Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials
Since the Vuejs e-book was released a year ago, I haven’t touched them for some days. Now because of the project, I need to use JavaScript full-stack development. Therefore, I have to build this full-stack environment.
The entire series will A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsopt my consistent style, which is to talk slowly and eloquently. After learning, you can master the knowledge of the entire series I mentioned and get a copy that can be directly copied. code template and use it in your project.
Many people look down on JavaScript development. This thing is just a toy, just some scripts and tags. When they say this, they may cross their legs or hug their arms.
However, because the front-end is still developing rapidly, many things are changing. There are many choices for constructing the environment, and there are many types of technologies. Many things have to be done by yourself. So it's actually not that simple. The pictures in this article can give you a glimpse into the complexity of the front-end. Modern Frontend Developer in 2018.
I have reA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials a lot of information, and many of them explain one of the technologies in this picture. There must be some that explain the full stack, but they are often too complicated. This article attempts to give a panoramic display of JavaScript's full-stack development through a set of articles. It strives to use a case to run through the entire series to facilitate beginners' rapid understanding of the technology.
So, the article will include these:
The CRD among them Refers to Create, ReA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials, Delete. The data object targeted is a Todo object, which looks like this:
If it is multiple data objects, it looks like this :
[ {id:1,subject:"Loving"}, {id:1,subject:"Writing"}, {id:1,subject:"Preying"} ]
This seemingly simple and plain JS object will flow between a set of functions, modules and objects, and even across network boundaries, from memory to hard disk. It will be stored in Mongodb, and also extracted from Mongodb, and delivered in the user interface, HTTP client, and HTTP server.
The entire App looks like a machine. It can be said that the code is running the machine, but it can also be said that the data is driving it.
We give ourselves a proposition and make a TODO application. It looks like this:
The user can see an edit box and a list.
Speaking of building a JS full-stack development environment, there are really a lot involved. The big choices are as follows:
After the big choice is mA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialse, small packages will follow. Front-end packages require a series of technologies, especially the front-end, which corresponds to Vuejs and has supporting management routing, status, and components. Corresponding technical means. It is still very troublesome to match it yourself.
Fortunately, Vuejs also has a front-end scaffolding tool vue-cli, which can integrate the above components into a project. The creation of the most basic vue-cli project scaffolding now requires about 160M of space. On my computer and network, it takes 2 and a half minutes to complete.
安装环境相对简单,特别是如果使用Mac OS X的话。有一些工具链可以帮助快速搭建环境。当然Windows也并不多麻烦就是了,它常常提供的是一个安装程序,大部分时间,你需要的就是点击下一步。
安装和运行Mongodb Daemon:
brew install mongodb mongodb
访问验证,首先执行Mongodb Shell:
> show dbs local 0.000GB
$brew install nodejs $node -v 10.7.0
npm i @vue/cli
vue -V 3.0.0
vue create todoapp
注意,在此创建过程中,命令行会指示你做出选择,我们会选择Manual select feature,然后选择router和vuex,其他不选。然后并执行此代码:
cd todoapp npm run serve
npm install buefy --save npm install axios --save
buefy是一个基于Bulma的Vuejs用户界面组件库。这次的UI的CSS方案,使用Bulma,Vuejs如果想要以定制组件的形式去使用它的话,那么需要安装Buefy模块。实际上,我研究过Bulma和 Bootstrap,还写了一本免费的电子书,我觉得Bulma相对于Bootstrap的优势在于1.不依赖任何JS框架2.用户接口设计更加简明。这就是我现在选择使用Bulma的原因。
Axios是一个封装了HTTPClient的库,提供了promise接口。我们使用它访问后端的HTTP Server的数据。之前提到的数据对象,就是由Axios提取到客户端,也会是通过Axios把数据对象提交到服务器的。
import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) const defaultTodo = [ {id:1,subject:'Eating'}, {id:2,subject:'Loving'}, {id:3,subject:'Preying'}, ] function indexById(todos,id){ for (var i = 0; i { context.commit("A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd", link) }, remove: (context, link) => { context.commit("remove", link) }, reloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials: (context) => { context.commit("reloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials") } } })
