:9, email:"marcos.henrique@toptal.com") { id } }


query{ users{ id, firstName, lastName, password, email } }


{ "data": { "users": [ { "id": 200, "firstName": "Marcos", "lastName": "Silva", "password": "kpj6Mq0tGChGbZ+BT9Nw6RMCLReZEPPyBCaUS3X23lZwCCp1Ogb94/ oqJlya0xOBdgEbUwqRSuZRjZGhCzLdeQ==", "email": "marcos.henrique@toptal.com" } ] } }




  • 在Node.js下可以通过Express和GraphQL库来构建GraphQL API;
  • 基本的GraphQL使用;
  • 查询和修改的基本用法;
  • 为项目创建模块的基本方法;
  • 测试我们的GraphQL API;

为了集中精力关注GraphQL API本身,我们忽略了几个重要的步骤,可简要总结如下:

  • 新项目的验证;
  • 使用通用的错误服务正确处理异常;
  • 验证用户可以在每个请求中使用的字段;
  • 添加JWT拦截器以保护API;
  • 使用更有效的方法处理密码哈希;
  • 添加单元和集成测试;

请记住,我们在Git (https://github.com/makinhs/node-graphql-tutorial)上有完整的源代码。可以随意使用、fork、提问、pull 并运行它!请注意,本文中提出的所有标准和建议并不是一成不变的。

这只是设计GraphQL API的众多方法之一。此外,请务必更详细地阅读和探索GraphQL文档,以了解它提供的内容以及怎样使你的API更好。



The above is the detailed content of A quick guide to creating a secure Node.js GraphQL API. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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