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Detailed explanation of popular php rpc framework

2020-01-23 22:08:313149browse

Detailed explanation of popular php rpc framework

What is the RPC framework?

If RPC can be summarized in one sentence: Remote Call Framework (Remote Procedure Call)

Then what is remote call?

Usually we call a method in php, such as a function method like this: localAdd(10, 20). The specific implementation of the localAdd method is either defined by the user, or it is a function in the php library. With, that is to say, the code in the localAdd method is implemented locally, it is a local call! Remote calling means: the specific implementation of the called method is not where the program is running, but in some other remote place.

Remote calling principle

For example, A (client) calls the remoteAdd method provided by B (server):

First, establish a connection between A and B TCP connection;

Then A serializes the method name that needs to be called (remoteAdd here) and method parameters (10, 20) into a byte stream and sends it out;

B accepts what A sends The byte stream is then deserialized to obtain the target method name and method parameters, and then the corresponding method call (possibly localAdd) is executed and the result 30 is returned;

A accepts the remote call result and outputs 30.

The RPC framework encapsulates the details I just mentioned and exposes users to simple and friendly API usage.

Benefits of remote calling

Decoupling: When the server needs to modify the method, the client is completely unaware of it and does not need to make any changes; this method It is often used when collaborating across departments and companies, and the provider of the method is usually called: service exposure.

What is the difference between RPC and Socket?

Through the above simple explanation, it seems that RPC and Socket are similar. They all call remote methods and are all in client/server mode. I also wrote an article before: Let’s talk about sockets in detail. What’s the difference between them?

RPC (remote procedure call) uses client/server Mode enables two processes to communicate with each other. Socket is one of the communication methods often used by RPC. RPC is implemented on the basis of Socket, which requires more network and system resources than Socket. In addition to Socket, RPC also has other communication methods, such as http, the operating system's own pipeline and other technologies to implement calls to remote programs. In Microsoft's Windows system, RPC uses named pipes for communication.

What is the difference between RPC and REST?

After understanding RPC, we know that RPC is in client/server mode and calls remote methods. REST is also a set of API calling protocol methods that we are familiar with. It is also based on client/server mode. , calls the remote method, so what is the difference between them?

REST API and RPC both encapsulate functions into interfaces on the server side and expose them for client calls. However, the REST API is based on the HTTP protocol. REST is committed to passing POST/ in the http protocol. GET/PUT/DELETE and other methods and a human-readable URL to provide an http request.

And RPC does not need to be based on the HTTP protocol

Therefore, if the two back-end languages ​​call each other, using RPC can get better performance (eliminating a series of things such as HTTP headers) ), should also be easier to configure.

If the front end calls the back end through AJAX, then it is better to use the REST API (because the HTTP hurdle cannot be avoided anyway).

What are the popular RPC frameworks in php

Since php is the best language in the world, what are the popular RPC frameworks in php?

Let’s list first: phprpc, yar, thrift, gRPC, swoole, hprose

Because time and energy are limited, it is impossible to learn and use them one by one. I will choose a few that are most commonly used in the world. Because the principle of RPC is the same, both are Client/Server mode, but the usage of each framework is different.

Mainly explain phprpc and yar, which I have heard about and come into contact with the most so far.


First download the latest stable version of phprpc from the official website: download link and unzip.


We will find that there are many files and folders inside, the structure is as follows:


There are dhparams and pecl is a folder, and what is in pecl is the xxtea extension of php. According to the description on the official website, it can be installed or not. It can also run without installing phprpc. But if you need faster encryption processing capabilities, you can install it.

I’d better install it. After all, faster encryption is a good thing:

The installation steps are as follows, first copy the xxtea folder under pecl to the etx directory of the php source code: /lamp/php-5.4.11/ext. Then use phpize to recompile with extensions.

[root@localhost /]# cd /lamp/php-5.4.11/ext/xxtea
[root@localhost xxtea]# /usr/local/php/bin/phpize
[root@localhost xxtea]# ./configure --enable-xxtea=shared --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config
make && make install

OK, the compilation is completed, prompting us that xxtea.so has been downloaded in /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20100525/xxtea.so.

Next, we need to add this xxtea.so at the end of php.ini:

[root@localhost /]# vi /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini 

After adding it, we need to restart apache or php-fpm

Restart apache

[root@localhost /]# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

Smoothly restart php-fpm

kill -USR2 `cat /usr/local/php/var/run/php-fpm.pid`





server.php 服务端:这样写就完成了一个最简单的helloword的接口。

include ("phprpc/phprpc_server.php");
function HelloWorld() {
   return &#39;Hello World!&#39;;
$server = new PHPRPC_Server();


PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method PHPRPC_Server::initSession()....
Cannot redeclare gzdecode().....

google了下,说是先把 phprpc_server.php的413行的initSession()改成static function

static function initSession() {


在把compat.php 的第 71行的 gzdecode()函数,php5.4已经实现了这个函数了。这样函数就被重写了,就报错了,所以加个判断:

if (!function_exists(&#39;gzdecode&#39;)) {

好。改完,保存。再运行下server.php 。ok 了。不报错了。输出:


我们接下来写客户端 client.php, 看是如何写的?

include ("phprpc/phprpc_client.php");
$client = new PHPRPC_Client(&#39;;);
echo $client->HelloWorld();


Hello Word!




yar 是国内著名的php大神鸟哥惠新宸的大作,在微博产品中已经开始使用。它也是一款rpc框架。它由于使用纯C编写的用于php的扩展,所以,效率应该是蛮高的,而且支持异步并行,这点还是赞的。


官网下载:http://pecl.php.net/package/yar 最新的版本 yar-1.2.4.tgz


[root@localhost yar-1.2.4]# /usr/local/php/bin/phpize
[root@localhost yar-1.2.4]# ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config

但是出现了点问题:提示,curl 有问题:

configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution - easy.h should be in <curl-dir>/include/curl/

估计是我本机curl 有问题,那用yum 安装一下吧:

yum -y install curl-devel

安装完成curl 后继续编译安装,就没啥问题了:

[root@localhost yar-1.2.4]# /usr/local/php/bin/phpize
[root@localhost yar-1.2.4]# ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config
[root@localhost yar-1.2.4]# make && make install

成功之后,提示我们 yar.so 扩展在已经在/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20100525/ 下了。

我们vi编辑一下 php.ini ,最后面加上yar.so扩展,然后重启一下 apache 或者php-pfm就可以了。

[root@localhost /]# vi /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini 



[root@localhost /]# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart


kill -USR2 `cat /usr/local/php/var/run/php-fpm.pid`





class API {
   public function api($parameter, $option = "foo") {
       return $parameter;
   protected function client_can_not_see() {
$service = new Yar_Server(new API());


好,我们开始写yar_client.php 这个是客户端:

$client = new Yar_Client("");
echo $client->api(&#39;helo word&#39;);

像其他的 swoole,hprose等基本都是这个原理,只是看谁的功能更加,用起来更顺手罢了。


The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of popular php rpc framework. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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