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MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

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MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

Why build it based on Docker?

  • Limited resources
  • Building a virtual machine requires machine configuration, and the steps to install mysql are cumbersome
  • One machine can run multiple Docker containers
  • Docker containers are independent of each other, have independent IPs, and do not conflict with each other
  • The steps to use Docker are simple and the container can be started in seconds

Use Docker to build a master-slave server

First pull the docker image, we use the 5.7 version of mysql here:
docker pull mysql:5.7
Then use this image to start the container, here you need to start the master and slave respectively Container

Master (master):

docker run -p 3339:3306 --name mysql-master -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:5.7

Slave (from)

docker run -p 3340:3306 --name mysql-slave -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:5.7
Master’s externally mapped port It is 3339, and the port mapped externally by Slave is 3340. Because docker containers are independent of each other, each container has its own independent IP, so there will be no conflict between different containers using the same port. Here we should try to use the default 3306 port of mysql, otherwise there may be a problem of being unable to connect to mysql in the docker container through IP.
Use thedocker pscommand to view the running container:

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

At this time, you can use tools such as Navicat to test the connection to mysql

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

Configure Master (main)

Enter the Master container through thedocker exec -it 5ddad8c2f368 /bin/bashcommand, or you can also usedocker Enter the exec -it mysql-master /bin/bashcommand. 5ddad8c2f368 is the id of the container, and mysql-master is the name of the container.
cd /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.dSwitch to the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d directory, and thenvim mysqld.cnfperform my.cnf edit. At this time,bash: vim: command not foundwill be reported, and we need to install vim ourselves inside the docker container. Using theapt-get install vimcommand to install vim
will cause the following problems:

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

Executeapt-get update, Then executeapt-get install vimagain to successfully install vim. Then we can use vim to edit my.cnf and add the following configuration to my.cnf:

[mysqld] ## 同一局域网内注意要唯一 server-id=100 ## 开启二进制日志功能,可以随便取(关键) log-bin=mysql-bin

After the configuration is completed, the mysql service needs to be restarted to make the configuration take effect. Useservice mysql restartto complete the restart. Restarting the mysql service will stop the docker container. We also need todocker start mysql-masterto start the container.
Next step, create a data synchronization user in the Master database and grant the userslave REPLICATION SLAVEpermissions andREPLICATION CLIENTpermissions to synchronize data between the master and slave databases.
First connect to the mysql database
root@5ddad8c2f368:/# mysql -uroot -p123456
CREATE USER 'slave'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';

Grant replication accountREPLICATION CLIENTPermissions, replication users can useSHOW MASTER STATUS, SHOW SLAVE STATUSandSHOW BINARY LOGSto determine replication status.
Grant the replication accountREPLICATION SLAVEpermission so that replication can really work.

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

Configuring Slave (slave)

is the same as configuring Master (master), add the following to the Slave configuration file my.cnf Configuration:

[mysqld] ## 设置server_id,注意要唯一 server-id=101 ## 开启二进制日志功能,以备Slave作为其它Slave的Master时使用 log-bin=mysql-slave-bin ## relay_log配置中继日志 relay_log=edu-mysql-relay-bin

After the configuration is completed, you also need to restart the mysql service and docker container. The operation is consistent with the configuration Master (main).

Relay log is similar to binary log in many aspects. The difference is: the slave server I/O thread reads the binary log of the master server and records it to the local file of the slave server, and then the SQL thread reads the contents of the relay-log log and applies it to the slave server, thereby making the slave server and master server data remains consistent.

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

Link Master (master) and Slave (slave)

Enter mysql on Master and executeshow master status;
MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

在Slave 中进入 mysql,执行

CHANGE MASTER TO master_host = '', master_user = 'slave', master_password = '123456', master_port = 3306, master_log_file = 'mysql-bin.000001', master_log_pos = 617, master_connect_retry = 30;

master_host:Master的地址,指的是容器的独立ip,可以通过docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' 容器名称|容器id查询容器的ip

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

master_log_file:指定 Slave 从哪个日志文件开始复制数据,即上文中提到的 File 字段的值
master_log_pos:从哪个 Position 开始读,即上文中提到的 Position 字段的值
在Slave 中的mysql终端执行show slave status \G;用于查看主从同步状态。
MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

正常情况下,SlaveIORunning 和 SlaveSQLRunning 都是No,因为我们还没有开启主从复制过程。使用start slave开启主从复制过程,然后再次查询主从同步状态show slave status \G;
MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

SlaveIORunning 和 SlaveSQLRunning 都是Yes,说明主从复制已经开启。此时可以测试数据同步是否成功。
MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

使用start slave开启主从复制过程后,如果SlaveIORunning一直是Connecting,则说明主从复制一直处于连接状态,这种情况一般是下面几种原因造成的,我们可以根据 Last_IO_Error提示予以排除。

  • 网络不通
  • 密码不对
  • pos不对
    检查Master的 Position


MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker

MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker


最后让我们来看一下,一个 update 语句在节点 A 执行,然后同步到节点 B的完整流程图。
MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker


  • 1、在备库B上通过change master命令,设置主库A的IP、端口、用户名、密码、以及要从哪个位置开始请求binlog,这个位置包含文件名和日志偏移量。
  • 2、在备库B上执行start slave命令,这时侯备库会启动两个线程,io_thread 和 sql_thread。其中, io_thread负责与主库建立连接。
  • 3、主库A校验完用户名、密码后,开始按照备库B传过来的位置,从本地读取binlog,发给B。
  • 4、备库B拿到binlog后,写到本地文件,称为中转日志(relay log)。
  • 5、sql_thread读取中转日志,解析日志里的命令,并执行。

The above is the detailed content of MySQL master-slave replication construction and principle based on Docker. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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