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How to convert Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar in php?

coldplay.xixi Original
2020-07-11 14:37:20 4202browse

php Method to convert the Gregorian calendar to the lunar calendar: get the zodiac sign according to the lunar calendar year and get the number of days in the lunar calendar month. The code is [$month=$lunar->convertSolarToLunar(2013,07,08)].

How to convert Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar in php?

php method to convert Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar:

Specific implementation steps:

convertSolarToLunar(2013,07,08);//将阳历转换为农历 echo '
'; print_r($month);

The complete code is as follows:

lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; if ($year == $this->MIN_YEAR && $month <= 2 && $date <= 9) { return array(1891, '正月', '初一', '辛卯', 1, 1, '兔'); } return $this->getLunarByBetween($year, $this->getDaysBetweenSolar($year, $month, $date, $yearData[1], $yearData[2])); } function convertSolarMonthToLunar($year, $month) { $yearData = $this->lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; if ($year == $this->MIN_YEAR && $month <= 2 && $date <= 9) { return array(1891, '正月', '初一', '辛卯', 1, 1, '兔'); } $month_days_ary = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); $dd = $month_days_ary[$month]; if ($this->isLeapYear($year) && $month == 2) $dd++; $lunar_ary = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < $dd; $i++) { $array = $this->getLunarByBetween($year, $this->getDaysBetweenSolar($year, $month, $i, $yearData[1], $yearData[2])); $array[] = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $i; $lunar_ary[$i] = $array; } return $lunar_ary; } /** * 将阴历转换为阳历 * @param year 阴历-年 * @param month 阴历-月,闰月处理:例如如果当年闰五月,那么第二个五月就传六月,相当于阴历有13个月,只是有的时候第13个月的天数为0 * @param date 阴历-日 */ function convertLunarToSolar($year, $month, $date) { $yearData = $this->lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; $between = $this->getDaysBetweenLunar($year, $month, $date); $res = mktime(0, 0, 0, $yearData[1], $yearData[2], $year); $res = date('Y-m-d', $res + $between * 24 * 60 * 60); $day = explode('-', $res); $year = $day[0]; $month = $day[1]; $day = $day[2]; return array($year, $month, $day); } /** * 判断是否是闰年 * @param year */ function isLeapYear($year) { return (($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0) || ($year % 400 == 0)); } /** * 获取干支纪年 * @param year */ function getLunarYearName($year) { $sky = array('庚', '辛', '壬', '癸', '甲', '乙', '丙', '丁', '戊', '己'); $earth = array('申', '酉', '戌', '亥', '子', '丑', '寅', '卯', '辰', '巳', '午', '未'); $year = $year . ''; return $sky[$year{3}] . $earth[$year % 12]; } /** * 根据阴历年获取生肖 * @param year 阴历年 */ function getYearZodiac($year) { $zodiac = array('猴', '鸡', '狗', '猪', '鼠', '牛', '虎', '兔', '龙', '蛇', '马', '羊'); return $zodiac[$year % 12]; } /** * 获取阳历月份的天数 * @param year 阳历-年 * @param month 阳历-月 */ function getSolarMonthDays($year, $month) { $monthHash = array('1' => 31, '2' => $this->isLeapYear($year) ? 29 : 28, '3' => 31, '4' => 30, '5' => 31, '6' => 30, '7' => 31, '8' => 31, '9' => 30, '10' => 31, '11' => 30, '12' => 31); return $monthHash["$month"]; } /** * 获取阴历月份的天数 * @param year 阴历-年 * @param month 阴历-月,从一月开始 */ function getLunarMonthDays($year, $month) { $monthData = $this->getLunarMonths($year); return $monthData[$month - 1]; } /** * 获取阴历每月的天数的数组 * @param year */ function getLunarMonths($year) { $yearData = $this->lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; $leapMonth = $yearData[0]; $bit = decbin($yearData[3]); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bit); $i++) { $bitArray[$i] = substr($bit, $i, 1); } for ($k = 0, $klen = 16 - count($bitArray); $k < $klen; $k++) { array_unshift($bitArray, '0'); } $bitArray = array_slice($bitArray, 0, ($leapMonth == 0 ? 