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Take you to understand and master the currying of JavaScript functions

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2020-06-29 09:57:20 2152browse

Both Haskell and scala support currying of functions. Currying of JavaScript functions is also closely related to JavaScript functional programming. If you are interested, you can work more on these aspects to understand. I believe you will gain a lot.

Some knowledge points you need to know to read this article

  • call/apply## of the function part #/arguments
  • Closure
  • Higher-order function
  • Incomplete function
There is more knowledge about this later in the article You can take a look at the simple explanation.

What is currying?

Let’s first take a look at how it is defined in Wikipedia:

In computer science, currying Currying (English: Currying), also translated as Currying or Currying, is to transform a function that accepts multiple parameters into a function that accepts a single parameter (the first parameter of the original function), and returns the function that accepts the remaining parameters and Techniques for new functions that return results.

We can give a simple example. The following function

addis a general function, which is to pass in the parametersaandbAdd; functioncurryingAddis a function that curries functionadd;In this way, it turns out that we need to directly pass in two parameters to perform the operation. , now you need to pass in the parameters
aandbrespectively. The function is as follows:

function add(a, b) { return a + b; } function curryingAdd(a) { return function(b) { return a + b; } } add(1, 2); // 3 curryingAdd(1)(2); // 3
When you see this, you may be thinking, what is the use of doing this? Why do you do this? What benefits can this bring to our application? Don’t worry, let’s read on.

Why do we need to curry the function?

    You can use Some tips (see below)
  • Bind certain parameters in the function in advance to achieve the effect of parameter reuse and improve applicability.
  • Fixed variable factors
  • Delayed Computation
In short, currying of functions allows you to reorganize your application and split your complex functions into small parts. Each small part is Simple, easy to understand, and easy to test;

How to curry functions?

In this part, we will tell you step by step how to curry functions. A multi-parameter function is curried. The knowledge used includes

closure,higher-order function,incomplete function, etc.

  • I Appetizer

    If we want to implement a function, it is to output the statement

    nameLikesong, Among them,nameandsongare variable parameters; then generally we will write like this:

    function printInfo(name, song) { console.log(name + '喜欢的歌曲是: ' + song); } printInfo('Tom', '七里香'); printInfo('Jerry', '雅俗共赏');
    After currying the above function, we can Write like this:

    function curryingPrintInfo(name) { return function(song) { console.log(name + '喜欢的歌曲是: ' + song); } } var tomLike = curryingPrintInfo('Tom'); tomLike('七里香'); var jerryLike = curryingPrintInfo('Jerry'); jerryLike('雅俗共赏');
  • II Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms

    Although we have curried the function

    printInfoabove Currying, but we don’t want to keep nesting functions like above when we need currying, which is simply a nightmare;So we have to create some functions that help other functions to curry. We Let’s call it
    curryingHelperfor the time being. A simplecurryingHelperfunction is as follows:

    function curryingHelper(fn) { var _args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function() { var _newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var _totalArgs = _args.concat(_newArgs); return fn.apply(this, _totalArgs); } }
    Here is a little explanation, first of all, the

    argumentsof the function It represents the parameter object passed to the function. It is not an array, it is an array-like object;So we can use the
    Array.prototype.slicemethod of the function, and then use.callmethod to get the content insidearguments.We use
    fn.apply(this, _totalArgs)to pass the correct value to functionfnParameters.

    Next we will write a simple function to verify the correctness of the above auxiliary currying function. The code part is as follows:

    function showMsg(name, age, fruit) { console.log('My name is ' + name + ', I\'m ' + age + ' years old, ' + ' and I like eat ' + fruit); } var curryingShowMsg1 = curryingHelper(showMsg, 'dreamapple'); curryingShowMsg1(22, 'apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple var curryingShowMsg2 = curryingHelper(showMsg, 'dreamapple', 20); curryingShowMsg2('watermelon'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 20 years old, and I like eat watermelon
    The above result indicates that our currying The curried function is correct. The above

    curryingHelperis ahigher-order function. For the explanation of higher-order functions, please refer to the following.

