Microprocessor is a central processing unit composed of one or a few large-scale integrated circuits. These circuits perform the functions of control components and arithmetic logic components.
The microprocessor can complete operations such as fetching instructions, executing instructions, and exchanging information with external memory and logic components. It is the computing control part of the microcomputer. It can be combined with memory and peripheral circuit chips to form a microcomputer.
The development of microprocessors can be roughly divided into:
First generation
First stage
(1971-1973) usually in word length It is a 4-bit or 8-bit microprocessor, typically the American Intel 4004 and Intel 8008 microprocessors.
Second Generation
(1974-1977) Typical microprocessors include Intel 8080/8085, Zilog's Z80 and Motorola's M6800.
The third generation
The third stage (1978-1984) is the 16-bit microprocessor.
Fourth Generation
The fourth stage (1985-1992) is the 32-bit microprocessor.
Fifth Generation
The 5th stage (1993-2005) is the era of Pentium (pentium) series microprocessors, often called the 5th generation.
Sixth Generation
The 6th stage (2005 to present) is the era of Core series microprocessors, usually called the 6th generation.
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