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What are the main functions of layui?

2019-07-11 13:11:284071browse

What are the main functions of layui?

1. Paging function

layui framework paging is used. In fact, layui paging is very simple. You only need to pass in a total The number of pages can make good use of this function. Let’s take a look at my introduction to layui framework paging.

Note: The number of pages passed in is not the number of database queries

Use of laypage;

 <div id="demo1"></div>//界面容器
 <script src="//res.layui.com/layui/build/layui.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 <!-- 注意:如果你直接复制所有代码到本地,上述js路径需要改成你本地的 -->
 layui.use([&#39;laypage&#39;, &#39;layer&#39;], function(){
   var laypage = layui.laypage
   ,layer = layui.layer;
         cont: &#39;demo1&#39;//界面容器ID
         ,pages:data.number1 //总页数
          ,groups: 5 //连续显示分页数
         , jump: function(obj, first){
          var curr = obj.curr;

Related recommendations: "layui framework tutorial

2. Layui time and day function

The following code is a start and end date function

 <label class="layui-form-label">时间</label>
     <div  style="width: 100px" class="layui-input-inline">
       <input  class="layui-input" placeholder="开始日" id="LAY_demorange_s">
     <div style="width: 100px" class="layui-input-inline">
       <input  class="layui-input" placeholder="截止日" id="LAY_demorange_e">
     <!-- 没有写提交按钮 -->
 layui.use([&#39;laydate&#39;,&#39;paging&#39;, &#39;form&#39;], function() {
     var $ = layui.jquery,
             paging = layui.paging(),
             layerTips = parent.layer === undefined ? layui.layer : parent.layer, //获取父窗口的layer对象
             layer = layui.layer, //获取当前窗口的layer对象
             form = layui.form();
       var start = {
                 min:&#39;1900-01-01 00:00:00&#39;//设置最小日期
                 ,max: &#39;2099-06-16 23:59:59&#39;//设置最大日期
                 ,istoday: false
                 ,choose: function(datas){
                   end.min = datas; //开始日选好后,重置结束日的最小日期
                   end.start = datas //将结束日的初始值设定为开始日
       var end = {
                 min:&#39;1900-01-01 00:00:00&#39;//设置最小日期
                 ,max: &#39;2099-06-16 23:59:59&#39;//设置最大日期
                 ,istoday: false
                 ,choose: function(datas){
                   start.max = datas; //结束日选好后,重置开始日的最大日期
       document.getElementById(&#39;LAY_demorange_s&#39;).onclick = function(){
             start.elem = this;
       document.getElementById(&#39;LAY_demorange_e&#39;).onclick = function(){
         end.elem = this

3. Pop-up box function

Usage of layer.open;

 <script src="//res.layui.com/layui/build/layui.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 <!-- 注意:如果你直接复制所有代码到本地,上述js路径需要改成你本地的 -->
 layui.use(&#39;layer&#39;, function(){ //独立版的layer无需执行这一句
   var $ = layui.jquery, layer = layui.layer; //独立版的layer无需执行这一句
     var addBoxIndex = -1;//记录是否弹出
     $(&#39;#add&#39;).on(&#39;click&#39;, function() {
         if(addBoxIndex !== -1)
         //本表单通过ajax加载 --以模板的形式,当然你也可以直接写在页面上读取
         $.get(&#39;ShiJian-form.html&#39;, null, function(form) {
             addBoxIndex = layer.open({
                 type: 1,
                 title: &#39;添加事件&#39;,//弹出框标题
                 content: form,
                 btn: [&#39;保存&#39;, &#39;取消&#39;],
                 shade: false,
                 offset: [&#39;100px&#39;, &#39;30%&#39;],
                 area: [&#39;700px&#39;, &#39;600px&#39;],
                 zIndex: 19950924,
                 maxmin: true,
                 yes: function(index) {
                  location.reload(); //刷新,对弹出前的页面进行刷新
                       }, 100);//延时0.1秒,对应360 7.1版本bug
                 full: function(elem) {
                     var win = window.top === window.self ? window : parent.window;
                     $(win).on(&#39;resize&#39;, function() {
                         var $this = $(this);
                             top: 0,
                             left: 0
                         elem.children(&#39;div.layui-layer-content&#39;).height($this.height() - 95);
                 success: function(layero, index) {
                 end: function() {
                     addBoxIndex = -1;

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