12 : 13)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($bitArray); $i++) { $bitArray[$i] = $bitArray[$i] + 29; } return $bitArray; } /** * 获取农历每年的天数 * @param year 农历年份 */ function getLunarYearDays($year) { $yearData = $this->lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; $monthArray = $this->getLunarYearMonths($year); $len = count($monthArray); return ($monthArray[$len - 1] == 0 ? $monthArray[$len - 2] : $monthArray[$len - 1]); } function getLunarYearMonths($year) {//debugger; $monthData = $this->getLunarMonths($year); $res = array(); $temp = 0; $yearData = $this->lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; $len = ($yearData[0] == 0 ? 12 : 13); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $temp = 0; for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) { $temp += $monthData[$j]; } array_push($res, $temp); } return $res; } /** * 获取闰月 * @param year 阴历年份 */ function getLeapMonth($year) { $yearData = $this->lunarInfo[$year - $this->MIN_YEAR]; return $yearData[0]; } /** * 计算阴历日期与正月初一相隔的天数 * @param year * @param month * @param date */ function getDaysBetweenLunar($year, $month, $date) { $yearMonth = $this->getLunarMonths($year); $res = 0; for ($i = 1; $i < $month; $i++) { $res += $yearMonth[$i - 1]; } $res += $date - 1; return $res; } /** * 计算2个阳历日期之间的天数 * @param year 阳历年 * @param cmonth * @param cdate * @param dmonth 阴历正月对应的阳历月份 * @param ddate 阴历初一对应的阳历天数 */ function getDaysBetweenSolar($year, $cmonth, $cdate, $dmonth, $ddate) { $a = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, $cdate, $year); $b = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dmonth, $ddate, $year); return ceil(($a - $b) / 24 / 3600); } /** * 根据距离正月初一的天数计算阴历日期 * @param year 阳历年 * @param between 天数 */ function getLunarByBetween($year, $between) {//debugger; $lunarArray = array(); $yearMonth = array(); $t = 0; $e = 0; $leapMonth = 0; $m = ''; if ($between == 0) { array_push($lunarArray, $year, '正月', '初一'); $t = 1; $e = 1; } else { $year = $between > 0 ? $year : ($year - 1); $yearMonth = $this->getLunarYearMonths($year); $leapMonth = $this->getLeapMonth($year); $between = $between > 0 ? $between : ($this->getLunarYearDays($year) + $between); for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) { if ($between == $yearMonth[$i]) { $t = $i + 2; $e = 1; break; } else if ($between < $yearMonth[$i]) { $t = $i + 1; $e = $between - (empty($yearMonth[$i - 1]) ? 0 : $yearMonth[$i - 1]) + 1; break; } } $m = ($leapMonth != 0 && $t == $leapMonth + 1) ? ('闰' . $this->getCapitalNum($t - 1, true)) : $this->getCapitalNum(($leapMonth != 0 && $leapMonth + 1 < $t ? ($t - 1) : $t), true); array_push($lunarArray, $year, $m, $this->getCapitalNum($e, false)); } array_push($lunarArray, $this->getLunarYearName($year));// 天干地支 array_push($lunarArray, $t, $e); array_push($lunarArray, $this->getYearZodiac($year));// 12生肖 array_push($lunarArray, $leapMonth);// 闰几月 return $lunarArray; } /** * 获取数字的阴历叫法 * @param num 数字 * @param isMonth 是否是月份的数字 */ function getCapitalNum($num, $isMonth) { $isMonth = $isMonth || false; $dateHash = array('0' => '', '1' => '一', '2' => '二', '3' => '三', '4' => '四', '5' => '五', '6' => '六', '7' => '七', '8' => '八', '9' => '九', '10' => '十 '); $monthHash = array('0' => '', '1' => '正月', '2' => '二月', '3' => '三月', '4' => '四月', '5' => '五月', '6' => '六月', '7' => '七月', '8' => '八月', '9' => '九月', '10' => '十月', '11' => '冬月', '12' => '腊月'); $res = ''; if ($isMonth) { $res = $monthHash[$num]; } else { if ($num <= 10) { $res = '初' . $dateHash[$num]; } else if ($num > 10 && $num < 20) { $res = '十' . $dateHash[$num - 10]; } else if ($num == 20) { $res = "二十"; } else if ($num > 20 && $num < 30) { $res = "廿" . $dateHash[$num - 20]; } else if ($num == 30) { $res = "三十"; } } return $res; } } header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $lunar = new Lunar(); $month = $lunar->convertSolarToLunar('2017', '03', '09');//将阳历转换为阴历 echo '
'; print_r($month);

The printing result is as follows:

How to convert Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar in php?

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