特别说下,mutations内的A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd()方法,其中用户界面会提供一个Todo.subject属性,而ID是需要自动生成的,我们这里临时使用subject的值作为id,就是一个偷懒,只要subject不要输入重复,也暂时可以蒙混过关。因为知道本项目内的后台存储会采用Mongodb,在Mongodb内插入一个新的对象后,会自动生成一个ID,我们的Todo对象的id会采用这个ID。这里就没有必要自己生成了。
<template> <p> </p> <h1>{{msg}}</h1> <newtodo></newtodo> <todolist></todolist> </template> <script> import NewTodo from '@/components/NewTodo.vue' import TodoList from '@/components/TodoList.vue' import {mapState,mapActions} from 'vuex' export default { name: 'home', computed:mapState(['todos','msg']), components: { TodoList,NewTodo }, data(){ return{newtodo:''} }, methods:{ ...mapActions([ 'remove', 'A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd' ]), A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd1:function(){ this.A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd(this.newtodo) this.newtodo = '' } } } </script>
就是说,我们这个Todo App划分为为两个组件,其中一个组件负责显示编辑框,并接受回车事件,把新的Todo项目加入到应用状态内。另外一个组件负责显示全部Todo项目,并接受删除事件,删除指定的Todo项目。它们分别是NewTodo组件和TodoList组件:
<newtodo></newtodo> <todolist></todolist>
<template> <p> </p> <form direct look at javascript full-stack tutorialsd1> <input> </form> </template> <script> import {mapState,mapActions} from 'vuex' export default { name: 'newtodo', computed:mapState(['todos','msg']), data(){ return{newtodo:''} }, methods:{ ...mapActions([ 'A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd' ]), A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd1:function(){ this.A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd(this.newtodo) this.newtodo = '' } } } </script>
<template> <p> </p> <ul> <li> {{todo.subject}}<button>remove</button> </li> </ul> </template> <script> import {mapState,mapActions} from 'vuex' export default { name: 'todolist', computed:mapState(['todos','msg']), components: { }, methods:{ ...mapActions([ 'remove','reloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials' ]) }, mounted(){ this.reloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials() } } </script> <style> </style>
import Buefy from 'buefy' import 'buefy/lib/buefy.css' Vue.use(Buefy)
import axios from 'axios'
mounted(){ var url = 'https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json' axios ({ url:url, method: 'get', }) .then( res => {console.log(res.data.chartName)} ) .catch( err => cosole.error(err)) }
npm run serve
npm install express body-parser
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var path = require('path') var bodyParser = require('body-parser') app.use(bodyParser.json()) var todos = [] var public = path.join(__dirname, '/') app.use('/',express.static(public)) const defaultTodo = [ {id:1,subject:'Eating'}, {id:2,subject:'Loving'}, {id:3,subject:'Preying'}, ] function rs(){ todos = defaultTodo } function indexById(id){ for (var i = 0; i <p> </p><p>可以使用命令执行:</p><p>node jsonserver.js</p><h2 data-id="heA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsing-14">Curl命令验证</h2><p>可以通过curl命令验证服务的有效性:</p><ol> <li> <p>GET操作</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> $curl http://localhost:8081/todo/1 $curl http://localhost:8081/todos
$ curl -X "DELETE" http://localhost:8081/api/todo/1
$curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"subject":"s4"}' http://localhost:8081/api/todo
<a>todos</a> <a>todo/1</a> <button>remove 1</button> <button>create</button> <script> function remove(){ fetch ( '/api/todo/1', { method: 'DELETE', } ) .then( res => console.log(res.json())) .catch( err => cosole.error(err)) } function create(){ fetch ( '/api/todo', { method: 'POST', heA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({id: "4", subject: "s4"}) } ) .then( res => console.log(res.json())) .catch( err => cosole.error(err)) } </script>
说起来,JS访问HTTP的库真的是不少,这里 提到的库都有9种。其中的fetch api使用起来非常的简洁趁手,可是它不支持IE。如果你需要支持IE的话,使用Axios更好。这就是为什么Vuejs官方推荐Axios的原因吧:
The Fetch API is a powerful native API for these types of requests. You may have heard that one of the benefits of the Fetch API is that you don’t need to loA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials an external resource in order to use it, which is true! Except… that it’s not fully supported yet, so you will still need to use a polyfill. There are also some gotchas when working with this API, which is why many prefer to use axios for now. This may very well change in the future though.
