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What is the decimal number converted from the binary number 01100011?

2020-04-16 18:18:5721937browse

What is the decimal number converted from the binary number 01100011?

What is the decimal number converted from the binary number 01100011?

The decimal number converted from the binary number 01100011 is 99.

Extension: Base conversion

Base conversion is a method that people use symbols to count. Base conversion consists of a set of digital symbols and two basic factors "base" and "bit weight".

The base refers to the number of digits used in the carry counting system (the symbol used to express "quantity" in the number system).

The bit weight refers to the unit value corresponding to each fixed position in the carry system.

Binary --->Decimal

Convert binary number to decimal number

The weight of the 0th bit of the binary number is 0 times 2 Square, the weight of the first bit is 2 raised to the power of 1...

So, assuming a binary number: 0110 0100, converted to decimal:

The following is the vertical form :

0110 0100 Convert to decimal

Convert from right to left

0th digit 0 * 20 = 0

1st digit 0*21 = 0

2nd digit 1 * 22 = 4

3rd digit 0 * 23 = 0

4th digit 0 * 24 = 0

The 5th digit 1 * 25 = 32

The 6th digit 1 * 26 = 64

The 7th digit 0 * 27 = 0

Formula: Nth digit 2(N )



Use horizontal style Calculated as:

0 * 20 0 * 21 1 * 22 0 * 23 0 * 24 1 * 25 1* 26 0 * 27 = 100

Numbers other than 0 are raised to the 0th power is 1, but whatever is multiplied by 0 is 0, so we can also directly skip the bit with a value of 0:

1 * 22 1 * 25 1*26 = 100

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