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nginx jumps to different pages based on IP

步履不停 Original
2019-06-22 11:05:06 8030browse

nginx jumps to different pages based on IP



业务和开发同事需要我这边做一条规则,所有访问 ip 为非上海、广州 office 外网 ip,url 为http://test.com/fuck/index.html 的请求都跳转到 http://test.com/index.html 。然后所有在上海和广州 office 的外网 IP 访问 http://test.com/fuck/index.html 依然还是 http://test.com/fuck/index.html。这样就可以在生产上做隔离,不影响其他用户的服务。

注:因为目前生产上的 Nginx 没有做 lua 支持,所以就无法通过使用 lua 来实现该需求,也没有安装 geoip ,所以也无法用模块来支持,只能原生的。

原始的 nginx 配置

upstream service_test { server; } server { listen 80; server_name test.com; index index.html index.php; root /tmp/test.com; error_page 404 http://test.com/404.html; error_page 502 http://test.com/502.html; error_page 500 http://test.com/500.html; location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|js|ico|txt|svg|woff|ttf|eot)$ { rewrite ^(.*)$ /static$1 break; root /tmp/test.com; # expires 1d; } location ~* \.(html|htm)$ { rewrite ^(.*)$ /static$1 break; roo /tmp/test.com; # expires 900s; } location / { proxy_pass http://service_test; include /opt/conf/nginx/proxy.conf; }

修改后的 Nginx 配置

upstream service_test { server; } server { listen 80; server_name test.com; index index.html index.php; root /tmp/test.com; error_page 404 http://test.com/404.html; error_page 502 http://test.com/502.html; error_page 500 http://test.com/500.html; location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|js|ico|txt|svg|woff|ttf|eot)$ { rewrite ^(.*)$ /static$1 break; root /tmp/test.com; # expires 1d; } location ~* \.(html|htm)$ { rewrite ^(.*)$ /static$1 break; roo /tmp/test.com; # expires 900s; } set $flag 0; if ($request_uri ~* "^/fuck/\w+\.html$") { set $flag "${flag}1"; } if ($remote_addr !~* "||") { set $flag "${flag}2"; } if ($flag = "012") { rewrite ^ /index.html permanent; } location / { proxy_pass http://service_test; include /opt/conf/nginx/proxy.conf; }


把 if 指令 和 proxy_pass 都放在 location 下面的话,if 指令里面的内容不会执行,只会执行 proxy_pass。

location / { if ($remote_addr !~* "||") { rewrite ^ /index.html permanent; } proxy_pass http://service_test; include /opt/conf/nginx/proxy.conf; }

if 指令下面使用 proxy_pass 指令问题


if ($remote_addr ~* "||") { proxy_pass http://test.com/fuck; }


if ($remote_addr ~* "||") { proxy_pass http://test.com$request_uri; }


if ($remote_addr ~* "||") { proxy_pass http://test.com; }

如果你是直接另外启动一个 location 的话,比如启动如下 location :

location /fund { if ($remote_addr !~* "||") { rewrite ^ /index.html permanent; } }

这样的方式也是不支持的,当用 IP 访问的时候,没有达到我们的业务需求,会报错 400



The above is the detailed content of nginx jumps to different pages based on IP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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