1. What is JAVA’s reflection mechanism (recommended:java video tutorial)
Java reflection is Java regarded as dynamic (or quasi- dynamic) a key property of languages. This mechanism allows the program to obtain the internal information of any class with a known name through the Reflection APIs at runtime, including its modifiers (such as public, static, etc.), superclass (such as Object), implemented interfaces (such as Cloneable), as well as All information about fields and methods, and can change the contents of fields or invoke methods at runtime.
The Java reflection mechanism allows the program to load, detect, and use classes that are completely unknown during compilation at runtime.
In other words, Java can load a class whose name is known only at runtime and obtain its complete structure.
2. Reflection API provided in JDK
The API related to Java reflection is in the package java.lang.reflect. The reflect package of JDK 1.6.0 is as shown below:
Member interface | This interface can obtain information about the class members (fields or methods) and the latter constructor. |
AccessibleObject class | This class is the base class for domain objects, method objects, and constructor objects. It provides the ability to mark reflected objects as suppressing default Java language access control checks when used. |
Array class | This class provides methods to dynamically generate and access JAVA arrays. |
Constructor class | Provides information about the constructor of a class and an interface for accessing the constructor of the class. |
Field class | Provides field information of a class and an interface for accessing the field of the class. |
Method class | Provides method information of a class and an interface for accessing the methods of the class. |
Modifier class | Provides static methods and constants to decode class and member access modifiers. |
Proxy class | Provides static methods to dynamically generate proxy classes and class instances. |
3. What functions does the JAVA reflection mechanism provide?
The Java reflection mechanism provides the following functions:
Determine the class to which any object belongs at run time
At run time Construct an object of any class
Judge the member variables and methods of any class at runtime
Call the method of any object at runtime
At runtime When creating a new class object
When using Java's reflection function, you must first obtain the Class object of the class, and then obtain other objects through the Class object.
Here we first define the class used for testing:
class Type{ public int pubIntField; public String pubStringField; private int prvIntField; public Type(){ Log("Default Constructor"); } Type(int arg1, String arg2){ pubIntField = arg1; pubStringField = arg2; Log("Constructor with parameters"); } public void setIntField(int val) { this.prvIntField = val; } public int getIntField() { return prvIntField; } private void Log(String msg){ System.out.println("Type:" + msg); } } class ExtendType extends Type{ public int pubIntExtendField; public String pubStringExtendField; private int prvIntExtendField; public ExtendType(){ Log("Default Constructor"); } ExtendType(int arg1, String arg2){ pubIntExtendField = arg1; pubStringExtendField = arg2; Log("Constructor with parameters"); } public void setIntExtendField(int field7) { this.prvIntExtendField = field7; } public int getIntExtendField() { return prvIntExtendField; } private void Log(String msg){ System.out.println("ExtendType:" + msg); } }
1. Obtain the Class object of the class
The instance of the Class class represents the class and class in the running Java application. interface. There are many ways to obtain the Class object of a class:
Call getClass:
Boolean var1 = true; Class> classType2 = var1.getClass(); System.out.println(classType2);
Output: class java.lang.Boolean
Use .class syntax :
Class> classType4 = Boolean.class; System.out.println(classType4);
Output: class java.lang.Boolean
Use static method Class.forName():
Class> classType5 = Class.forName("java.lang.Boolean"); System.out.println(classType5);
Output: class java.lang.Boolean
Use the TYPE syntax of primitive wrapper classes:
The primitive type returned here is different from that returned by Boolean.class
Class> classType3 = Boolean.TYPE; System.out.println(classType3);
Output: boolean
2. Get the Fields of the class
You can get an attribute of a class through the reflection mechanism, and then change the field corresponding to an instance of this class. The value of this property. JAVA's Class
Class> classType = ExtendType.class; // 使用getFields获取属性 Field[] fields = classType.getFields(); for (Field f : fields) { System.out.println(f); } System.out.println(); // 使用getDeclaredFields获取属性 fields = classType.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field f : fields) { System.out.println(f); }
public int com.quincy.ExtendType.pubIntExtendField
public java.lang.String com.quincy.ExtendType.pubStringExtendField
public int com.quincy.Type.pubIntField
public java.lang.String com.quincy.Type.pubStringField
public int com.quincy.ExtendType.pubIntExtendField
public java.lang.String com.quincy.ExtendType.pubStringExtendField
private int com.quincy.ExtendType.prvIntExtendField
public Method getMethod(String name, Class>... parameterTypes)
返回一个 Method 对象,它反映此 Class 对象所表示的类或接口的指定公共成员方法
public Method[] getMethods()
返回一个包含某些 Method 对象的数组,这些对象反映此 Class 对象所表示的类或接口(包括那些由该类或接口声明的以及从超类和超接口继承的那些的类或接口)的公共 member 方法
public Method getDeclaredMethod(String name,Class>... parameterTypes)
返回一个 Method 对象,该对象反映此 Class 对象所表示的类或接口的指定已声明方法