<script></script> <a>todos</a> <a>todo/1</a> <button>remove 1</button> <button>create</button> <script> function remove(){ axios ({ url:'/api/todo/1', method: 'DELETE', }) .then( res => console.log(res.json())) .catch( err => cosole.error(err)) } function create(){ axios ({ method: 'POST', url:'/api/todo', heA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify({subject: "s4"}) }) .then( res => console.log(res.json())) .catch( err => cosole.error(err)) } </script>
每次执行命令:npm run serve,都会启动vue定制脚手架的服务器代码,它会提供不少方便开发的特性。但是我希望一部分URL可以转发到我自己的服务器内。比如把所有的/api打头的URL全部转过来。只要在工程根目录内加入此文件vue.config.js
module.exports = { devServer: { proxy: { "/api": { target: "http://localhost:8181", secure: false } } } };
var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.write('Hello World!'); res.end(); }).listen(8181);
mounted(){ var url = '/api/1' axios ({ url:url, method: 'get', }) .then( res => {console.log(res.data)} ) .catch( err => console.error(err)) }
即可看到浏览器console内打印Hello World!
我们已经通过配置,要求cli-service转移全部api打头的URL到App Server。只要在工程根目录内加入此文件vue.config.js
module.exports = { devServer: { proxy: { "/api/*": { target: "http://localhost:8181/api", secure: false } } } };
import axios from 'axios' function httpA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd(subject,cb){ axios ({ method: 'POST', url:'/api/todo', heA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsers:[{'Content-Type':'application/json'}], data: {subject:subject} }) .then( res => cb(res.data)) .catch( err => console.error(err)) } function httpremove(id,cb){ axios ({ url:'/api/todo/'+id, method: 'delete', }) .then( res => { cb() }) .catch( err => console.error(err)) } function httpreloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials(cb){ axios ({ url:'/api/todos', method: 'get', }) .then( res => { cb(res.data) }) .catch( err => console.error(err)) }
mutations: { A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd(state,subject){ httpA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorialsd(subject,function(todo){ state.todos.push(todo) }) }, remove(state,id){ httpremove(id,function(){ state.todos.splice(indexById(state.todos,id),1) }) }, reloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials(state){ httpreloA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials(function(todos){ // console.log(todos) state.todos = todos }) // state.todos = defaultTodo } },
最后,在TodoList内加入一个新函数,并通过mapActions引入src/store.js的loA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials()函数到当前对象内:
methods:{ ...mapActions([ 'remove','loA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials' ]) }, mounted(){ this.loA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials() }
以便在启动后调用this.loA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials()装入它。
var mongo = require('mongodb') function insertDoc(subject,callback){ const connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'; (async () => { const client = await MongoClient.connect(connectionString, { useNewUrlParser: true }); const dbo = client.db('todos'); try { var res = await dbo.collection('todo').insertOne( {subject:subject}) callback(undefined,res.insertedId) } catch(err){ callback(err) } finally { client.close(); } })().catch(err => console.error(err)); } function deleteDoc(_id,callback){ const MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient; const connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'; (async () => { const client = await MongoClient.connect(connectionString, { useNewUrlParser: true }); const dbo = client.db('todos'); try { var myquery = {_id:new mongo.ObjectID(_id)} var r = await dbo.collection("todo").deleteMany(myquery) } catch(err){ callback(err) } finally { client.close(); callback() } })().catch(err => console.error(err)); } function allDoc(callback){ const MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient; const connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'; (async () => { const client = await MongoClient.connect(connectionString, { useNewUrlParser: true }); const dbo = client.db('todos'); try { var r = await dbo.collection("todo").find().toArray() var ts = [] for (var i = 0; i console.error(err)); }