  • III Beef Hot Pot

    The above curried helper function can indeed meet our general needs, but it is not good enough. We hope that those functions after currying You can only pass in one parameter at a time,

    and then you can pass the parameters multiple times, so what should we do? We can spend some more brains and write a
    betterCurryingHelperfunction to achieve what we said above Thosefunctions. The code is as follows:

    function betterCurryingHelper(fn, len) { var length = len || fn.length; return function () { var allArgsFulfilled = (arguments.length >= length); // 如果参数全部满足,就可以终止递归调用 if (allArgsFulfilled) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); } else { var argsNeedFulfilled = [fn].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); return betterCurryingHelper(curryingHelper.apply(this, argsNeedFulfilled), length - arguments.length); } }; }
    Among them,

    curryingHelperis the function mentioned inII Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms. What needs to be noted is thatfn.lengthrepresents the parameter length of this function.Next, let’s check the correctness of this function:

    var betterShowMsg = betterCurryingHelper(showMsg); betterShowMsg('dreamapple', 22, 'apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple betterShowMsg('dreamapple', 22)('apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple betterShowMsg('dreamapple')(22, 'apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple betterShowMsg('dreamapple')(22)('apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple

    showMsgisII Chicken stewed with mushroomsThe function mentioned in the section.We can see that this
    betterCurryingHelperdoes achieve the function we want. And we can also use the original That function also uses the curried function.

  • IV Pickled Pepper Chicken Feet


    var _ = {}; function crazyCurryingHelper(fn, length, args, holes) { length = length || fn.length; args = args || []; holes = holes || []; return function() { var _args = args.slice(), _holes = holes.slice(); // 存储接收到的args和holes的长度 var argLength = _args.length, holeLength = _holes.length; var allArgumentsSpecified = false; // 循环 var arg = null, i = 0, aLength = arguments.length; for(; i < aLength; i++) { arg = arguments[i]; if(arg === _ && holeLength) { // 循环holes的位置 holeLength--; _holes.push(_holes.shift()); } else if (arg === _) { // 存储hole就是_的位置 _holes.push(argLength + i); } else if (holeLength) { // 是否还有没有填补的hole // 在参数列表指定hole的地方插入当前参数 holeLength--; _args.splice(_holes.shift(), 0, arg); } else { // 不需要填补hole,直接添加到参数列表里面 _args.push(arg); } } // 判断是否所有的参数都已满足 allArgumentsSpecified = (_args.length >= length); if(allArgumentsSpecified) { return fn.apply(this, _args); } // 递归的进行柯里化 return crazyCurryingHelper.call(this, fn, length, _args, _holes); }; }


    var crazyShowMsg = crazyCurryingHelper(showMsg); crazyShowMsg(_, 22)('dreamapple')('apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple crazyShowMsg( _, 22, 'apple')('dreamapple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple crazyShowMsg( _, 22, _)('dreamapple', _, 'apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple crazyShowMsg( 'dreamapple', _, _)(22)('apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple crazyShowMsg('dreamapple')(22)('apple'); // My name is dreamapple, I'm 22 years old, and I like eat apple




  • 关于函数柯里化的一些小技巧

    • setTimeout传递地进来的函数添加参数


      function hello(name) { console.log('Hello, ' + name); } setTimeout(hello('dreamapple'), 3600); //立即执行,不会在3.6s后执行 setTimeout(function() { hello('dreamapple'); }, 3600); // 3.6s 后执行



      setTimeout(hello.bind(this, 'dreamapple'), 3600); // 3.6s 之后执行函数



      setTimeout(curryingHelper(hello, 'dreamapple'), 3600); // 其中curryingHelper是上面已经提及过的


    • 写出这样一个函数multiply(1)(2)(3) == 6结果为true,multiply(1)(2)(3)(...)(n) == (1)*(2)*(3)*(...)*(n)结果为true


      function multiply(x) { var y = function(x) { return multiply(x * y); }; y.toString = y.valueOf = function() { return x; }; return y; } console.log(multiply(1)(2)(3) == 6); // true console.log(multiply(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) == 120); // true