public Method[] getDeclaredMethods()
返回 Method 对象的一个数组,这些对象反映此 Class 对象表示的类或接口声明的所有方法,包括公共、保护、默认(包)访问和私有方法,但不包括继承的方法
// 使用getMethods获取函数 Class> classType = ExtendType.class; Method[] methods = classType.getMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { System.out.println(m); } System.out.println(); // 使用getDeclaredMethods获取函数 methods = classType.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { System.out.println(m); }
public void com.quincy.ExtendType.setIntExtendField(int)
public int com.quincy.ExtendType.getIntExtendField()
public void com.quincy.Type.setIntField(int)
public int com.quincy.Type.getIntField()
public final native void java.lang.Object.wait(long) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
public final void java.lang.Object.wait() throws java.lang.InterruptedException
public final void java.lang.Object.wait(long,int) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
public boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)
public java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()
public native int java.lang.Object.hashCode()
public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()
public final native void java.lang.Object.notify()
public final native void java.lang.Object.notifyAll()
private void com.quincy.ExtendType.Log(java.lang.String)
public void com.quincy.ExtendType.setIntExtendField(int)
public int com.quincy.ExtendType.getIntExtendField()
public ConstructorgetConstructor(Class>... parameterTypes)
返回一个 Constructor 对象,它反映此 Class 对象所表示的类的指定公共构造方法
public Constructor>[] getConstructors()
返回一个包含某些 Constructor 对象的数组,这些对象反映此 Class 对象所表示的类的所有公共构造方法
public ConstructorgetDeclaredConstructor(Class>... parameterTypes)
返回一个 Constructor 对象,该对象反映此 Class 对象所表示的类或接口的指定构造方法
public Constructor>[] getDeclaredConstructors()
返回 Constructor 对象的一个数组,这些对象反映此 Class 对象表示的类声明的所有构造方法。它们是公共、保护、默认(包)访问和私有构造方法
// 使用getConstructors获取构造器 Constructor>[] constructors = classType.getConstructors(); for (Constructor> m : constructors) { System.out.println(m); } System.out.println(); // 使用getDeclaredConstructors获取构造器 constructors = classType.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Constructor> m : constructors) { System.out.println(m); } 输出: public com.quincy.ExtendType() public com.quincy.ExtendType() com.quincy.ExtendType(int,java.lang.String)
Class> classType = ExtendType.class; Object inst = classType.newInstance(); System.out.println(inst);
Type:Default Constructor
ExtendType:Default Constructor
Class> classType = ExtendType.class; Constructor> constructor1 = classType.getConstructor(); Object inst = constructor1.newInstance(); System.out.println(inst);
Type:Default Constructor
ExtendType:Default Constructor
Constructor> constructor2 = classType.getDeclaredConstructor(int.class, String.class); Object inst = constructor2.newInstance(1, "123"); System.out.println(inst);
Type:Default Constructor
ExtendType:Constructor with parameters
Class> classType = ExtendType.class; Object inst = classType.newInstance(); Method logMethod = classType.getDeclaredMethod("Log", String.class); logMethod.invoke(inst, "test"); 输出: Type:Default Constructor ExtendType:Default Constructor Class com.quincy.ClassT can not access a member of class com.quincy.ExtendType with modifiers "private" 上面失败是由于没有权限调用private函数,这里需要设置Accessible为true; Class> classType = ExtendType.class; Object inst = classType.newInstance(); Method logMethod = classType.getDeclaredMethod("Log", String.class); logMethod.setAccessible(true); logMethod.invoke(inst, "test");
Class> classType = ExtendType.class; Object inst = classType.newInstance(); Field intField = classType.getField("pubIntExtendField"); intField.setInt(inst, 100); int value = intField.getInt(inst);
Proxy 提供用于创建动态代理类和实例的静态方法,它还是由这些方法创建的所有动态代理类的超类
是代理实例的调用处理程序 实现的接口,每个代理实例都具有一个关联的调用处理程序。对代理实例调用方法时,将对方法调用进行编码并将其指派到它的调用处理程序的 invoke 方法。
它是在运行生成的类,在生成时你必须提供一组Interface给它,然后该class就宣称它实现了这些interface。你可以把该class的实例当作这些interface中的任何一个来用。当然,这个Dynamic Proxy其实就是一个Proxy,它不会替你作实质性的工作,在生成它的实例时你必须提供一个handler,由它接管实际的工作。
public interface Subject { public void Request(); }
public class RealSubject implements Subject { @Override public void Request() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("RealSubject"); } }
public class DynamicSubject implements InvocationHandler { private Object sub; public DynamicSubject(Object obj){ this.sub = obj; } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("Method:"+ method + ",Args:" + args); method.invoke(sub, args); return null; } }
RealSubject realSub = new RealSubject(); InvocationHandler handler = new DynamicSubject(realSub); Class> classType = handler.getClass(); Subject sub = (Subject)Proxy.newProxyInstance(classType.getClassLoader(), realSub.getClass().getInterfaces(), handler); System.out.println(sub.getClass());
class $Proxy0 新建的代理对象,它实现指定的接口
Method:public abstract void DynamicProxy.Subject.Request(),Args:null
RealSubject 调用的真实对象的方法
public Field getField(String name) | Returns a Field object that reflects the specified public member field of the class or interface represented by this Class object |
public Field[] getFields() | Returns an array containing certain Field objects that reflect all accessible properties of the class or interface represented by this Class object Public Field |
Returns a Field object that reflects the specified declared field of the class or interface represented by this Class object | |
Returns an array of Field objects that reflect all fields declared by the class or interface represented by this Class object |
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