Home >WeChat Applet >Mini Program Development >How to create a music playback bar in a small program
How to make a music playback bar in a small program
You can use the progress component to implement a music playback bar. The specific method is as follows:
1. Add an audio tag and hide it without specifying the controls="true" attribute.
<view class="audio-play"> <audio src=""></audio> </view> <view> <view class="one-column play-it" bindtap="playMusic"> <view>点击播放</view> </view> <progress class="music-prog" bindtouchmove="setTouchMove" percent="{{musicPercent}}"></progress> <view class="percent-num">{{musicPercent}}%</view> </view>
bindtouchmove represents a touch event;
The progress tag sets the progress through the percent attribute
2. Write WSS files
Recommended learning :小program development
.play-it{ margin-left: 300rpx; } .music-prog{ width: 550rpx; height: 10rpx; margin: 50rpx 100rpx; color: #0099ff; background-color: #999; } .percent-num{ margin: -20rpx 0 0 100rpx; font-size: 28rpx; }
3. Write js to control the playback bar.
onShow() { // 监听音乐播放 let that = this wx.onBackgroundAudioPlay(() => { that.timer && clearInterval(that.timer) that.timer = setInterval(() => { wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState({ success: res => { let per = (res.currentPosition/res.duration)*10000 that.setData({ musicPercent: Math.round(per)/100 + '', duration: res.duration }) } }) }, 1000) }) // 监听背景音频暂停事件 wx.onBackgroundAudioPause(() => { clearInterval(that.timer) }) // 监听背景音频停止事件 wx.onBackgroundAudioStop(() => { clearInterval(that.timer) }) }, playMusic() { let obj = { dataUrl: 'http://p6jceeddp.bkt.clouddn.com/%E5%B0%A4%E9%95%BF%E9%9D%96%20-%20%E6%98%A8%E6%97%A5%E9%9D%92%E7%A9%BA.mp3', title: '昨日青空', coverImgUrl: '/static/images/avatar.png' } wx.playBackgroundAudio(obj) }, setTouchMove (e) { if(e.touches[0].clientY >= 390 && e.touches[0].clientY <= 410) { if (e.touches[0].clientX >= 55 && e.touches[0].clientX <= 355) { let percent = (e.touches[0].clientX - 55)/300*10000 this.setData({ musicPercent: Math.round(percent)/100 + '' }) this.data.current = (this.data.musicPercent/100)*this.data.duration } } }, setProgress() { let that = this console.log('bindtouchend') wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState({ success: res => { that.data.current !== res.currentPosition && wx.seekBackgroundAudio({ position: that.data.current, success () { console.log('seek', that.data.current) } }) } }) }
The effective area of the playback bar
Horizontal: e.touches[0].clientX
Vertical: e.touches[0].clientY
The horizontal range here is 55~355 and the vertical range is 390~410
Define the touch event
The obtained horizontal progress bar position , calculate the position of the progress bar dragged by the user
**Note: Calling wx.seekBackgroundAudio() here to set the playback progress will cause the audio to freeze. Because the seek method will be called multiple times during the dragging process, the playback progress setting should be executed after the dragging progress bar is completed.
touchend monitors the stop of touch events
Calculate wx.seekBackgroundAudio() to set the playback progress based on the time current calculated in the touch event
Effect :
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