      因为multiply(1)(2)(3)的直接结果并不是6,而是一个函数对象{ [Number: 6] valueOf: [Function], toString: [Function] },我们

    • 上面的那个函数不够纯粹,我们也可以实现一个更纯粹的函数,但是可以会不太符合题目的要求.

      function add() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var _that = this; return function() { var newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var total = args.concat(newArgs); if(!arguments.length) { var result = 1; for(var i = 0; i < total.length; i++) { result *= total[i]; } return result; } else { return add.apply(_that, total); } } } add(1)(2)(3)(); // 6 add(1, 2, 3)(); // 6
    • 当我们的需要兼容IE9之前版本的IE浏览器的话,我们可能需要写出一些兼容的方案 ,比如事件监听;一般情况下我们应该会这样写:

      var addEvent = function (el, type, fn, capture) { if (window.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, capture); } else { el.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); } };


      var addEvent = (function () { if (window.addEventListener) { return function (el, type, fn, capture) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, capture); } } else { return function (el, type, fn) { var IEtype = 'on' + type; el.attachEvent(IEtype, fn); } } })();


  • 延迟计算


  • 提前绑定好函数里面的某些参数,达到参数复用的效果,提高了适用性.

    我们的I 开胃菜部分的tomLikejerryLike其实就是属于这种的,绑定好函数里面的第一个参数,然后后面根据情况分别使用不同的函数.

  • 固定易变因素





  • 琐碎的知识点

    fn.length: 表示的是这个函数中参数的个数.

    arguments.callee: 指向的是当前运行的函数.calleearguments对象的属性。

    function hello() { return function() { console.log('hello'); if(!arguments.length) { console.log('from a anonymous function.'); return arguments.callee; } } } hello()(1); // hello /* * hello * from a anonymous function. * hello * from a anonymous function. */ hello()()();

    fn.caller: 返回调用指定函数的函数.详细的解释可以看这里Function.caller,下面是示例代码:

    function hello() { console.log('hello'); console.log(hello.caller); } function callHello(fn) { return fn(); } callHello(hello); // hello [Function: callHello]
  • 高阶函数(high-order function)


    f1(x, y) = x + y; f2(x) = x * x; f3 = f2(f3(x, y));


    function f1(x, y) { return x + y; } function f2(x) { return x * x; } function func3(func1, func2) { return function() { return func2.call(this, func1.apply(this, arguments)); } } var f3 = func3(f1, f2); console.log(f3(2, 3)); // 25


  • 不完全函数(partial function)


    // 一个将函数的arguments对象变成一个数组的方法 function array(a, n) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, n || 0); } // 我们要运行的函数 function showMsg(a, b, c){ return a * (b - c); } function partialLeft(f) { var args = arguments; return function() { var a = array(args, 1); a = a.concat(array(arguments)); console.log(a); // 打印实际传递到函数中的参数列表 return f.apply(this, a); } } function partialRight(f) { var args = arguments; return function() { var a = array(arguments); a = a.concat(array(args, 1)); console.log(a); // 打印实际传递到函数中的参数列表 return f.apply(this, a); } } function partial(f) { var args = arguments; return function() { var a = array(args, 1); var i = 0; j = 0; for(; i < a.length; i++) { if(a[i] === undefined) { a[i] = arguments[j++]; } } a = a.concat(array(arguments, j)); console.log(a); // 打印实际传递到函数中的参数列表 return f.apply(this, a); } } partialLeft(showMsg, 1)(2, 3); // 实际参数列表: [1, 2, 3] 所以结果是 1 * (2 - 3) = -1 partialRight(showMsg, 1)(2, 3); // 实际参数列表: [2, 3, 1] 所以结果是 2 * (3 - 1) = 4 partial(showMsg, undefined, 1)(2, 3); // 实际参数列表: [2, 1, 3] 所以结果是 2 * (1 - 3) = -4



  • underscore
  • lodash
  • ramda
  • bacon.js
  • fn.js
  • functional-js


The above is the detailed content of Take you to understand and master the currying of JavaScript functions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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