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How to filter and classify phpcms articles?

coldplay.xixi Original
2020-06-10 10:55:48 2756browse

How to filter and classify phpcms articles?




$v){ if($v['parentid']==$field_value){ $array[$k]['name'] = $v['name']; $array[$k]['value'] = $k; $array[$k]['url'] = str_replace('{'.$fieldname.'}',$k,$urlrule); $array[$k]['menu'] = $field_value == $k ? ''.$v['name'].'' : ''.$v['name'].'' ; } } return $array; } /** * 构造筛选URL */ function structure_filters_url($fieldname,$array=array(),$type = 1,$modelid) { if(empty($array)) { $array = $_GET; } else { $array = array_merge($_GET,$array); } //TODO $fields = getcache('model_field_'.$modelid,'model'); if(is_array($fields) && !empty($fields)) { ksort($fields); foreach ($fields as $_v=>$_k) { if($_k['filtertype'] || $_k['rangetype']) { if(strpos(URLRULE,'.html') === FALSE) $urlpars .= '&'.$_v.'={$'.$_v.'}'; else $urlpars .= '-{$'.$_v.'}'; } } } //后期增加伪静态等其他url规则管理,apache伪静态支持9个参数 if(strpos(URLRULE,'.html') === FALSE) $urlrule =APP_PATH.'index.php?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid={$catid}'.$urlpars.'&page={$page}' ; else $urlrule =APP_PATH.'list-{$catid}'.$urlpars.'-{$page}.html'; //根据get传值构造URL if (is_array($array)) foreach ($array as $_k=>$_v) { if($_k=='page') $_v=1; if($type == 1) if($_k==$fieldname) continue; $_findme[] = '/{\$'.$_k.'}/'; $_replaceme[] = $_v; } //type 模式的时候,构造排除该字段名称的正则 if($type==1) $filter = '(?!'.$fieldname.'.)'; $_findme[] = '/{\$'.$filter.'([a-z0-9_]+)}/'; $_replaceme[] = ''; $urlrule = preg_replace($_findme, $_replaceme, $urlrule); return $urlrule; } /** * 生成分类信息中的筛选菜单 * @param $field 字段名称 * @param $modelid 模型ID */ function filters($field,$modelid,$diyarr = array()) { $fields = getcache('model_field_'.$modelid,'model'); $options = empty($diyarr) ? explode("\n",$fields[$field]['options']) : $diyarr; $field_value = intval($_GET[$field]); foreach($options as $_k) { $v = explode("|",$_k); $k = trim($v[1]); $option[$k]['name'] = $v[0]; $option[$k]['value'] = $k; $option[$k]['url'] = structure_filters_url($field,array($field=>$k),2,$modelid); $option[$k]['menu'] = $field_value == $k ? ''.$v[0].'' : ''.$v[0].'' ; } $all['name'] = '全部'; $all['url'] = structure_filters_url($field,array($field=>''),2,$modelid); $all['menu'] = $field_value == '' ? ''.$all['name'].'' : ''.$all['name'].''; array_unshift($option,$all); return $option; } /** * 获取联动菜单层级 * @param $keyid 联动菜单分类id * @param $linkageid 菜单id * @param $leveltype 获取类型 parentid 获取父级id child 获取时候有子栏目 arrchildid 获取子栏目数组 */ function get_linkage_level($keyid,$linkageid,$leveltype = 'parentid') { $child_arr = $childs = array(); $leveltypes = array('parentid','child','arrchildid','arrchildinfo'); $datas = getcache($keyid,'linkage'); $infos = $datas['data']; if (in_array($leveltype, $leveltypes)) { if($leveltype == 'arrchildinfo') { $child_arr = explode(',',$infos[$linkageid]['arrchildid']); foreach ($child_arr as $r) { $childs[] = $infos[$r]; } return $childs; } else { return $infos[$linkageid][$leveltype]; } } } // 根据linkageid递归到父级 function get_parent_url($modelid,$field,$linkageid=0,$array = array()){ $modelid = intval($modelid); if(!$modelid || empty($field)) return false; $fields = getcache('model_field_'.$modelid,'model'); $keyid = $fields[$field]['linkageid']; $datas = getcache($keyid,'linkage'); $infos = $datas['data']; if(empty($linkageid)){ $linkageid = intval($_GET[$field]); if(!$linkageid) return false; } $urlrule = structure_filters_url($field,array(),1,$modelid); $urlrule = str_replace('{$'.$field.'}',$infos[$linkageid]['parentid'],$urlrule); array_unshift($array,array('name'=> $infos[$linkageid]['name'],'url'=>$urlrule)); if($infos[$linkageid]['parentid']){ return get_parent_url($modelid,$field,$infos[$linkageid]['parentid'],$array); } return $array; } /** * 构造筛选时候的sql语句 */ function structure_filters_sql($modelid) { $sql = $fieldname = $min = $max = ''; $fieldvalue = array(); $modelid = intval($modelid); $model = getcache('model','commons'); $fields = getcache('model_field_'.$modelid,'model'); $fields_key = array_keys($fields); //TODO $sql = '`status` = \'99\''; foreach ($_GET as $k=>$r) { if(in_array($k,$fields_key) && intval($r)!=0 && ($fields[$k]['filtertype'] || $fields[$k]['rangetype'])) { if($fields[$k]['formtype'] == 'linkage') { $datas = getcache($fields[$k]['linkageid'],'linkage'); $infos = $datas['data']; if($infos[$r]['arrchildid']) { $sql .= ' AND `'.$k.'` in('.$infos[$r]['arrchildid'].')'; } } elseif($fields[$k]['rangetype']) { if(is_numeric($r)) { $sql .=" AND `$k` = '$r'"; } else { $fieldvalue = explode('_',$r); $min = intval($fieldvalue[0]); $max = $fieldvalue[1] ? intval($fieldvalue[1]) : 999999; $sql .=" AND `$k` >= '$min' AND `$k` < '$max'"; } } else { $sql .=" AND `$k` = '$r'"; } } } return $sql; } /** * 分页,如去掉则分页会有问题 */ function makeurlrule() { if(strpos(URLRULE,'.html') === FALSE) { return url_par('page={$'.'page}'); } else { $url = preg_replace('/-[0-9]+.html$/','-{$page}.html',get_url()); return $url; } } ?>


How to filter and classify phpcms articles?

最后,在要调用产品筛选的栏目模板页添加标签 ,如下。

性别: {loop filters('xingbie',$modelid) $r} {$r[menu]} {/loop}
{php $sql = structure_filters_sql($modelid)} {php $urlrule = makeurlrule()} {pc:content action="lists" where="$sql" catid="$catid" num="10" order="id DESC" page="$page" urlrule="$urlrule"} 
    {loop $data $r}
  • {$r[title]}
  • {/loop}


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