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The execution principle of PHP7 language (PHP7 source code analysis)

2019-03-20 11:04:504302browse

The execution principle of PHP7 language (PHP7 source code analysis)

There are many high-level languages ​​we commonly use, the more famous ones include CC, Python, PHP, Go, Pascal, etc. These languages ​​can be roughly divided into two types according to the way they run: compiled languages ​​and interpreted languages.

Among them, compiled languages ​​include CC, Pascal, Go, etc. The compilation mentioned here means that before the application source program is executed, the program source code is "translated" into assembly language, and then further compiled into a target file according to the software and hardware environment. Generally, we call the tool that completes the compilation work a compiler. Interpreted languages ​​are "translated" into machine language when the program is running. However, "translation" is performed once, so the execution efficiency is low. The job of the interpreter is the program responsible for "translating" the source code in an interpreted language.

Let’s discuss in more detail how compiled and interpreted languages ​​operate.

1. Compiled Language and Interpreted Language

We know that a piece of C language code needs to be precompiled, compiled, assembled and linked before it can become readable Executed binary file. Take hello.c as an example:

int main(){   
    printf("hello world");   
    return 1;

For this C code, main is the program entry function, and its function is to print the string "hello world" to the screen. The compilation and execution process is shown in Figure 1.

The execution principle of PHP7 language (PHP7 source code analysis)

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of compiled language execution

Step 1: C language code preprocessing (such as dependency processing, macro replacement, etc.). As in the above code example, #inlcude will be replaced during the preprocessing stage.

Step 2: Compile. The compiler will translate the C language into an assembly language program. A piece of C language usually represents multiple lines of assembly code. At the same time, the compiler will optimize the program and generate a target assembly program.

Step 3: The compiled assembly language is then assembled into the target program hello.o through the assembler.

Step 4: Link. Programs often contain some shared object files, such as the printf() function in the sample program, which is located in a static library and needs to be linked through a linker (such as Uinx connector ld).

Compiled languages ​​represented by C language, code updates must go through the above steps:

We distinguish between compiled languages ​​and interpreted languages, mainly based on the source code being compiled into the target The timing of platform CPU instructions. For compiled languages, the compilation results are already instructions for the current CPU system; for interpreted languages, they need to be compiled into intermediate code first, and then translated into instructions for a specific CPU system through the specific virtual machine of the interpreted language for execution. Interpreted languages ​​are translated into instructions for the target platform during runtime. Interpreted languages ​​are often said to be "slow", and that's mainly why they are slow.

In PHP7, the source code will first be lexically analyzed, and the source code will be cut into multiple string units. The divided strings are called Tokens. Each independent Token cannot express complete semantics, and it needs to go through the syntax analysis stage to convert the Token into an abstract syntax tree (AST). Afterwards, the abstract syntax tree is converted into machine instructions for execution. In PHP, these instructions are called opcode (opcode will be explained in more detail later, and readers can think of it as CPU instructions here).

Up to the step of generating AST, the process that compiled languages ​​and interpreted languages ​​go through is similar. The differences begin after the abstract syntax tree.

Figure 2 shows the simplified steps in which PHP (if no special instructions are specified, the PHP mentioned in this chapter is PHP7 version) code is executed. The left branch of the last step is the process of compiled language.

The execution principle of PHP7 language (PHP7 source code analysis)

Figure 2 Taking PHP as an example of the execution diagram of an interpreted language

Step 1: The source code obtains the Token through lexical analysis;

Step 2: Generate abstract syntax tree (AST) based on syntax analyzer;

Step 3: Convert abstract syntax tree to Opcodes (opcode instruction set), PHP interprets and executes Opcodes.

Next, based on the basic steps, we will refine the execution principle of the PHP language and try to establish a clearer understanding.

2. Overview of the execution principle of PHP7

First of all, we will supplement the execution process of the PHP7 program mentioned above, please see Figure 3.

The execution principle of PHP7 language (PHP7 source code analysis)

Figure 3 Execution process diagram of the program written in PHP7 language

Step 1: Lexical analysis converts the PHP code into Meaningful identification Token. The lexical analyzer for this step is implemented using Re2c.






<?phpecho "hello world";


1. Token

Token是PHP代码被切割成的有意义的标识。本书介绍的PHP7版本中有137 种Token,在zend_language_parser.h文件中做了定义:

/* Tokens.  */#define END 0#define T_INCLUDE 258#define T_INCLUDE_ONCE 259…#define T_ERROR 392

更多Token的含义,感兴趣的读者可以参考《PHP 7底层设计与源码实现》附录。


/home/vagrant/php7/bin/php –r &#39;print_r(Token_get_all("<?php echo \"hello world\";"));&#39;


   [0] => Array
           [0] => 379
           [1] => <?php
           [2] => 1
   [1] => Array
           [0] => 328
           [1] => echo
           [2] => 1
   [2] => Array
           [0] => 382
           [1] =>
           [2] => 1
   [3] => Array
           [0] => 323
           [1] => "hello world"
           [2] => 1
   [4] => ;



#dfine T_OPEN_TAG 379



#define T_ECHO 328


#define T_WHITESPACE 382

4)字符串“hello world”对应的Token值为323:



PHP7中,组织串联的产物就是抽象语法树(Abstract Syntax Tree,AST)。

2. AST






3. Opcodes


我们知道,PHP工程优化措施中有个比较常见的“开启Opcache”,指的就是这里的Opcodes的缓存(Opcodes Cache)。通过省去从源码到opcode的阶段,引擎可以直接执行缓存的opcode,以此提升性能。


php -dvld.active=1 hello.php


line     op              
 1      ECHO            
 2      RETURN



可见,ZEND_ECHO对应的handler是ZEND_ECHO_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER。此handler的实现的功能便是预期的“hello world”语句的输出。


The above is the detailed content of The execution principle of PHP7 language (PHP7 source code analysis). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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