并且和App Server对应的代码接驳,把原来的路由代码替换如下:
app.delete('/api/todo/:id', function (req, res) { var userkey = req.params.id deleteDoc(userkey,function(){ todos.splice(indexById(userkey),1) res.end( JSON.stringify(todos)); }) }) app.get('/api/todos', function (req, res) { allDoc(function(err,todos){ res.end( JSON.stringify(todos)); }) }) app.post('/api/todo', function (req, res) { insertDoc(req.body.subject,function(err,_id){ var obj ={id:_id,subject:req.body.subject} todos.push(obj) res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)) rs() }) })
本文会把一个对象todo对象(有属性{id,name})存储到Mongodb,做查询删除的测试(Create Remove Delete = CRD)。这个测试包括使用Mongodb Shell,使用CallBack古典风格的访问代码,以及使用Await/Async的现代风格的代码。完成这个这个验证后,就可以掌握最初步的Mongodb了。
我使用的Nodejs是10.7 。操作系统环境为Mac OS X High Sierra。
安装和运行Mongodb Daemon
brew install mongodb mongodb
首先执行Mongodb Shell:
> show dbs local 0.000GB
use todos
db.todos.insert({id:1,name:"reco"}) db.todos.insert({id:2,name:"rita"})
查询 :
db.todos.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5b727c0846b6c71a98d3af52"), "id" : 1, "name" : "reco" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5b727c7046b6c71a98d3af53"), "id" : 2, "name" : "reta" }
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/todos"; MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Database created!"); var dbo = db.db("todos"); // var myobj = { id: 1, name: "reco" }; // dbo.collection("todo").insertOne(myobj, function(err, res) { // if (err) throw err; // console.log("1 document inserted"); // db.close(); // }); var myobj = [ { id: 1, name: 'reco'}, { id: 2, name: 'rita'}, ]; dbo.collection("todo").insertMany(myobj, function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Number of documents inserted: " + res.insertedCount); dbo.collection("todo").find({}).toArray(function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; console.log(result); var myquery = { id: 1 }; dbo.collection("todo").deleteMany(myquery, function(err, obj) { if (err) throw err; console.log("document deleted"); db.close(); }); }); }); })
npm init -y npm i mongodb --save
然后使用node index.js
Database created! Number of documents inserted: 2 [ { _id: 5b72ab9e3245f169ef5f43d2, id: 1, name: 'reco' }, { _id: 5b72ab9e3245f169ef5f43d3, id: 2, name: 'rita' } ] document deleted
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'; (async () => { const client = await MongoClient.connect(connectionString, { useNewUrlParser: true }); const dbo = client.db('todos'); try { var res = await dbo.collection('todo').insertMany( [{id:1,name:"reco"}, {id:2,name:"rita"}]); console.log("Number of documents inserted: " + res.insertedCount); var r = await dbo.collection("todo").find().toArray() console.log(r); var myquery = { id: 1 }; var r = await dbo.collection("todo").deleteMany(myquery) console.log("document deleted"); } finally { client.close(); } })().catch(err => console.error(err));
Number of documents inserted: 2 [ { _id: 5b72ae8a1c674a6ac1c5aa6e, id: 1, name: 'reco' }, { _id: 5b72ae8a1c674a6ac1c5aa6f, id: 2, name: 'rita' } ] document deleted
这个App虽然很小,但是并非一次写成的,我之前已经完成了若干个更加细小的、特定方面的文章,也写了一些代码。当然外部参考肯定也是不少,特别是Medium和Stack Overflow网站,对我支持很多。这里列出关键的一些参考文章。
How to use buefy to beautify components. This is very niche, so you can only reA direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials the official documentation.
Recommended tutorial: "javascript basic tutorial"
The above is the detailed content of A direct look at JavaScript full-stack tutorials. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!